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Canadian JTF 2 Loadouts



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Old August 26th, 2012, 16:14   #196
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Where's that pic from? Looks like a video screenshot? Link?
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Old August 26th, 2012, 16:17   #197
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Originally Posted by Conker View Post
Where's that pic from? Looks like a video screenshot? Link?
oh, just screenied from the video itself, some one ask what was the mp5, so discuss what it is?
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Old August 26th, 2012, 16:24   #198
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Originally Posted by pugs144 View Post
You sure that's a 'K'?
I suspect so...

If you look very closer you see the ejection port is close to the front end itself.

his grip is close to the attachemnt itself.

I take my word back, Its not a samson star rail. its a Surefire M77 rail which fits only to MP5'K' Models. Notice the silver screw on the front. My google-fu is strong., its using a folding stock, so its a PDW.

EDIT: Redzaku OWNED me.

Last edited by DAS BOOT; August 26th, 2012 at 16:26..
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Old August 26th, 2012, 16:48   #199
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Originally Posted by redzaku View Post
oh, just screenied from the video itself, some one ask what was the mp5, so discuss what it is?
Alright, I had missed the link to the video on the previous page. Carry on
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Old August 26th, 2012, 17:31   #200
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Originally Posted by Conker View Post
Alright, I had missed the link to the video on the previous page. Carry on
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Old August 26th, 2012, 20:44   #201
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There are OPS-Core's and Airframes. IMO Airframes are sexier.
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Old August 27th, 2012, 09:17   #202
Tom Swift
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Originally Posted by Dingo View Post
There are OPS-Core's and Airframes. IMO Airframes are sexier.
Farthest back on the Left hand side in the photo with the PM, looks like Airframe?
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Old August 27th, 2012, 11:30   #203
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Quite indeed.
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Old October 4th, 2012, 19:36   #204
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Originally Posted by ravan318 View Post
im trying to do a JTF2 impression, and i already have everything else but the suit, which is why im asking. if anyone can provide more ID on the type of flight suit or overalls, that'd be great. otherwise, i guess i'll be stuck with using blue Proppers BDU for now
I noticed nobody answered your original question yet, so if your still wondering about it, I might be able to help you.
Earlier this year, CANSOFCOM came around to our unit on their annual recruiting drive. All the services (like CSOR, CJIRU, and the tac-hel guys) were there, and there was this one JTF2 guy wearing black coveralls and had mad sideburns and definitely hadn't had a haircut in a while.

I can't find a pic, so I'll do my best to explain it: Black coveralls, not a flight suit at all. Two huge rectangular chest pockets, not slanted just vertical. Leg cargo pockets are the same size. Smaller vertical shoulder pockets with velcro only on the fold-over cover. And here's my favourite part. the outside seams of the chest pockets are left partially open and there's a hidden compartment behind the chest pockets so the wearer can dip his hands in and let them rest there like a t-rex! When he put his hands in there, I got more than a little jealous.

Anyways, if you can find a similar coverall, I don't understand why you'd ever consider taking your hands out of your awesome chest pockets to actually play, or do anything other than serve your basic needs. But that's just my 2-cents. Good luck bud.
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Last edited by wiskers; October 7th, 2012 at 10:08..
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Old October 4th, 2012, 20:44   #205
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Those sound similar to something I saw in a law enforcement supply catalogue 8 or 9 years ago (try "Galls"). They had a tactical coverall in black or olive drab, with the olive drab version approved for use by California state Department of Corrections. I honestly can't remember if it was actually Galls or some other company. Anyhoo... Same kind of layout as far as I can recall. Don't know if it had t-rex pockets though.

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Old October 5th, 2012, 14:48   #206
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I checked it out, they're just a distributor for the regular brands like Propper and 5.11 etc. Thanks tho. It may have been that way before.

I don't know if anyone will know what I mean by this, but the coveralls had that distinctly "Canadian" look to it if you know what I mean. If anyone has ever seen what the CF Military Police pants or Commissionaire pants look like, and even the new NCD pants too. it looked like that but a jumpsuit. Like no brand logo (my pants say TROUSERS, NAVAL COMBAT, FIRE RESISTANT. and that's it) The pockets and layout were just simple and effective.

Most Canadian contractors nowadays have just a factory, and the CF goes to them and asks for a basic item, no flare. Its downright cheap, because just having a brand name can skyrocket a price. Even when the CF buys a brand named item contract, they never buy anything off the shelf. Like the Elcan scopes we have now. You won't find that exact type for retail, the closest is the SpectreOS 3.4x mag with a battery powered adjustable day/night reticule.
The C79 is a 3.4x mag with an unadjustable tritium reticule.

Whining aside, its probably the cheapest piece of kit on them, and JTF2 definitely asked specifically for T-rex pockets. I bet you there would be a significant drop in effectiveness if those pockets were removed. That or if the Timmies near Trenton was closed down ; )
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Last edited by wiskers; October 7th, 2012 at 10:12.. Reason: Incorrect information
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Old October 5th, 2012, 18:26   #207
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Elcan C79 is 3.4x28, for those wondering.

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Old October 6th, 2012, 15:39   #208
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Sorry, I have a darkly sarcastic sense of humour. maybe I should have a disclaimer or something. Take everything I say with a grain of salt I guess. I really have no hard feelings against the SOF, I've met a few, and they're some of the chillest most refreshing personalities in the CF.

My weapons instructor on basic was whining about the C79 for having poor magnification, but that was 4 years ago. But Skeletor you're right, it is 3.4x. My bad. The rest is just my personal opinion, I've never been given the privilege of working with IR devices.

The new CF tac vest is also not a common brand, and is made by a Canadian contractor. We had a demo of some of the new gear a few months ago. The tests did in fact use brand name gear like you say (I saw the TT MAV around a few times), but the final product is a combination of the favourite aspects of all the test rigs.
Soldiers praise new modular vest - YouTube

For urgent operational needs, your most definitely right, off the shelf is the quickest way to get the kit to the soldiers, but it is never a long term solution. Frankly, I don't think the military should buy only large brand name stuff. its far too expensive. Its only the result of the US's "military industrial complex" in the past decade that brand name gear has been dominating the US procurement system. Many good pieces of kit came out of government-run manufacturing (The ALICE bag, the Humvee, the Jungle boot, etc). I'm glad Canada is not falling into that trap.

And No, CANSOF can't just go buy whatever the same way the rest of the CF can't, but they do have their own procurement system that doesn't have to go through the regular channels of the CF procurement system. And I don't blame them, their kit needs to evolve as quickly as they do. Though I'd love to be able to wear my Arc'teryx jacket, my CADPAT one isn't half opposed to those rubberised Green Garbage bags we used to have : P

And boot chits...I got myself one the day after I stepped into the MK.4 goretex clogs, saved me more than I care to imagine.

I hope I redeemed myself a little. I only mean to incite discussion and hope that somebody, myself included, will learn something from it after. I supposed all I can ask is you accept my rants as sarcastic prose and I'll return the favour.

PS: I've edited my previous posts for the discussion's sake. Any further questions feel free to PM me.
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Last edited by wiskers; October 7th, 2012 at 10:14..
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Old October 6th, 2012, 20:05   #209
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Originally Posted by wiskers View Post
I noticed nobody answered your original question yet, so if your still wondering about it, I might be able to help you.
Earlier this year, CANSOFCOM came around to our unit on their annual recruiting drive to break the hearts of wannabes and flaunt their infinite budget (true story, the recruiter told me so... :P and since when do recruiters lie?...).
Anyways, all the services (like CSOR, CJIRU, and the tac-hel guys)were there, and there was this one JTF2 Lt wearing black coveralls and had mad sideburns and definitely hadn't had a haircut in a while. He also had a raging case of Franco-tude.

So I have been searching for a similar picture of this JTFdude's style of coverall, but its proving almost impossible, tho I'm not surprised. JTF2's kit procurement is external to that of the rest of the CF (Duh, which explains the confused gaggle of mismatched gear we just endured) so they probably went to some safety products contractor, presented their requirements, and now stride around in comfort, laughing at the rest of us. (I'm not bitter...nope, not a bit)

I'll do my best to explain it: Black coveralls, not a flight suit at all. Two huge rectangular chest pockets, not slanted just vertical. Leg cargo pockets are the same size. Smaller vertical shoulder pockets with velcro only on the fold-over cover. And here's my favourite part. the outside seams of the chest pockets are left partially open and there's a hidden compartment behind the chest pockets so the wearer can dip his hands in and let them rest there like a t-rex! So you can guess what this guy did the whole time, yeah, he just chilled there with his hands in his comfy little pockets for the entire presentation as we jealously glared. He even spoke his little part about JTF2 with his hands hidden, maybe they're like disfigured, or maybe if he let them free he'd ninjitsu the nearest person. He did it for our own personal safety, how selfless.

Anyways, if you can find a similar coverall, I don't understand why you'd ever consider taking your hands out of your awesome chest pockets to actually play, or do anything other than serve your basic needs. But that's just my 2-cents.

OK, I've met my quota for bitterness this week. Good luck bud.
That is a great description of the jtf coveralls, you definitely paied attention to what they were wearing, to bad that you did not pay any attention when they said everything you see and here here stays here.

I understand that this most information can be found on the Internet, I just don't understand why everyone here feels they have to be that source
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Old October 6th, 2012, 22:06   #210
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Originally Posted by -Skeletor- View Post
I doubt talking about their coveralls would cross any OPSEC issues... especially since there is photos on them in those coveralls and other uniforms, etc
Photos of info, is not the same as someone speaking about it after being told not to speak about it.
In KAF we were warned about taking pictures of the mountains, planes etc. All shit easily found on google or google maps for that matter. Was strictly forbidden. Just cause it's out there. Doesn't mean You should open your mouth about it.
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