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Plate Carrier/Vest: Need Recommendations


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Old July 7th, 2012, 00:15   #1
M.Garcia's Avatar
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Plate Carrier/Vest: Need Recommendations

I have reviewed some information on a few options and looking to seek some more advice.

I'm 5'6" 135lbs. Keep this in mind in your recommendation as I need the exact item, link of the best place to purchase, and what size I'm going to need.

My previous vest was a PANTAC Ciras sized Medium however I noticed that it was kinda bulky. When I was crouch or prone it would ride up and I could never rest my M4 against my shoulder because of the straps (with lowest stock setting, even then it pushed my gun forward a bit uncomfortably). I need something that won't ride up and gives me the room to shoulder my M4.

Items of Interest:

Mayflower: (However read someone 6'2" 180lbs wore a S/M, seems kinda big for me no?)

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Old July 7th, 2012, 01:10   #2
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I was stuck on the same thing and ended up going for the Mayflower APC.
Great craftsmanship, great company, and the fact that it's damn light were some of the reasons I went with it. The banshee had too many horror stories of stitching issues, bad customer service, and from the pics, it looked like it would be too small for my needs. I'm pretty sure all the issues have since been corrected, but I figured if I was spending the money to get it shipped all the way to my house, I wouldn't really be too happy if I had to send it back.
As far as price goes, the Banshee has it hands down. Great price for some good quality gear. If your on a budget, I would say go for the Banshee.

If you wanted to see how the APC would sit on a person, SpecialOpsM4 has a review of it on his YouTube channel. Hes got it on a manikin, which I found gave me the best idea of what it would look like on a person of my build.

So, after rambling on I would say this
If you want something that's a bit cheaper, still good quality, and to run as a slim and scary plate carrier for use with a belt system or only a few pouches, go for the Banshee.

If you want something high quality, from a great company, that's light, comparable to an LBT 6094, and with a few more features than the Banshee, go with the APC.

I picked mine up, along with a few extra pouches, from SKD Tactical during there 4th of July sale this week. If you like, I can give you an update on the sizing once it arrives next week.
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Last edited by Rush; July 7th, 2012 at 08:53..
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Old July 7th, 2012, 08:52   #3
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Yes please do give me an update along with your body size, that would definitely give me a great idea. Also let me know how long the shipping took exactly!
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Old July 7th, 2012, 12:07   #4
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I'm 5'6"...190lbs. Stocky-ish build.

I got my mayflower apc in the s/m size with the medium cumberband. Fits perfectly.

There's a good bit of adjustment with the cumberband... Don't get it too small. While a small might be ok with a combat shirt, I wanted to have a bit adjustability to run it over field bdus and a light jacket for inclement weather scenarios.
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Old July 12th, 2012, 01:08   #5
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I'm 6'5, 240lbs but I can stand to lose a few. Just got it yesterday and the item shipped Friday. So, from payment to delivery was 6 days. Here are a few measurements of the rig but if you need any other just let me know. I got a S/M with a med cummerbund and it fits great. It fits a Large plate but its a bit snug. The shoulder pads do rub the neck a bit but if your wearing a set of combats or anything other than a T-Shirt, you should be fine.

All I can say is that I am very impressed with this PC and would recommend it to anyone...CBSA's duty charge for my package was less than a nice surprise but I guess thats to be expected.

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Old July 15th, 2012, 02:25   #6
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I've got the Banshee, and I really like it. Haven't had any issues with stitching/etc. BUT, it IS really tiny, especially if you want to mount say a pack or hydration carrier on the back, as a lot of them won't fit properly.

I ALMOST went with the Mayflower, but A) wanted something really slim, as I use it in conjunction with a battle belt and didn't want them to interfere with each other, B) wasn't sure what size Mayflower to get, and didn't want to have the hassle of shipping back and forth to find the right size, and C) the Banshee was over $100 cheaper, and did exactly what I needed.

That being said, I'm still considering buying a Mayflower :-) I've got a Source Rider hydration carrier and a Tactical Tailer Removeable Operator Pack, either of which I'd prefer to attach directly to the back of the carrier, and both are basically too big to fit properly on the back plate of the Banshee. I've found ways to make it work, but still, there's something to be said for slightly more molle real estate...

Also, I'm 6'0" and just over 200 lbs, with a decent sized beer gut. The Banshee fits me, but it's just on the verge of being too small, depending on who you ask.

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Old July 15th, 2012, 12:08   #7
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RRV, a little outdated but still an amazing design for a rig. Also holds plates if need be. and completely adjustable to fit anyone. theres like 5 different ways you can wear it as as well. With back, with no back, with front bib folded down, with side straps threaded through back like plate carrier. ect. light weight and breathes really well especially with no back.

Good manufacturers are Eagle industries, FLYYE, and Pantac.

Really low profile. hugs your body well,good for lying down
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Old July 21st, 2012, 12:53   #8
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I'm 5'7, athletic build, and I've been wearing a Pantac CMS-PC/MBSS vest. It fits perfectly, isn't bulky at all, and is pretty comfortable.

Phantom CMS-PC (size small)
Flyye MBSS (size medium)
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Old July 23rd, 2012, 22:16   #9
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Originally Posted by Shifty-C View Post
RRV, a little outdated but still an amazing design for a rig. Also holds plates if need be. and completely adjustable to fit anyone. theres like 5 different ways you can wear it as as well. With back, with no back, with front bib folded down, with side straps threaded through back like plate carrier. ect. light weight and breathes really well especially with no back.

Good manufacturers are Eagle industries, FLYYE, and Pantac.

Really low profile. hugs your body well,good for lying down

+1 on the RRV. I have a Blackhawk! RRV in OD and that thing is a beast. It's fits me, 6'2" 330lbs and my son 4'0" 70 lbs... M14 pouches fit the Nerf mags...

I have a CIRAS and my Jury rigged "H" Harness. The only time I use a CIRAS is when I'm expecting a lot of CQB or need to carry a lot of stuff, read mags, on me.
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Old July 24th, 2012, 23:23   #10
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Originally Posted by Shifty-C View Post
RRV, a little outdated but still an amazing design for a rig. Also holds plates if need be. and completely adjustable to fit anyone. theres like 5 different ways you can wear it as as well. With back, with no back, with front bib folded down, with side straps threaded through back like plate carrier. ect. light weight and breathes really well especially with no back.

Good manufacturers are Eagle industries, FLYYE, and Pantac.

Really low profile. hugs your body well,good for lying down
+1. I owned a ciras. Really liked it but decided to try something new. Switched to an rrv this season and absolutely love it. Picked up a flyye with a backplate. Noticed my arm mobility is much better than a ciras and don't sweat as much.
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Old July 24th, 2012, 23:30   #11
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And RRV+backplate probably won't fit him. I'm 5'6'' 155lbs and all the straps are tightened to the max... at 135, won't fit him.

What you should know, is that MOST OF THE TIME (read the fine print on each product page!) the plate carriers are sized based on the PLATE SIZE and not body size. Of course, a shorter individual won't use an X-Large plate, but he might very well use a medium or large plate if he wants maximum coverage. The opposite is also true; someone of larger build might prefer a small or medium plate for maximum range of movement, even though his chest is large enough for an x-large plate.
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