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Pistol Only Users (Primary Weapon as Pistols)


Airsoft Guns Discussion

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Old July 11th, 2012, 23:04   #1
Delta Zero-Six
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Pistol Only Users (Primary Weapon as Pistols)

I'm not sure if there has been a thread for pistol only users on here but I thought it would be cool to hear some stories or see others who use only pistols in a game. I heard of the "Pistol Only Revolution" on other sites so I was wondering if it made an impact here. As for me... I'm thinking of picking up a FiveseveN and trying it out soon. So post your thoughts, pics and or experiences of only pistol use.
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Old July 11th, 2012, 23:17   #2
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I love them when going lone wolf into enemy territory, find it easier to infiltrate enemy territory when not lugging around a rifle.
Got behind a guy who was putting suppressing fire on our spawn point and scared the crap outta him =D

Running a KWA MK23, good for bigger hands and tough as hell, got ejected out with my holster when it had a catastrophic malfunction. Shoots too hot for CQB though, will be in the market shortly for something in the low 300s fps.

I feel invincible when going akimbo with pistols, anyone else get that feeling?
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Old July 11th, 2012, 23:32   #3
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I only use pistols. I only own pistols actually.

I run a TM G18 with 8 25rd mags in feild or CQB. Its nice and light and alot of fun to use. I play with a group that uses semi only so other than the ammo capacity there is really no disadvantage.

I find that most of the players that use AEG's get too trigger happy and have to many accidents such as shooting dead players or there own team because they have such a big ammo source that they can shoot as much as possible. When you only use a pistol its alot like using a bolt action rifle except the range factor. You have to choose your shots wisely and be very good at sneaking around and staying quiet.

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Old July 12th, 2012, 00:00   #4
Delta Zero-Six
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That's wicked! Yeah I like the extra mobility pistol gives you. I think it's alot to do with the shooter too.. I think if you're running with a pistol you should have good speed, excellent agility and decent knowledge in environmental manipulation. I mean slinging a rifle might not be too good of an idea when attempting some unique stunts. I think it's just facing those with weapons with full auto will ridicule the crap outta you for it. I just glad to see some people use pistols as a primary. I guess next is if anyone used pistols only in non-CQB environments. Like a good bit of trees, bushes and some minor styled fortifications in a large field.
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Old July 12th, 2012, 00:04   #5
Delta Zero-Six
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Also with that dual wield idea.. I would like to try it but I would like to find a reload system for it. I thought theres this one modified "Mag" holder where you just slam the mag into it and it's ready to go.
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Old July 12th, 2012, 00:11   #6
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I used to have a pistol as a secondary.

Everytime I used it, it was because my AEG was too large/empty/jammed.

But them again I only use semi except when I need to suppress.
I sold my pistols a long time ago because the difference in range is way too large. If I can sneak into pistol range (I mostly play outside), I can usually go for the knife kill anyways.

New players or "skrimish" players will be a lot more trigger happy than people who played a lot more and milsim situations. Not only because of ammo limit, but because it's a lot more effective to be silent and strike only when needed than spray around, waste ammo and let everyone one the field know where you are.

Then again I had a blast with my MG36 a few years ago, but cost me 3k BBs. I was not aiming for people, so distraction was the point there.

The main problem with Akimbo in airsoft vs. real is that the magazines are expensive, fragile and not a disposable resource. Even with a quick-draw or mag holders that you don't need to open (ala Lara Croft), you will need to have the mags in a dump pouch. Or two in this case since you don't want to handle the mags. Running with two dumps each with 2-3 pistol mags in is really painful.
Originally Posted by Drake View Post
Damnit, don't make me add "no discussing temporal paradoxes" to the rules or I'll go back in time and ban you last week.

Last edited by Kos-Mos; July 12th, 2012 at 00:13..
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Old July 12th, 2012, 00:26   #7
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The TM Five-Seven is next on my to-get list. I've recently caught the '1911' bug. I used to find it absurd to own more than one of the same pistol, but I'm going to end up buying more than one 1911 for sure now.

I haven't had much of a chance to game either of my pistols yet, but buying them and upgrading/dressing them up is all part of the pistol game.
H&K G36c (KWA) / Glock 18c (TM) / Kimber LAPD SWAT Custom (TM) / Mossberg M500 (ACM)

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Old July 12th, 2012, 00:29   #8
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Pistols are okay in confined spaces; they're easier to maneuver around corners. But outdoors people who can successfully run a pistol as a primary are few and far between (typically snipers moving around with a Mk23 or the like).

As for akimbo pistols, this isn't the movies: whatever mad skills you think you have, you don't. Most people have a hard time using just a single pistol properly. In the real world, mastering the use of a pistol -- quickly and accurately putting sights on target, accurately putting shots on target, efficient reload, etc -- beats out akimbo movie bullshit any day.
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Old July 12th, 2012, 00:42   #9
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i find a shoot a lot more with my right hand than my left hand, i find the left is used in a panic situation, rapid fire to get the guy shooting at you to duck and then flee
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Old July 12th, 2012, 00:48   #10
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Yeah, see? "Rapid fire to get the guy shooting at you to duck and then flee" is suppressive fire with a gun poorly suited for the job.

Two hands on the pistol, both eyes open, put the sights on center body mass, double tap (or at least hammer two shots) and neutralize your aggressor. That's what you want to master.
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Old July 12th, 2012, 01:33   #11
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Originally Posted by Drake View Post
Yeah, see? "Rapid fire to get the guy shooting at you to duck and then flee" is suppressive fire with a gun poorly suited for the job.

Two hands on the pistol, both eyes open, put the sights on center body mass, double tap (or at least hammer two shots) and neutralize your aggressor. That's what you want to master.
it sure aint practical. But its hella fun
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Old July 12th, 2012, 01:43   #12
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In regards to the akimbo thing, I used to do it with a pair of 1911s. I can tell you that it's not worth the trouble. It's not as hard as some people think to reload them with some practice, but it's just that it's not quite as efficient as getting a proper grip and bead with a single pistol. The only time I was ever more efficient was when I was boxed into a room in a CQB game with two entrances. I managed to cover both while some teammates reloaded. Since then I've switched to using a single 1911 as primary weapon. I consider any long guns I carry a secondary. If you really like using a pistol as primary, I'd say it's a worthwhile investment to sink some cash into customizing and upgrading it to your liking.
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Old July 12th, 2012, 08:18   #13
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The only reason to use two pistols at the same time is that you are never vulnerable. I tend to shot more with my right hand, and when it's time to reload that pistol, I still have over half a mag in my left hand pistol. I rarely ever point both pistols unless SHTF really bad and I just want to shoot as many round as possible in direction of the enemy before a certain death. Yep, you read that right, certain death.

Well aimed shots will always fare better than wild shots with two pistols at the same time.

So, to keep it simple, if you want to do it, one pistol in each hand, aim with only one at a time. When one pistol is out of ammo, reload it. Never let both run out of ammo. The only point of using two pistols is to always be able to return fire.
Keep quiet. Sound travels faster than BBs.

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Old July 12th, 2012, 09:04   #14
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Free for all pistol only matches rule.
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Old July 12th, 2012, 09:27   #15
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Just my two cents...

Unless going pistols only hampers your ability/capacity to support your team, the game objectives, etc....then have at it if that's what turns your crank.

Realism vs. play....

I'm sure there area few guys out there in real life who could shoot two pistols one handed at the same time and hit what they are aiming at, but I'd suspect most that could wouldn't.

So if you're not trying to inject some realism into what you're doing...then you're left doing it for kicks, which is fine if that's what the game allows for. So to that end, dual wield all you want. Single pistol only too. Have fun, that's a big part of airsoft.

Re pistol as a primary...the only time I'd see that as realistically effective would be very close CQB and or if you are the dedicated breacher...and even then you are probably armed otherwise.

Pistols can have great range...but not the same extended range accuracy as a rifle. So if you are in a situation/game where the ranges are suitable, then they're perfectly fine. If you are pistol only in a wooded field're going to be out gunned. You might not care...but I'd suspect that rest of your team would wish that you could help instead of being ineffective. So again, be mindful of the game that you're in. If you're putting your own needs/wants over being a fully contributing part of your team, then that's selfish and a drag on everyone else.

Close cqb games with real cap load outs...pistols are awesome, fun and can hold their own. Pistol only games are great, super fun and a real blast to the pants...on small or large fields.

In many games I've transitioned to pistol plenty of times...primary runs dry, gun goes down, too close, too tight, etc...
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