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High-Caps frowned upon?


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Old September 16th, 2012, 08:52   #16
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Originally Posted by RaisinBran View Post
I have 10 100 rd midcaps, but they just do not want to feed in my WE AEG, they will shoot once out of ever 3-4 shots.

Hi caps are my only option :C
have you tried a different brand? go out to a game and see if you can try out somebody elses mags, often times switching brands helps
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Old September 16th, 2012, 09:07   #17
amano999's Avatar
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I find the sound of hi caps when your running really annoying. Plus u can buy mid caps for a a m4 really cheap. So if you do happen to lose a mag in the field its not as pricey. For my old m4 i used the Mag brand mid caps.

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Old September 16th, 2012, 10:09   #18
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Lots of fields allow hicaps. But midcaps are just better in genral. They're cheap, wuite, better feeding and more fun to use. And you better pray yhat that gun shoots 366 fps and over and that site provides canadian legal paperwork. Or that gun will get siezed. My advide, is to get a standard m4 and buy a pack of midcaps. If you buy them in packs, they're cheaper. I bought 5 mp5 midcaps for 35$
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Old September 16th, 2012, 21:40   #19
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Originally Posted by L473ncy View Post
I run 5x 120 rd. midcaps, usually loaded to around 75-90 rds. each.

But as for the original question I've used that exact gun you have before (borrowed it). IIRC it did take STANAG mags HOWEVER they were slightly different from my regular STANAG mags for my M4. IIRC the biggest thing I noticed was the lack of the rear "bump" on the FAMAS mag while my M4 mags had that bump, also where the magcatch actuates (ie., on the side for an AR but on the front for a FAMAS).
Hopefully I've used 'quoting' correctly (n00b extraordinaire). Thanks for the info, I personally find the slight rattle and the wind gear both annoying and unrealistic. I guess I've always leaned towards the sim gametype. I'll be sure to try and get some midcaps in, for both my and other's sake.

And as a means to reply to multiple people stating the same thing, more or less, being the Legal Lee I am, I made absolutely sure I bought a weapon that had full legality in Canada, that link was just in case no one knew what I was discussing. Finally, I know full well that people WILL buy a few thousand rounds for a single match, and spray away on the justification of 'support'. Let me just assure that with the integrated bipod the FAMAS possesses, I plan on, for the most part, taking a semi-auto style to gameplay, with 'rock 'n' roll' mode for dire situations. I do hope I bring the expected legitimacy to the game.
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Old September 16th, 2012, 21:58   #20
Zack The Ripper
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Originally Posted by RaisinBran View Post
I have 10 100 rd midcaps, but they just do not want to feed in my WE AEG, they will shoot once out of ever 3-4 shots.

Hi caps are my only option :C
I have a WE AEG as well and only run into this problem when I have over loaded my mags, which is what you're probably doing. A 100 round mid cap will actually hold about 106-108 BBs, but that's only if you're forcing them in really hard. The reason for this is you are literally over compressing your spring to the point that when you insert your mag you end up either getting 3 or 4 BBs tossed into your chamber, or there is some much tension you'll get none at all. It seems silly, 100 round mag holding 106-108 BBs, but if you think about the spring tension and how you are actually loading the mags it actually makes sense. Avoid doing this as you'll run into that problem.

Also, as previously stated, the mags themselves mag be the problem. I only get the problem you've mentioned when my mags have been over-filled. Happens to me maybe once out of an entire game day, if that, and I simply carefully expel 5 or 6 BBs from the mag and re-insert and that always does the trick. You could also try and maybe dial back your hop-up a bit until the mag feeds, but it's either going to be one of the first two mentioned.

I run 5 mids and 11 lows (used to be 12 until I lost one). I got the 12 lows from Airsoft Depot for $120+tax: They're all some odd Chinglish brand and I have no complaints about them with my WE M4 AEG.
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Last edited by Zack The Ripper; September 16th, 2012 at 22:01..
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Old September 16th, 2012, 22:49   #21
a.k.a. Greedy
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I don't care for hi-caps myself for many reasons, the rattling being my biggest issue. I prefer mid-caps which you can load to whatever your preference is.

As everyone already said you should be fine with hi-caps at most skirmishes and day games. It's generally only the 24hr milsim and more "hardcore" games that don't allow hi-caps.

I remember hearing/reading a few times it's possible to modify the Famas to accept stanag mags. This is probably your best option if you don't want to use hi-caps.

Searched real quick and came up with this:
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Old September 16th, 2012, 23:14   #22
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Originally Posted by PeteDaBum View Post
Hopefully I've used 'quoting' correctly (n00b extraordinaire). Thanks for the info, I personally find the slight rattle and the wind gear both annoying and unrealistic. I guess I've always leaned towards the sim gametype. I'll be sure to try and get some midcaps in, for both my and other's sake.

And as a means to reply to multiple people stating the same thing, more or less, being the Legal Lee I am, I made absolutely sure I bought a weapon that had full legality in Canada, that link was just in case no one knew what I was discussing. Finally, I know full well that people WILL buy a few thousand rounds for a single match, and spray away on the justification of 'support'. Let me just assure that with the integrated bipod the FAMAS possesses, I plan on, for the most part, taking a semi-auto style to gameplay, with 'rock 'n' roll' mode for dire situations. I do hope I bring the expected legitimacy to the game.
Lowcaps my child.

Low caps are the way to go.
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Old September 17th, 2012, 00:07   #23
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Originally Posted by PeteDaBum View Post
Hopefully I've used 'quoting' correctly (n00b extraordinaire). Thanks for the info, I personally find the slight rattle and the wind gear both annoying and unrealistic. I guess I've always leaned towards the sim gametype. I'll be sure to try and get some midcaps in, for both my and other's sake.
Actually, here's some guides for the mag mod (they're usually hack away at the metal on your M4 mag and jam it into your FAMAS):

Here's a video of a guy doing it: FAMAS Conversion to M4 M16 mags - YouTube

There's also a slightly different mod that involves the keeping the metal bump on the M4 mag but hacking away at your FAMAS magwell.

Hope this helps.

Also I highly recommend midcaps. Even if you only load like 50 or 75 rounds into them at least you have the option of loading more if you so choose. Sometimes I like loading up my mags with the full 120 rounds, but usually I'll push down like 21 times on my BB loader to get 84 rounds into my mags or whatever (also the last 4 rounds won't get fed up into your hop up chamber unless you shoot the gun upside down so expect to lose the last few BB's when you're empty and go for a magchange).
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Old September 17th, 2012, 13:53   #24
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Most games that allow hi-cap use have strict rules, such as; you may only carry one hi-cap at any time, and are restricted to semi-auto fire. Many of the prominent or competitive airsoft teams or places are getting, or have gotten away from their use entirely.

Apart from the realism aspect, the really are a hamper to the skill or functionality of the game. The ability to dump three hundred non-stop rounds down range does nothing for you. I've seen people even run three thousand round drum mags in an M16 and a G36. It takes away from what all "true" airsofters are working towards; which is highly effective equipment to enhance the game/sport. Congradulations you have a wind up toy that gives away your position.

For instance; we allow box magazines as long as they are on a proper LMG, and being used in a support role. If you want to waste that much ammo, then you have to carry the weight and do the work. This is simply a rule from our field, albeit not an uncommon one in the community.

Even if you are attending a game/field that allows the use of hi-caps, expect some disdain from other players. Hi-caps are often associated with young, lazy, inexperience, or toys. Not that this means you, or that it's your intention; but a generic stigma is attached.

Honestly magazines are not generally expensive, or difficult to obtain. But the bottom line is "where" you play, and "what" their rules are.
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Old September 17th, 2012, 14:30   #25
Brian McIlmoyle
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I'm not keen on box mags either.. unless of course you are wearing a backpack with the weight of 6000 rounds of ammo in it.. Which would be about 200 lbs..

I generally run my Saws on midcaps ( m249 ) with about 120 rounds in a mag

This makes for a more handy weapon.. ans a realistic sustained fire ability

Some guns only have highcaps.. many of the China made WWII style guns only have highcaps.. so in some cases you are buggered..

in this case I require magazines to be removed from the gun to be wound so at least you force a firing interruption to simulate the reload
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Old September 17th, 2012, 14:49   #26
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What if... Someone put a C-Mag and a bi-pod on a G36 and claim it is an MG36 under the "only LMG/SAW can use box magazine rule"?
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Old September 17th, 2012, 14:59   #27
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Originally Posted by ccyg8774 View Post
What if... Someone put a C-Mag and a bi-pod on a G36 and claim it is an MG36 under the "only LMG/SAW can use box magazine rule"?
MG36 was the gun equivalent of the one hit wonder. You only find it in video games, no one actually uses it to my knowledge. H&K doesn't even make it any more.

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Old September 17th, 2012, 15:04   #28
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Originally Posted by Disco_Dante View Post
MG36 was the gun equivalent of the one hit wonder. You only find it in video games, no one actually uses it to my knowledge. H&K doesn't even make it any more.
I know MG36 was never mass produced nor really being used. But it is still a LMG that exist and someone may use it to get away from the LMG/Box magazine rule... Or maybe not.
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Old September 17th, 2012, 15:06   #29
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Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
I'm not keen on box mags either.. unless of course you are wearing a backpack with the weight of 6000 rounds of ammo in it.. Which would be about 200 lbs..

I generally run my Saws on midcaps ( m249 ) with about 120 rounds in a mag

This makes for a more handy weapon.. ans a realistic sustained fire ability

Some guns only have highcaps.. many of the China made WWII style guns only have highcaps.. so in some cases you are buggered..

in this case I require magazines to be removed from the gun to be wound so at least you force a firing interruption to simulate the reload

That's a cool idea, but it must be near impossible to referee at a large scale game?

Many people argue that because of the differing opinions players have on the whole mid-cap, low-cap, real-cap situation; that high-caps are just as valid. You'll find though that 90% of "serious" airsofters in Canada live between real and mid. Some players like the strict realism, and others can only acquire mid-caps for their gun type. Personally I run a PTW, so does the rest of my team. Before there were other reliable magazine brands; we run strictly Systema, which are 120 rounds a piece. However, we religiously half filled these; one to save on the internal springs, and the other to limit ammunition. Even when we attend a game that limits mid-cap use, we still only half filled them. This is simply our way, and we respect those who run only real-caps or low-caps or whatever. Here's is a good rule of thumb we use, and how we decided to run our magazines. BBs are not bullets, nor do they have the force, accuracy, or reliability. BBs cannot penetrate solid objects, can easily be pushed off course by a breeze, they don't travel as fast or as far, and you can't rely on them to "make the kill". Therefore we decided having two BBs for each bullet you would have had is a "reasonable" alternative. Once again, this is just a guideline that we've adopted and it works well for us.
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Old September 17th, 2012, 15:08   #30
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There's lots of good points put forward here. However, most of it is from a more experienced player's perspective and might not suit you if you're just starting out.

It's all about meeting expectations. If the host/game calls for something (the player) are bound to satisfy it. Adequate food/water/clothing for the weather and some other stuff are givens. Quality eye protection and good footwear are mandatory.

When it comes to comes down to the type of game and the guidelines put out there for that game.

If it's a easygoing/shoot 'em up/newbie type thing...I'm 99% sure it'd be fine (and if in doubt, ask the host). Most of those games are really adhoc and really suit the guys who are starting out, have little kit, etc...

But for the games that are limited load outs, real cap mags, milsims, etc...hicaps have no place (IMO). For some guns (WW2 to note and many SAWs/LMGs) there's no option but a highcap....and so hosts will put cautions on taking pauses to simulate and reload, remove mag/insert/rewind, etc....

As much as having "come on guys, let's not-be-so-serious" fun playing a cleaner form of paintball is the focus for some...injecting as much realism into things is a focus for others. Part of that realism is ammo/resource management, emergency/tac reloads, running dry, etc..

So...again, back to expectations. If uber-milsim guy goes to fun-day newbie skirmish he'd probably poo-poo all the guys in jeans, hoodie and highcaps (he shouldn't...but he probably would). If high-cap guy showed up at a milsim with a bandolier full of highcaps he'd probably get the stink eye...and rightfully so.
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