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Old September 11th, 2012, 21:13   #1
BrendanL's Avatar
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Ladies and Airsoft

Hi everyone,

This is one of my first times posting here, I usually just read and enjoy. Lately my girlfriend has been bugging me to come play airsoft.

I was wondering if anyone out there who would have some tips for getting her started? More or less the gear side of things and possibly some newbie friendly games in the Toronto area.

Few more things,

- Would an MP5 style AEG be something appropriate for her to start with?
- Vests that fit well for ladies? ( she is concerned about her breasts being protected )
- A field ladies frequent?
- She is a little concerned with it being a mostly male sport and standing out
- Her size is 5'9 110 pounds ( if that helps )

These are just concerns off the top of my head. If I could get some input from any girls here who play, or males who have taken their girlfriends into the adventure of airsoft.

ANY help would be appreciated, thanks ASC.
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Old September 11th, 2012, 21:22   #2
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My girlfriend has been out 3 times already and enjoys it.

Any gun would be good really. An MP5 is a fine rifle. I would say that something of the AR variety is fine as well. I just built a 7.5" SBR (mainly for shits and giggles) and that's light as hell and almost feels like a toy in my hands (and keep in mind this is all metal and the mags I'm using are weighted to a RS STANAG mag loaded with 30 rounds of .223 Rem.). My girlfriend actually used a 10.5 or 11.5 CQB M4 the times she went out. She also used my 14.5" M4 but she found it a bit long and "too heavy" (that's the rifle that I run my 9.6V 2800mAh NiMH PEQ battery on). My GF is about 5'7" and 130 lbs. and the 10.5" G&G half breed CQB-R was perfect for her according to her (although I'm wanting to get her into metal bodied guns). If you want to buy her something you could easily get a KA M4, buy a 10.5" outer barrel and find someone with a spare inner barrel or buy a shorter inner barrel to match the outer and you're pretty much good to go after that. Hell you could probably get away with a 14.5" barrel anyways.

As far as vests go, a Weesatch replica (or real stuff if you can afford it) with the panel up should do the trick. Might not be the lightest or totally high speed but it should protect well enough with the extra fabric.

As far as standing out... My girlfriend definitely stood out but blended into the field once they got playing. Also there was a standing order to not hit on her.
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Last edited by L473ncy; September 11th, 2012 at 21:24..
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Old September 11th, 2012, 21:24   #3
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gun - anything she is comfortable using doesnt have to be an MP5
vest - i've seen a few girls run tactical vests and plate carriers, as for breast protection a decent BDU jacket will do the trick.
field - thats a tough one as I don't know toronto, we have a few guys up here who bring their wives/girlfriends out.
standing out - everybody ends up looking the same in tac gear
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Old September 11th, 2012, 21:32   #4
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Once she gets out there and playing she will have fun. It is hard to tell a guy from a girl from a distance. Girls are just as good as the guys, maybe more patient at times.

Her starting equipment should be light so it does not wear her down during the day.

M4 is still one of the better choices for a rifle. Even a CQB length is light and can still reach long distance targets.

Last edited by SuperHog; September 11th, 2012 at 21:34..
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Old September 11th, 2012, 21:33   #5
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Well, I don't have much in the way of advice, other than be ready for a bunch of pervy guys staring at her, except to say with a BMI at around 16, your girlfriend needs to put on some weight!
Views are my own.

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Old September 11th, 2012, 21:52   #6
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Originally Posted by scottyfox View Post
Well, I don't have much in the way of advice, other than be ready for a bunch of pervy guys staring at her, except to say with a BMI at around 16, your girlfriend needs to put on some weight!
At the field that i play at (private Waterdown area field) there are a few ladies that have shown up with their lesser-halves - and no one has perved out on them in the least. The girls, once the equipment is donned, are nothing more than another set of boots on the ground, enjoying the sport alongside of their partners, just as much as the guys are. The closest thing to staring being done, is through a telescopic sight, along with the generalized thought process of "i wonder if i can hit that player, from here".

To the OP - find a field with generally mature players, more serious about the sport, and generally less inclined to be ogling the competition, male or female. They are out there.

As far as the weapon package goes - yes, an MP5 should be a good fit - but there is no reason why any other CQB'ish length weapon platform couldn't be considered. As it goes with the guys, so too it goes with the girls - it's more about personal preference, than physical ability to handle it, with any half-ways physically fit individual. Get to a shop, and try some guns on for both heft and ergonomic preference.

As for vest/chest-rig/plate carrier, again, it comes down to finding a selection at a brick and mortar store, and finding out what would work for her.
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Old September 11th, 2012, 21:56   #7
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If she's cool...take her to a store with lots of guns...let her pick any of them, whatever she wants.

I will say this...the second last range day at TTAC there was a new girl there trying out everyone's gun. Loved it. From PTWs to WE M14's.

Then I handed over my kwa MP7 and she shot a couple of semis...then had her flip to full auto. She let it rip...actually giggled and smiled like crazy. I said to her, "the other guns don't make you do that do they?" to which she replied "No they don't".

Get her a sub gun. Gas powered for indoor cqb. Mp9, mp7, roni modded g18c if she's into futuristic looks. Light as hell, accurate enough, no recoil or aiming issues and just a lot of fun to shoot.

If it must be an aeg...let her hold, handle as many as possible. She might end up liking something weird like a p90.

And regardless of how she does you've got to say, "damn! I think you gun shoots better than mine". Prestaging the next gun purchase is key down the road....

Last edited by m102404; September 11th, 2012 at 21:59..
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Old September 11th, 2012, 22:00   #8
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At 5 foot 9 she can likely shoulder most guns out there as long as they're adjustable. I've noticed that girls interested in airsoft sometimes*misjudge what their restrictions will be in terms of gun length and weight and, I quote, "want something small". My wife, who weighs in 90lbs and 5 feet tall made the same decision -- MP5 -- but in the end she found she could properly hold my M4s with the stocks properly adjusted.

In this regard, a shorter female will do well with an M4 that has a stock that can be adjusted, unlike with the MP5. Note that many of the MP5s on the market, with the exception of the plastic Classic Army MP5K, are actually really heavy compared to many M4s.

My suggestion is a stubby M4 or perhaps the KAC PDW, which is very light and has a really comfortable center of gravity for ladies.

Also, I was able to find a great Condor rig for my wife that fit her just fine, PM me if you're interested in which one because I'll have to dig up the product name.
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Old September 11th, 2012, 22:00   #9
Trev140_0's Avatar
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Ya, Agreed HackD. I did not realize our field is friendly for the ladies as well. Just figured it was normal. We do have ladies coming from time to time. All good.

All depends on the field and the atmosphere.


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Old September 11th, 2012, 22:03   #10
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Originally Posted by HackD View Post
At the field that i play at (private Waterdown area field) there are a few ladies that have shown up with their lesser-halves - and no one has perved out on them in the least. The girls, once the equipment is donned, are nothing more than another set of boots on the ground,
100% agree. I've seen ladies at most games I've gone to this year, and the guys on the field have been very courteous and respectful. Renegade) ran a great milsim at Finch's a couple weekends ago where one of the girls played an integral part of his scenario and played the part well. I think we're ready for more people to bring their better halves out to the field.
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Old September 11th, 2012, 22:07   #11
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Originally Posted by Trev140_0 View Post
Ya, Agreed HackD. I did not realize our field is friendly for the ladies as well. Just figured it was normal. We do have ladies coming from time to time. All good.

All depends on the field and the atmosphere.
Hill 437 is definitely the most everybody-knows-eachother and like a family type atmosphere I've seen out there, could have a lot to do with it.
"Mah check"

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Old September 11th, 2012, 22:20   #12
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Have your girlfriend talk to Barbie or Themis on here. They're girls and kick ass!

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Originally Posted by Strelok View Post
So you're saying we cannot engage in a hobby once we are older?

Children these days.
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Old September 11th, 2012, 22:23   #13
amano999's Avatar
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For my wife all she cared about was a nice light rig. So i gave her a simple tac vest and a mp5k. After awhile tho she didnt like how the mp5k had such low fps and I upgraded her to a TM desert Eagle and she loved it.

At 110lb how much protection could her breast need? lol

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Old September 12th, 2012, 02:04   #14
Devious Sinner
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Originally Posted by m102404 View Post
If she's cool...take her to a store with lots of guns...let her pick any of them, whatever she wants.
i did that with my gf...she ended up falling for the real sword type 97b

maybe...i shouldn't have brought her

but yes, let her try gear on and hold on to guns, they'll know what they like once they feel it.
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Old September 12th, 2012, 10:54   #15
p.phresh's Avatar
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My wife has only played indoor CQB and she's played dozens of times now.

At her first game I gave her a plastic bodied M4, cause it was the lightest gun I owned. But she found it too heavy and too long. So I ended up giving her a G18c to use which she loved because it was select fire.

But since then she's been using a 1911, and occasionally uses the G18c.

For gear, she's using a SEALS style vest, since those were the most adjustable. We've found they can be adjusted to the smallest size the best. And she's got all her own gear as well, helmet, facemask, gloves... any HK/CM knock off gloves sized M or S will fit small women's hands. I bought her a pair of knock off Oakley tactical gloves with the carbon fibre knuckles and she loved them.

At first she was using a facemask with mesh goggles, but she couldn't see down on her chest to grab new mags, so she uses a Brassguard mesh mask... one of those fencing style masks. And she loves that as well.
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