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First PTW buy


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Old August 16th, 2012, 18:42   #1
Join Date: Sep 2007
First PTW buy

Hey all I am currently looking at buying a 2012 PTW from double tap. I have done my research I know most there is to know about the gun, but its all internet knowledge I have zero first hand experience. On that note who here owns one and what are your impressions?

Money really isnt a huge concern for this, now I am unsure if i want a cqbr or the fullsize(from DTT is the gun assembled or a challenge kit? Karma i think your the guy to ask right?), is the inner barrel longer on the fullsize and will it be an advantage over the cqbr that i will notice (most my play will be outdoor so a longer barreled setup is ok with me).

I was also gonna purchase the DTT pmags (two sets) as well as the red followers (good idea bad idea?).

DTT hopup mod also a good investment?

also the battery is another point for me do I stick with the 9.6v or is the 11.1 lipo a decent idea (or is the lipo gonna exceptionaly accelerate the wear on the electronics life span?) I am well versed in lipos so care and use arent an issue.

is there anything else I should be looking at for the initial buy?

any help or insight is appreciated
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Old August 16th, 2012, 18:46   #2
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Wildcard will tell you this, FCC!
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Old August 16th, 2012, 20:17   #3
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Message thunder cactus. Hes out local expert.
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Old August 16th, 2012, 20:33   #4
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Manitoba is starting to look like the new Alberta. GOOD cause the Bombers suck!
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Old August 16th, 2012, 20:37   #5
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There is a negligible difference between the cqb and the full sized M4. If you don't play cqb I would just pick whichever you like more.

The DTT pmags come with vanaras internals. There not as good as the systema ones. You might have some troubles with em. I have 12 and I find myself constantly tapping the bolt release.
From what I've heard the 2012 motors are worst than the old ones. You might be better off to get an FCC 2.5 motor or complete ptw.
The hopup mod is absolutly necessary, get it done or buy an aeg.

If your a semi auto guy I highly reccomend a ptw. Your never gonna find the same trigger response. But if your a full auto guy save yourself some headaches and a huge repair bill and get bob at bent barrel Airsoft to mod your aeg.

Hope this helps cheers
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Old August 16th, 2012, 20:39   #6
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If you get the 2012 ptw, i would recommend getting FCC spare parts just so you can replace the electronics as soon as they screw up. You will also want to buy an FCC motor or get the tackleberry motor mod for your motor. The DTT hop up mod is also really good if you want accuracy.
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Old August 16th, 2012, 20:55   #7
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And frank will post up his opinion on here id hope.
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Old August 16th, 2012, 21:22   #8
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Originally Posted by IggysPiggy View Post
Hey all I am currently looking at buying a 2012 PTW from double tap. I have done my research I know most there is to know about the gun, but its all internet knowledge I have zero first hand experience. On that note who here owns one and what are your impressions?

Money really isnt a huge concern for this, now I am unsure if i want a cqbr or the fullsize(from DTT is the gun assembled or a challenge kit? Karma i think your the guy to ask right?), is the inner barrel longer on the fullsize and will it be an advantage over the cqbr that i will notice (most my play will be outdoor so a longer barreled setup is ok with me).

I was also gonna purchase the DTT pmags (two sets) as well as the red followers (good idea bad idea?).

DTT hopup mod also a good investment?

also the battery is another point for me do I stick with the 9.6v or is the 11.1 lipo a decent idea (or is the lipo gonna exceptionaly accelerate the wear on the electronics life span?) I am well versed in lipos so care and use arent an issue.

is there anything else I should be looking at for the initial buy?

any help or insight is appreciated
All my new PTW are purchased from Chris at Double Tap he is the go to guy for Systema PTW or FCC. Safe your cash and get a FCC full custom, I have two 2012 from Systema utterly dissapointed with them, end up selling them off as parts. Chris at DTT is great, he helped me deal with FCC in getting in my custom Noveske NST rifle. without going through the boring details the FCC full gun blows the 2012 out of the water, I'm glad DTT is their authorized dealer but my wallet hates it. To tally up the total cost it's actually cheaper than what you or I would have spent on a Systema 2012 to work the same as the FCC TW

DTT mags are awesome and as for LiPo the FCC TW will run on 15C LiPo without issue. One of the advantage of getting the FCC is that all the issue with the Systema like faulty electronics, motor overheating, switch boards burning out is all resolved in fact they made the PTW platform perform as they should have been coming out of the factory from Systema

Last edited by wildcard; August 16th, 2012 at 21:32..
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Old August 16th, 2012, 21:50   #9
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alright and ive now brushed up on Fcc as i am not a ptw follower and am new to it I had to google that badboy and then read for a solid hour and half. So email DT and ask for a qoute on a custom FCC? Am I better off buying an older platform and upgrading it or a complete custom gun?
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Old August 16th, 2012, 21:58   #10
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You can run an 11.1v on a tacklemod motor, but not a stock motor. Learned that one the hard way lol

15c is the bare minimum required for PTWs, I run a 25C and there's a noticeable increase in ROF. But 15C is safer on your electronics. Don't know whether the difference in power is due to 15C being so close to the amp draw, or if it's just the difference in internal resistance on the packs.

That being said, stick to NiCd or NiMH. Not 100% on the proper voltage for spring, but many others can chime in on that! It's the safer option for your boards.

barrel length really doesn't make a big difference. I've never run anything longer than 430, even in my sniper rifle.

The motor will quit on you at some point for sure. You can ask Macguyver or DTT for help on that one

The PTW is a solid platform overall. IMO they don't really keep up with current airsoft technology (hopup, solving their motor problems, 100% LiPo friendly boards). But they did such a good job designing it in the first place, there's not much to improve on mechanically.

Don't over tighten the hopup when you first get it, that's a classic mistake.
make sure to unplug your batteries after every use
If you do break the hop adjuster, buy a systema one, as per Mac they are better than the deepfire ones. And if you're not mechanically inclined, I agree with him.
Always better to buy a complete platform. PTW upgrades, like in AEG's, can be messy. Best leave them to people who know what they're doing!
And vanaras mags are way cheaper and in some ways better than systema mags.

Aaaaaand que macguyver:
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Old August 16th, 2012, 21:59   #11
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complete custom, mine is a complete Noveske based "rogue hunter" with Magpul UBR 13" NST Troy front, 14.5" inner barrel
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Old August 16th, 2012, 22:20   #12
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sounds good thanks for the solid advice, mechanically inclined im good i can build and tune dsg's (that last and not eat pistons), so its just experience i lack in ptw and really have no want to learn it just now, if it breaks down the road i may open her up. i shall be consolidating my funds and emailing dtt in the near futur then. what kind of turn around time did you experience wildcard?
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Old August 16th, 2012, 22:22   #13
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Originally Posted by IggysPiggy View Post
sounds good thanks for the solid advice, mechanically inclined im good i can build and tune dsg's (that last and not eat pistons), so its just experience i lack in ptw and really have no want to learn it just now, if it breaks down the road i may open her up. i shall be consolidating my funds and emailing dtt in the near futur then. what kind of turn around time did you experience wildcard?
About 30days their stuff (FCC) are very popular and they can go fast
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Old August 17th, 2012, 02:32   #14
Death March
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Ok I know most PTW motor are not that great But,I have a total of 3 motors. One has the Tac mod( the old one) 1 need's the mod. Now the funny thing is I have a 07 PTW with a 2010 ver. up kit and the motor that came with it has no mod's and has worked with LiPo's since I'v been running the Ver. upkit. It seem s to work better witrh the Lipo than with the stock battery. I think it's more "luck" if it works with any motor as I'v been running for awhile now without issue. I'm the first owner of the gun so I know whats been done by who on it. Can't belive after all these years Systema can't get the motors right?
Death Before Dishonor" Bleeding Black Label"
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Old August 17th, 2012, 03:29   #15
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Originally Posted by IggysPiggy View Post
sounds good thanks for the solid advice, mechanically inclined im good i can build and tune dsg's (that last and not eat pistons), so its just experience i lack in ptw and really have no want to learn it just now, if it breaks down the road i may open her up. i shall be consolidating my funds and emailing dtt in the near futur then. what kind of turn around time did you experience wildcard?

if your looking for FCC parts, I just made two direct orders from them in the last month, both orders took 5 days door to door.
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