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Sig 551 blowback AEG


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Old November 1st, 2012, 15:16   #1
Join Date: Nov 2012
Question Sig 551 blowback AEG

Hey, im new here hope i dont make a idiot out of myself on my first post!

here is my issue, or project... ya more of a project.

So i love Sig's they are beautiful in my eyes. now i have another issue i CANNOT STAND the sound of most AEG's and at the same time GBB i dont feel is the most effective option for enjoying the hobby.

So i found the Cybergun Sig551 full metal blowback.
the gun sounds beautiful i love it, looks quite good and is full metal.

but it is still Cybergun:x: i dont like the sound of the ICS sig and most other ones, i love my Cybergun but i want to upgrade it to turn it into a good quality gun. because it sure as hell does not start out as one. i realize this is a bizarre project effectively buying one of the worst guns possible and wanting to upgrade it into a good quality AEG.

If anyone can help with advice or ideas i would be eternally great full.

Below are a list of the first major things that need to be delt with IMO.

1, Magazine *i swear this thing will fall apart after 1k rounds.
2, barrel *not specifically horrible but it is still Cybergun what can i say.
3, moter
4, stock and body *it is nice, and full metal but i don't like the folding stock of the sig so if i could find a way to use a different stock it would rock, also the body cover is not bad, it is metal, but it is not as nice as some other sigs.

please for everyone who is going to just say "your a dumb ass dump the toy and get a gun" please keep in mind there is a reason why i like the cybergun sig, the blow back and sound i really like alot and i could not find it anywhere els.

p.s. i don't expect this to be a cheep project.
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Old November 1st, 2012, 15:27   #2
Cobalt Caliber
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I think before you upgrade your gun, a grammar upgrade would really help.
Originally Posted by FirestormX View Post
I know that isn't really what you asked, but it's the internet, and I like to type things that don't matter.
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Old November 1st, 2012, 15:36   #3
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Originally Posted by Cobalt Caliber View Post
I think before you upgrade your gun, a grammar upgrade would really help.
English is my 5th language, lets speak Greek, Afrikaans, Spanish, or Catalan if its that much of a issue...

and honestly... i come here looking for some help and support and this is the best there is to offer? taking the piss out of my English? if you honestly cannot understand what i am saying then fine my apologies, but i spend years trying to learn YOUR language being respectful to YOU so that you don't need to learn mine and that's the thanks i get?
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Old November 1st, 2012, 15:41   #4
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Aw man even worse your a Goalie! i played goalie for 6 years in South Africa and will be a goalie till i die. im sure if we met in a pub we could have been friends, laughed about those goals that you should have stopped and will haunt you for the rest of your life...

instead you take the piss out of my English...

(Apologies its 9pm where i am and finished up my 3ed gin n tonic getting all sentimental)
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Old November 1st, 2012, 16:13   #5
"bb bukakke" KING!
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cybergun is just a rebrand of some other companys product... so as long as the parts are standard aeg parts, upgrading it to shoot better isn't an issue.

upgrading the body is more difficult, since every company seems to have their own little things they do when they make it, so company A's gun externals might not fit company B's externals.
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Old November 1st, 2012, 16:22   #6
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I understood the post just fine. The forum is already pretty bilingual with the presence of members from Quebec.

Anyway, from what I can tell from google (I know very little about the 551s from any company), it looks like the cybergun 551 is a rebrand of ICS. At least the regular non-blowback is - I'm finding very little information on the EBB version.

Anyway, if you're going to swap out the motor, I would swap out the gearbox as well, unless it's doing something proprietary for the blowback.
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Old November 1st, 2012, 16:28   #7
a.k.a. Greedy
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Have you heard this thing in person? I find guns sound much different in person than in video. I've personally always been unimpressed by the sound of AEG blowbacks, especially lower quality ones made from thin pot metal. They always sound so hollow and "clacky" to me. There are no GBB SIG's btw.

You probably want to find out the OEM of this gun, Cybergun doesn't make them they only provide the licensed trades and branding. It will make it easier to know the manufacturer when trying to find compatible parts.

1) I use Mag brand mid-caps, they've always worked fine for me.

2) The SIG 551 uses the same length barrel as an M4, 363mm, any AEG barrel work. IMO, Prometheus EG 6.03

3) The SIG uses a medium type motor

4) There are aftermarket receivers for SIG's (Hurricane makes one) but you'll have to be careful, they may not be compatible with a blowback system or could require extensive modding. SIG owners much like SIG parts are somewhat rare and my guess is you'll have trouble finding someone who's attempted this before. You may have to bite the bullet and gamble or just be satisfied with the stock receiver. I've seen adaptors for SIG's to take an AR style collapsable stock but that was for real steel. I'm not sure if they exist specifically for airsoft. I'd be curious to find out though.

You should also buy a better hop rubber. For the cost they are one of the best investments you can make in your set-up. I've had best results using Firefly or PDI W-hold rubbers.

My first gun was an ICS SIG 551, I rarely use it anymore but I love the thing to death (tear). I paid way too much for it a couple of years ago but with prices today ($260) they're an exceptional value. The motor in the ICS SIG (ICS turbo 3000) is very loud, thats mostly what you hear when shooting it otherwise it sounds much the same as any AEG.

I find, myself included a lot of people place too much thought into their first gun. Someone who is willing to put a lot of time, effort and money into a custom project gun right off the hop is someone who will probably be around for a while. This is also someone who will go through many different guns over their airsoft career.

The advice I received and will give to you is, for your first gun get something that is quality and reliable out of the box. This way you can just get out use it and not worry about your gun keeping you out of the action. After you have a reliable working weapon then do a custom project. It's not uncommon for airsofters to own many different primaries, I have six.

So it's not what you wanted to hear but G&G makes probably the best SIG's on the market. Yes they don't make a 551 but my advice would be to get yourself one of those, a 552 or 553. Use it stock or throw a new hop rubber and maybe a new barrel in and you're good to go. I guess it all depends on how important the sound is to you.

< sounding the SIG signal

Last edited by Kozzie; November 1st, 2012 at 18:19..
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Old November 1st, 2012, 16:33   #8
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Cobalt meant no offense by his suggestion. We here at ASC support good grammar, which is difficult in this day and age of text talk, and laziness. We often have people whom do not take the time or care in what they say, and English is their first language. Your English is quite clear, and I recognized that it was a mild language barrier, and not an issue of grammar. Have no fear, we are simply being vigilant, and it is not our ideal to be proud or abrasive.

On to your question. It is indeed possible to quiet an AEG, and to upgrade your Cybergun. As noted above, Cybergun is a rebrand and therefore you can get good ones; however, they are generally regarded as being cheap junk. Also a cheap gun can cause you to have more problems in the future. A close friend of mine had a similar project a few years back. When he was finished there was nothing left of the original gun, and cost him exponentially more long term than if he had started with a better platform. It is completely possible to upgrade your current platform however. The unfortunate part of your situation is thÃ*t as you change your gun internally, it will inevitably change the sound it makes; perhaps even to sound you don't like. So either option is possible, but my personal suggestion is to start with something that will give a better project, and eventually a better gun; then work on quieting it. There are a few tricks out there to dampening or changing the sound your gun makes.

On another note, ASC and its members cannot tell you where to get guns or parts until you have been age verified. We do this to keep guns out of the hands of youth, and to protect the integrity of our sport in Canada. Please get age verified so we can assist you better.

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Old November 1st, 2012, 16:41   #9
Cobalt Caliber
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I'm not getting angry with you mate, its one of the guidelines posted in the stickies. Good grammar is important mainly cause Canada is part French and English this helps either side understand each other better. As well as the very many different races, nationalities and backgrounds in Canada.
Originally Posted by FirestormX View Post
I know that isn't really what you asked, but it's the internet, and I like to type things that don't matter.

Last edited by Curo; November 1st, 2012 at 16:46..
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Old November 1st, 2012, 17:13   #10
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Hey guys thanks for all the help!

i already own the Cybergun Sig551 i got it for quite a good price off of a friend of mine. originally it was just really for the scope it was cheeper to buy it off my friend then to just buy the scope he was selling with it, then when i got it and gave it a few goes i fell inlove, and this let to the current project.

Im sure this is not going to be the best airsoft gun i ever own but it is a project i am passionet about. yes it is not the most efficient im sure guy buying a much better gun would be more logical but i do airsoft to get away from the computer and not think about work, so i see this as a brilliant way to waste time and get creative if that has any logic to it.

so next major question any idea on how to find the original manufacture of the gun? i have been having a hell of a time doing so.
here is the gun for any interested i still cannot find the make.

i cannot find any real detailed info on the gun...
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Old November 1st, 2012, 18:19   #11
a.k.a. Greedy
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Don't mind Colt he's just our local douche bag, every community seems to have one. I'm certain there's no confusion in what you're saying, he probably just wanted to be a part of your thread and had nothing meaningful to say.
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Old November 1st, 2012, 19:23   #12
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Originally Posted by zagoalie View Post
Im sure this is not going to be the best airsoft gun i ever own but it is a project i am passionet about. yes it is not the most efficient im sure guy buying a much better gun would be more logical but i do airsoft to get away from the computer and not think about work, so i see this as a brilliant way to waste time and get creative if that has any logic to it.
This makes 100% sense.

If this is the gun that is going to get you excited about doing AEG projects, and you are also able to get it for a decent price, then go for it man. You're going to learn a lot.
"Mah check"

Now you know

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Old November 1st, 2012, 19:35   #13
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Just got a bit more information the make seems to be "Softair" at least that is my best guess.

also does anyone know of any aftermarket stocks that can fit on a Sig? or maybe that Fit on the Sig ICS? from what im seeing this gun seems to be very similer to the sig ics and it may be able to take it.
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Old November 1st, 2012, 19:41   #14
Cobalt Caliber
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Well I've seen sigs with AR stocks. I'm not sure if it was a Sig 551 but it was an AR stock which means AR compatible stocks like MOE, CTR, ACS, Hurricane etc... it just depends what style you want.
Originally Posted by FirestormX View Post
I know that isn't really what you asked, but it's the internet, and I like to type things that don't matter.
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Old November 2nd, 2012, 11:32   #15
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Save your money on trying to make a silk purse from a sow's ear.
Buy a G&G SIG rifle.
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