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Tactical Vest vs Plate Carrier


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Old October 24th, 2012, 15:06   #16
justynmagz's Avatar
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Personally I recommend plate carrier as many above have noted. The fact that you're stuck with static pouches with some tactical vests isn't always a good thing. Some tactical vests can come bare and you can add your own pouches, but I still recommend a plate carrier.

One to recommend in specific would be the TAG / Shellback Tactical Banshee Rifle Plate Carrier (

I just picked up this plate carrier about a month ago and absolutely love it. It weighs only 2lbs 5oz and is super light. It's got the optional cummerbund which allows you to run a slick kit if you choose or to use it and mount all your pouches onto it. It rides nice and high up and I run a primary kit on my waist.

The PC is a decent price for the quality and I would recommend this PC for either a beginner or vet.
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Old October 24th, 2012, 15:09   #17
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Hmm. Can anyone recommend a carrier that I can attach a belt to? I wear a considerable amount of drop-leg stuff, and I like it when I can put on gear that can help hold it up.
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Old October 24th, 2012, 15:13   #18
a.k.a. cloaked
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I've had my eye on the Banshee Plate Carrier for a while now. I'll add it to my buy list.
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Old October 24th, 2012, 15:22   #19
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Originally Posted by esca View Post
Hi everyone,

I've checking out the threads on gear and see many guys with plate carriers for their loadouts.

What are the benefits (to airsoft) for having a plate carrier vs a normal tactical vest? Went through the search but did not find anything meaningful.

I understand the differences in real-world usage, but not sure how much of a difference it makes in airsoft.

A plate carrier does have the looks because you put extra pouches onto it and show off your patches.

A plate carrier serves no purpose in airsoft other than giving more Molle area. You can put a fake plate into it.

Both tactical vest and plate carrier will make you hotter on a hot day.

I prefer a light weight chest rig and stay cool.

Last edited by SuperHog; October 24th, 2012 at 15:37..
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Old October 24th, 2012, 15:37   #20
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Sorry, I don,t mean to hijack this tread, but apart from integrating load bearing and body armour, is their another reason that military's seem the have mover away from tradional load bearing equipment, like web gear? Please read this as a question, and not a statement. I would like to hear what people have to say. I have seen companies like 5.11, putting out battle belts with suspenders, that look like a mole update of tradional load bearing. The chest rig makes séance to me if you are in and out of a vehicle, but if you are a lowly ground pounder, isn't it best to keep your gear closer to your center of gravity, and out of your "work zone?
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Old October 24th, 2012, 16:06   #21
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Originally Posted by Retrogrouch View Post
Sorry, I don,t mean to hijack this tread, but apart from integrating load bearing and body armour, is their another reason that military's seem the have mover away from tradional load bearing equipment, like web gear? Please read this as a question, and not a statement. I would like to hear what people have to say. I have seen companies like 5.11, putting out battle belts with suspenders, that look like a mole update of tradional load bearing. The chest rig makes séance to me if you are in and out of a vehicle, but if you are a lowly ground pounder, isn't it best to keep your gear closer to your center of gravity, and out of your "work zone?
Wear what you like. In airsoft it is all for looks. I prefer light and mobility. I have friends that dress the looks but also die trying to run all day because they are simply not fit for this sport.

In real military, it is the ability to carrier your ammo, support equipment and also have some level of projectile protection. None of that really applies to airsofting. You won't die if you forget to wear your airsoft plate carrier playing.

Last edited by SuperHog; October 24th, 2012 at 16:14..
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Old October 24th, 2012, 17:40   #22
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Originally Posted by Retrogrouch View Post
Sorry, I don,t mean to hijack this tread, but apart from integrating load bearing and body armour, is their another reason that military's seem the have mover away from tradional load bearing equipment, like web gear? Please read this as a question, and not a statement. I would like to hear what people have to say. I have seen companies like 5.11, putting out battle belts with suspenders, that look like a mole update of tradional load bearing. The chest rig makes séance to me if you are in and out of a vehicle, but if you are a lowly ground pounder, isn't it best to keep your gear closer to your center of gravity, and out of your "work zone?
It's because systems like the IOTV, MTV and Interceptor remove the need to wear flackjackets and armor AS WELL as a load bearing webbing rig. Everything is contained to one unit. Your armor, ammunition, water, maps, gas masks and everything else can be rigged up to one system. It's simpler and more effective when you factor in what airsofters don't need to, an actual threat from that weapon pointed in your direction.

To the rest of the thread:
Items like SAPI/TRAUMA plates and ballistic helmets serve no purpose in airsoft, unlike reality. In airsoft, a cheap chinese peice of shit performs the EXACT same job in the EXACT same manner as a $600 OPSCORE helmet, it prevents you from bumping your head, it does not stop shrapnel and, usually, isn't needed to stop concussive injuries.

My point is, in airsoft, neither really has an advantage, it's prefrence and what is comfortable and works for you. In reality? Comfort isn't particularily your first concern.

I run a CIRAS Land variant (Molle plate carrier, with Point Blank training plates, as most plate carriers are a little "floppy" without plates), a Marom Dolphin Medics vest (Chest rig I guess, no armor to it), a CF 82 pattern webbing loadout and a Chicom 3 cell AK vest, depending on what I need. It's heavily situational and prefrential.
Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
Like seriously dude. The incredible lack of common sense in the question could be scientifically investigated for evidence of a black hole.
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Old October 24th, 2012, 17:51   #23
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The plate carrier or not debate hinges on what you are doing.

If you are on a direct aciton op and expect to be shot at you'll be armored up.

If you're crawling through the weeds as a sniper or recce element you'll be traveling without armor.

In some cases you'll ever wear armor for part of an op and then shed it for specific tasks.
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Old February 28th, 2014, 22:37   #24
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Molle/PC vs Tactical

Don't forget, not every Molle vest is a Plate Carrier. You can have the versatility of a Plate Carrier with a strict Molle Vest, without the weight of adding armor, and/or the restriction of a looser fit due to lack of armor in it.

When talking airsoft, even the heavy weave of a Molle adds a fair bit of stop power to the bb's, compared to an assault/tac vest, which is basically 4 straps with pouches sewn on. Having said that, you can get a load carrying Tac vest, with Alice type attachments, for a similar effect to that of a non PC molle.

I have both, btw, Tac and Molle PC, with IV plate. When you've run with 100lbs on your back, on top of your gear like a bitch, you don't sweat the dif between molle and tac much. Unless the PC is fitted with IV plate, or even just IIIa soft. But for the sake of this thread, Stay light. Stay quiet. Stay alert, stay alive.

If youre the point man on entry, wear as much armor as you can. However, If your in the thick, a bit of plate isn't going to save you past the first few hits in a heavy fire fight. Sooner or later you'll catch one outside of the boiler room, that's still in a lethal zone. (inside thigh, under arm, neck etc.....) Better to be mobile, because no matter how much plate you strap on your chest and back, you aint a tank dude.


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Old February 28th, 2014, 23:37   #25
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One thing I have personally discovered, is that some gear can help with medical issues. For example, I have minor scoliosis, and have found that strapping my plate carrier as tightly as possible works as a brace, and -really- reduces the pain/stress in my back from all the bending and moving. Web gear and tac vests however, make it worse. It is all preference for what works for you, and lets you have the best experience possible.
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Old March 1st, 2014, 11:58   #26
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I'm currently using a Condor Modular Chest Set up and making the jump too a PC because of the set up as most of everyone has said on here the ability to configure and re-configure a PC to a games need or a playing style that ability just makes sense to me, but again you need to try and see what suits your playing style or your teams style.
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Old March 1st, 2014, 12:15   #27
Black Patch
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Originally Posted by Retrogrouch View Post
Sorry, I don,t mean to hijack this tread, but apart from integrating load bearing and body armour, is their another reason that military's seem the have mover away from tradional load bearing equipment, like web gear? Please read this as a question, and not a statement. I would like to hear what people have to say. I have seen companies like 5.11, putting out battle belts with suspenders, that look like a mole update of tradional load bearing. The chest rig makes séance to me if you are in and out of a vehicle, but if you are a lowly ground pounder, isn't it best to keep your gear closer to your center of gravity, and out of your "work zone?
The evolving nature of warfare that we face in today's highly liquid combat situations, against an irregular armed force, calls for a higher degree of modularity to the equipment soldiers are issued. Couple this to the diverse set of operational situations that soldiers are required to respond to in the operational environment.

This has been the driver behind most of the technical revolutions in LBE and LBE integrated body armor. We must also look at the high cost of training a soldier and keeping them in the field. This is an investment.

Another reason forces are moving away from the traditional LBE around the waist is the reliance on vehicles.
It is difficult to sit in a seat with pouches on your back around your waist.
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Old March 1st, 2014, 14:21   #28
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Are you going for combat effectiveness? Then a lightweight PC over all others. Get one that's naked (no prepositioned pouches), and full horizontal molle strapped. A modern lightweight PC is designed to only cover your vital organs, instead of being a body oven. The goal of these current manufacturers is to come in very lightweight off the hop, usually only a pound or two for starters. You can than add the pouches you need, where you need them, and have the ridgity to keep your gear fit comfortably. You'll experience less weight drag on your shoulders from a PC, and less movement of your kit while your moving. Constantly shifting weight from magazines, hydration bladder, etc, causes fatigue. A Properly fitted PC can mitigate this, a vest cannot. Depending on your budget, I'd recommend a UR Tactical Easy Plate or Condor Cyclone, up to Crye JPC or a High Ground PC. If you're strictly going for look, then get what you like.
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