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City of Markham Ontario bans all replica firearm sales with new by-law 2012-196



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Old November 3rd, 2012, 20:03   #106
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There are 487 Canadian tire stores in Canada. 2010 revenue was almost $9 billion

58,000 employees.

I am fairly sure if airsoft and paintball guns are pulled from the stores, even across canada, they will carry on.

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Old November 19th, 2012, 12:10   #107
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There are multiple airsoft stores at Pacific Mall in Markham. Maybe the bylaw intentionally meant to target them. But the City couldn't make it obviously impartial and made it apply to all airsoft venders.

In fact one of the stores at Pacific Mall, contrary to signs posted all over the store that they only sell airsoft to over 18's, I have witnessed them selling to minors and young people without checking I.D.

The police/City decided to take action against this and I agree, but they took it too far to blanket it over the whole town. Majority of venders are obeying the law.
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Old November 19th, 2012, 12:23   #108
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Originally Posted by rayblade View Post
There are multiple airsoft stores at Pacific Mall in Markham. Maybe the bylaw intentionally meant to target them. But the City couldn't make it obviously impartial and made it apply to all airsoft venders.

In fact one of the stores at Pacific Mall, contrary to signs posted all over the store that they only sell airsoft to over 18's, I have witnessed them selling to minors and young people without checking I.D.

The police/City decided to take action against this and I agree, but they took it too far to blanket it over the whole town. Majority of venders are obeying the law.
This is a known fact to YRP for many years since AMC first set up shop in Pmall and later on at first markham, YRP tried to harrased us (Hot Shot/6mm) but they can't say shit to us because we have a ledger that have all the info on all the buyers proofing that they are over 18yrs (ledger was destroyed after businees was closed) YRP are not the pricks here, countless time they have extended their hand to the major retailer in Pmall years ago to police their own in regards to sales to minors but yet every year they have issues with minor getting arrested for stupid shit claiming that their guns are bought at Pmall so if there was one to fault it would be the retailers themselves are to blame not city of Markham or YRP. Airsoft guns are a minor bleep in police radar, they have bigger fish to be caught and fried. if banning airsoft shop in Markham will help curb the stupid non essential gun calls than by all means they'll do it. I don't know how many times some older members here have said to noobs in the past to be smart and use common sense but it's either laughed at or completely ignored. I still don't understand teh facination of pushing the limits of patience and tolerance from the authority, owning an airsoft gun is much like owning a real thing its a PRIVILEDGE NOT A RIGHT.

Lately there has been a lot of those let save airsoft topic or let's get airsoft more acceptable, a whole lot more than what I usually cared for as amusing as it is for me to read it I find it really funny that out of all the older more seasoned vet in this board there are none that started these topic, it's all the new guys, guys that's not even a few years in sometime a few days in. I finally come to the conclusion that it's not that we old farts don't care it's just that we know better than to test the limits of tolerance and patience of our elected government, Some have said UKARA system is the way to go or some has said the system in New Zealand is the best, but boy you guys are forgetting the best place outside HK to play airsoft....Here in Canada, as crazy as that sound it is true, we have no governing body aside from local law enforcement and local bylaws to purchase, sell and play, we just have to follow a few simple rules and common sense bycomparison to our brethen across the Atlantic and Pacific where the government decide what you can or cannot buy. Even with simple rules to follow we bitch and moan like a little spoiled brat on how we are so restricted how come the general canadian can't accept us?... gee figured it out, just look at you tube you will find a slew of retards doing shit that they shouln't do with airsoft gun.

So until we can effectively police ourselves and those retailers commit to the 18+policy there is nothing the government can do except to do an all out ban until something comes up that will help them to control us much like UKARA.

Last edited by wildcard; November 19th, 2012 at 17:13..
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Old November 19th, 2012, 15:44   #109
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Originally Posted by wildcard View Post
This is a known fact to YRP for many years since AMC first set up shop in Pmall and later on at first markham, YRP tried to harrased us (Hot Shot/6mm) but they can't say shit to us because we have a ledger that have all the info on all the buyers proofing that they are over 18yrs (ledger was destroyed after businees was closed) YRP are not the pricks here, countless time they have extended their hand to the major retailer in Pmall years ago to police their own in regards to sales to minors but yet every year they have issues with minor getting arrested for stupid shit claiming that their guns are bought at Pmall so if there was one to fault it would be the retailers themselves are to blame not city of Markham or YRP. Airsoft guns are a minor bleep in police radar, they have bigger fish to be caught and fried. if banning airsoft shop in Markham will help curb the stupid non essential gun calls than by all means they'll do it. I don't know how many times some older members here have said to noobs in the past to be smart and use common sense but it's either laughed at or completely ignored. I still don't understand teh facination of pushing the limits of patience and tolerance from the authority, owning an airsoft gun is much like owning a real thing its a PRIVILEDGE NOT A RIGHT.
Very well said Wildcard.
Originally Posted by FirestormX View Post
YOU. ARE. MIKE. LITORUS. And if anyone mocks you, tell them they can suck it!
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Old November 19th, 2012, 16:35   #110
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I agree.
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Old November 21st, 2012, 18:50   #111
Armed Infidel
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Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
What really concerns me.. is the fact that local governments seem to feel empowered to wipe away a person's livelyhood with the stroke of a pen and a show of hands.

There are people in this community that derive some and in cases all of their income from the sale of airsoft guns.

and if they happened to be conducting business in Markham.. their business is now Illegal.

I guess this is why so many firearm busineses are located in Alberta..
Welcome to the liberal nanny state...from here its just a hop skip and jump to them telling you what you can eat, what your allowed to believe in, where you can live who you can marry how many children you can have and when you're going to die, because they're smarter than you band know better than the dirty masses....not to mention all the lefty revisionist history "Stalin?? he never killed anybody..but those climate change deniers are killing off millions!!!"
The Left both ways
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Old November 30th, 2012, 19:04   #112
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Originally Posted by Trev140_0 View Post
Well, I just did my part and picked up a new VFC quake from Mach1. Might just stick it on a sheft and look at it.

I win.

ps---awesome service thanks again Rich.

soo, double F-U.

Just got as second quake for my buddy, and paid regular price! (was on sale last black Friday and missed it)

That should teach Markham a lesson.

I win again.

Thanks again Rich...double good service on the chrono confirmation.....

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Last edited by Trev140_0; November 30th, 2012 at 19:06..
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Old November 30th, 2012, 19:55   #113
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Originally Posted by Trev140_0 View Post
Just got as second quake
Just can't get enough eh!? What's next???? LOL
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Old November 30th, 2012, 20:32   #114
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Going to buy 10 more and lean them up against each other and tell my wife its a christmas tree.

If I come in grab ten, can you spot me the trimmings for the quake tree?

"....Your life is ending one minute at a time..."

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Old November 30th, 2012, 20:50   #115
The "ban mentality" is a direct byproduct of a society that feels criminals aren't responsible for criminal acts. Things don't need to be banned; people who misuse them criminally should be punished sufficiently to create a deterrent for others.

Believing that criminality can be stopped by imposing further laws is a form of mental illness, belief that people cannot exercise good judgement without the State's regulation of pointy objects, and that it these items were not available, they would be generally good citizens. This stems from a belief that people are all inherently good, and are victims of circumstance themselves before perpetrators of crimes.

Stupid people will continue to do stupid things no matter what rules you try to put in place. It's not like shooting someone in the face with an airgun being illegal in the first place stopped the offense...just like wannabe gansgters will still acquire guns for illicit purposes despite the lack of a license.

While real guns are a real problem...why are we wasting time on replicas?
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Old November 30th, 2012, 21:38   #116
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Originally Posted by Trev140_0 View Post
If I come in grab ten, can you spot me the trimmings for the quake tree?
Well it depends, will your wife allow claymore ornaments, keychains, stickers, and best of all, tons of white bb's all over the place. You can tell her its a 'snow' effect!!!!
MODT - tu fui ego eris
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Old December 1st, 2012, 01:05   #117
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They should also ban the sale of kitchen knives, which are sometimes used to kill people !
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