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Goggles & Shields - Asian Face Specific Options and Updates


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Old September 5th, 2012, 12:09   #1
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Goggles & Shields - Asian Face Specific Options and Updates

I need to update some of my eyepro. I've gone through some of the old threads and new threads...and am still looking for some info.

Eyepro as it pertains to both full seal goggles and shields...I use both depending on the field/players/conditions/etc...

- must be asian face friendly...particularly with the gap around the bridge of the nose
- must be able to decently vent when on the move...and/or have excellent fog clearing abilities (I use Fogtech anyways)
- must be optic friendly (i.e. magnified rifle optics, monoculars/binoculars, NVG, etc..)
- must be ballistic
- do not have to have RX inserts or be able to support glasses

While there are plenty of threads asking about goggles for glasses or asian fit stuff....there isn't a lot of recent/up-to-date info on options out there, nor is there much follow up on what those guys went with and how it worked out. I did catch the recent Boogie Regulator thread and saw it noted that it's not asian that's cool.

I've been running a few pairs of T800...but the big gap between the lense and frame has always been a concern, and the amount of force I need to tighten them up to close up the nose bridge gap is just plain uncomfortable. I've run ESS

I've been taking a look at the:
ESS Asian Fit Profile (and turbofan models)...and ESS Asian Fit Striker models
(the cortex clip looks very ghey...not doing that)
Smith Lopro Regulator Goggles (although they don't look very asian nose friendly)
WileyX Spear goggles...again not sure about the asian fit those asian guys who are running fairly current eyepro...what's worked, what hasn't? If you had to buy another pair right now...what would they be.
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Old September 5th, 2012, 12:21   #2
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I used to ran Bolles as well, as you mentioned, they leave huge gaps all over the place. After few years of using them had a BB go through the gap over the nose, hit me in the eye. Freaked me right out.

Got a set of Asian ESS Profiles. They fit well and so far no problems, got to remove foam from the top of goggles or they fog up like MoFo. I heard very good things about fan version. I am thinking about getting those for next season.

Eye shields. Have WileyX Talons - don't fit well at all. Look neat and are good for range (I have RX insert in them), but as far as filed goes I am sticking with full seal.
Tried Peltors and few others. There is not much available as far as eye shields go. I found that an adjustable nose piece is a must for me or things just slide off.


Last edited by Berkut; September 5th, 2012 at 13:45..
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Old September 5th, 2012, 12:38   #3
Mr. Silencer
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I got a new pair of goggles last week: ESS Advancer V12.
They're not asian-fit specific, but what I did was take a blowdryer to the bridge area, and flattened the goggle with some weight on it after it was sufficiently warm.

The end result was a very well-fitting goggle that had zero gap all around my face and was extremely comfortable to wear for an 8 hour skirm. It does tend to move a little bit when acquiring a cheekweld due to the rubber used and sometimes my face gets a bit sweaty/greasy. They are more of a "swim goggle" type so it does sit on your brow and offers very little face protection (LOW PROFILE!), but otherwise I'm VERY happy with them.

I got mine as the full kit (sleeve, 3 sets of lenses and carrying bag) off ebay for about $60 shipped.

Ghostnote tried them on and liked them as well, but his go-to goggle is the Revision Bullet Ant Asian model.

Prior to this I tried a pair of Revision Desert Locusts and the rubber material they used was a bit too hard to reform and was quite uncomfortable.

Last edited by Stealth; September 5th, 2012 at 13:13..
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Old September 5th, 2012, 12:58   #4
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I bought Smith optics turbo fans. They had a massive gap at my nose and I actually a bb hit slide up under my eye. Since then I bought the ESS Asian profile strikers and they work well once you remove the top foam so you dont fog up.

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Old September 5th, 2012, 13:00   #5
"bb bukakke" KING!
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I have strykers, and their larger size allowed me to install my own fans... the only drawback is that they are larger than the profiles which are nice and slim. I pulled the foam all the way around and installed 2 7x7x3mm fans powered by 2 2xAAA battery packs... could probably run them on 1 pack, but you really don't feel the weight of them when they're strapped to your head.

I have, in a pinch worn my wileyX talons when I forgot to put the strykers back in my kit bag. For my face, the adjustable nose piece is nice, but creates a bit of a gap that an extremely unlucky shot could get through. On a field, it's near impossible, you would probably get a shot from behind sneaking the gap between your face and glasses before you get a shot from the front between gap and nose. I would however not use these indoors, ever.

I'm interested in trying the fit of the asian fit oakley lineup, but I can't find a vendor that stocks them to try, I'd love to have a set of radars instead of these talons.
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Old September 5th, 2012, 13:14   #6
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Awesome thanks guys...
I've got a half dozen pairs of glasses/shields at home...and only one fits well.

ESS Asian Fit Profile (pull foam for venting) + +
ESS Profile (Can take Asian lenses) +
ESS Asian Fit Striker (pull foam) ++
ESS Asian Coretex Clip Goggle (full seal with mask...cortex clip can be added to reg profile goggles) +
Smith optics Turbo Fan -
Bolle T800 -
ESS Advancers V12 (reheat) +
Revision Bullet Ant Asian fit (may not have enough airflow) + -
Revision Desert Locusts (I had these too and the curvature just wasn't right) -

WileyX Talons - -

Last edited by m102404; September 5th, 2012 at 18:01..
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Old September 5th, 2012, 13:33   #7
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I have always had trouble with finding goggles that fit properly; not every Asian-fit goggle fits every Asian. The ESS profile series has a rubber frame so the curvature of the lens dictates the type of fit (Asian/normal). Similarly, the Revision Bullet Ants have a rubber frame and since there is a separate lens for each eye, the goggle conforms to the majority of faces. They have no designated Asian-fit Bullet Ant. Currently the Bullet Ants are my go to goggle.
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Old September 5th, 2012, 13:33   #8
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The Cortex Clip Goggles, when paired with a mesh faceguard, provide a good seal. You just have to be very specific with the order in which you put things on, as I've found. The Cortex leaves a MASSIVE gap in front of the nose if you don't do a faceguard, however.
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Old September 5th, 2012, 13:45   #9
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I use the ESS Striker Asian Fit goggles. Of all the types and brands I have tried these are the ones I recommend (even better then the ESS Profile series).

I also wear prescription glasses and I found they fit well under the ESS Striker.

I did try turbofan based goggles but even with their air circulation I still had fogging issues. The best technique is to remove the foam enclosure and apply Fogtech!

Since I also use NVG's from time to time I also found that the ESS Striker is low profiled enough to allow the monocle to properly positioned in front of my eye.

The last point I want to point out is that ESS eyepro always seems to be on the approved eyepro list at games. Less so for other brands so please take that into consideration.

Good luck!
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Old September 5th, 2012, 13:46   #10
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Originally Posted by TaroBear View Post
The Cortex Clip Goggles, when paired with a mesh faceguard, provide a good seal. You just have to be very specific with the order in which you put things on, as I've found. The Cortex leaves a MASSIVE gap in front of the nose if you don't do a faceguard, however.
Just a quick clarification question with the "Profile Airsoft w/ Cortex Clip" (name off their website)....
Q. Aren't they just Profile series goggles...but the frame has a "beak" formed into it? I.e. the "Cortex Clip" is actually a different frame?
- I think I've seen'd have to take a shot basically straight up your nose to get a BB into your eye, but there was a finger+ amount of gap.

Q. I'm not sure what they mean by... "This configuration features the essential Cortex Clip™ pre-attached to an Airsoft-optimized version of the most widely-used military goggle in the world: the ESS Profile NVG"....the bolded part makes me wonder if there's other differences. Although the rest of the specs seem that the lense is the same as the other Profile goggles. Any info on that?

Originally Posted by deltaop1 View Post

I use the ESS Striker Asian Fit goggles. Of all the types and brands I have tried these are the ones I recommend (even better then the ESS Profile series).

I did try turbofan based goggles but even with their air circulation I still had fogging issues. The best technique is to remove the foam enclosure and apply Fogtech!

Since I also use NVG's from time to time I also found that the ESS Striker is low profiled enough to allow the monocle to properly positioned in front of my eye.

The last point I want to point out is that ESS eyepro always seems to be on the approved eyepro list at games. Less so for other brands so please take that into consideration.

Good luck!
Thanks Stephen! In your case the Strikers would be a better fit than Jason's Profiles since you'd wear your glasses with them right?

Excellent point about the approved list stuff.

Last edited by m102404; September 5th, 2012 at 13:49..
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Old September 5th, 2012, 13:47   #11
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Lower mesh face guards are great for sealing the gap between the bridge of the nose and the goggle. They have low quality control so that means you may have to rip off the fabric, cut to conform the curves of the goggle and/or face. After they are fitted, you can get a cheek weld to look down just about any iron sights with the exception of maybe a mp5.

I zip tie the mesh to the goggle. It means less straps around the head and less of a chance bringing up the gun will move the goggles out of place.

Last edited by Ghostnote; September 5th, 2012 at 13:47.. Reason: grammar
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Old September 5th, 2012, 13:52   #12
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Sorry, I meant WileyX Talons, so 2 - for those.

I would be interested in how Ants handle fogging/condensation. They seem to be very close to the face and, from pictures, there is not much ventilation going on.

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Old September 5th, 2012, 13:54   #13
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In CQB I do the same with a cut out piece of PB mask zip tied to my well. Never had much luck with a mesh one staying in place, aside from the custom one a buddy made for me.

Otherwise I don't use one.

Anyways...back to eyepro!

@ Berkut Re. the Bullet Ants...I bought a pair for Alfred as a gift and he's used them a little...Jay uses them too. They fog for Alfred, Jay says they're great. Alfred can't get them snug enough to close the nose bridge gap (although I'm going to pass along the heat-'em up thing that Stealth mentioned)...Jay jams them on pretty tight and has a pretty broad asian face. Myself...I fog like a mofo and even with T800's Fogtech is a must whatever I get has to have a lot of airflow.

Last edited by m102404; September 5th, 2012 at 14:01..
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Old September 5th, 2012, 13:57   #14
"bb bukakke" KING!
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basically the cortex clip is just the beak piece that bridges the gap over the nose... They did some extreme testing and count at the perfect angle with perfect velocity, a BB could get inside between the nose and goggle seal, the piece is mainly meant to deflect this shot rather than let it come into that gap.
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Old September 5th, 2012, 14:33   #15
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Originally Posted by m102404 View Post
Just a quick clarification question with the "Profile Airsoft w/ Cortex Clip" (name off their website)....
Q. Aren't they just Profile series goggles...but the frame has a "beak" formed into it? I.e. the "Cortex Clip" is actually a different frame?
- I think I've seen'd have to take a shot basically straight up your nose to get a BB into your eye, but there was a finger+ amount of gap.

Q. I'm not sure what they mean by... "This configuration features the essential Cortex Clip™ pre-attached to an Airsoft-optimized version of the most widely-used military goggle in the world: the ESS Profile NVG"....the bolded part makes me wonder if there's other differences. Although the rest of the specs seem that the lense is the same as the other Profile goggles. Any info on that?

Thanks Stephen! In your case the Strikers would be a better fit than Jason's Profiles since you'd wear your glasses with them right?

Excellent point about the approved list stuff.
The Cortex Clip is just an add-on for the Profile, as far as I'm aware. If you remove the clip, it's just a standard pair of goggles. The gap you speak of is what I'm talking about, hence why I suggested the mesh face guard. It perfectly seals it with mine. As for the airsoft optimization, they just mean that it's as full seal as possible. The goggles are also "double layered". The paperwork with the goggles indicates that's it's also protected from the sides, which they indicate is a danger in airsoft (true enough).
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