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Old March 2nd, 2009, 08:02   #1
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Looks like Magpul PTS is finally putting out their own MBUS (better late than never?), produced by STAR.

Its a bit different than the knockoff version, and comes in two extra colors (OD and Foliage Green -- FG is the new Coyote): notable differences at first glance are the rear aperture flip mechanism (more like an ARMS#40L), shape of the front sight post and non-ambi windage adjustment knob on the rear sight.

moar pr0n:

RedWolf and ASG have them on pre-order for US$90. A bit steep, hopefully it'll come down, but considering the knockoffs were going for between C$50 (ebay) and $75 (Canadian retailers) it's not that far off for the genuine item.

RW's pre-order page with extra pr0n:
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Old March 2nd, 2009, 10:11   #2
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So these are the ones licensed by Magpul... Damn it, so tempted..

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Old March 2nd, 2009, 10:17   #3
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damn, I wish I have AR. I really hate the sight on my SCAR.

What do you guy think if I just take out those sight on SCAR and replace it by those ?

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Old March 2nd, 2009, 10:19   #4
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It would look sweet, KND. That my opinion.
How much do the real MBUS sights go for? Or are they commercially available.
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Old March 2nd, 2009, 10:23   #5
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Sweet, on the "Must get" list!

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Old March 2nd, 2009, 10:28   #6
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The real ones are supposed to be coming out in a couple weeks, and if my memory serves they're around $100. I don't know why anybody wouldn't buy the real thing over the PTS knockoff (I call it a knockoff because although MagPul sanctions these, they're not the same as the MagPul parts built for real guns) ...especially when they're almost the same exact price.
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Old March 2nd, 2009, 10:29   #7
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Yeah thats what I read somewhere just wanted to confirm.. If it is going to cost me $90USD from overseas.. Might as well get the real deal for $100USD. Then I know its mad quality, and can throw it on real steal for real use.
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Old March 2nd, 2009, 11:06   #8
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If anyone has a site for the RS MBUS that ships to Canada, please post.
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Old March 2nd, 2009, 11:08   #9
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Not released yet, will be soon. US can't export to Canada (Magpul products can't be exported or something?).
Would have to wait for an overseas company to get their hands on them, like how WGC sells the magpul stocks.
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Old March 2nd, 2009, 12:06   #10
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Originally Posted by KND View Post
damn, I wish I have AR. I really hate the sight on my SCAR.

What do you guy think if I just take out those sight on SCAR and replace it by those ?
SCAR has a big rail along the top, if its a SCAR-L its firing the same ammo (real one) as an AR... I see no reason why the MBUS would be "wrong" on it.

Originally Posted by TriChrome View Post
The real ones are supposed to be coming out in a couple weeks, and if my memory serves they're around $100. I don't know why anybody wouldn't buy the real thing over the PTS knockoff (I call it a knockoff because although MagPul sanctions these, they're not the same as the MagPul parts built for real guns) ...especially when they're almost the same exact price.
Well for one, unlike you we aren't in the US: most Magpul products are ITAR restricted and are a huge pain in the ass to obtain outside of the US. In fake, many inane items are (Surefire helmet lights, Magpul parts, some Colt 1911 grips).

Magpul PTS products, on the other hand, are not; even those that are "virtually identical" (as in "its a different box that's labeled Magpul PTS) to the real steel items can be exported.

Looking at the "PTS" markings that look Photoshopped on, I think that just like the CTR stocks the PTS MBUS will pretty much be repackaged real ones, or otherwise identical to the real ones but manufactured overseas.
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Old June 1st, 2012, 00:38   #11
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I know this thread is a about two years old but I have a few questions. I didn't want to create a new thread when this one still existed.

So can anyone explain the differences between the ACM MBUS, PTS MBUS and the Official MBUS for Real Steel Rifles?

I know there is a huge price difference between the ACM and both PTS and official MBUS.

But my big question is, are they all the same? I've read sources saying that the ACM clones of the PTS are the same made in the same factory etc and then I read other sources saying no they aren't.

I'm wondering is the quality the same? Do they all use the same plastics material?

I've personally owned two pairs of ACM MBUS and the plastic was quit cheap and brittle.

Looking to get a pair of Gen 2 eventually and trying to figure out which version to go for.

Edit: Found info regarding PTS and RS MBUS

"Here are the differences.

1. The Magpul MBUS is made from our custom blended polymer as used in the PMags, The PTS sights use off the shelf DuPont polymer which is not as strong. (Is there a difference? -most definitely yes)
2. Aperture on rear sights for Magpul MBUS is always Black, PTS sights have rear apertures the same color as the sights.
3. Front sight posts is smaller in width than milspec.
4. Front sight rotation is stopped with a roll pin on the Magpul MBUS and a set screw on the PTS sights.
5. All hardware on Magpul MBUS is mil spec grade and coated to mil spec standards. PTS sights use off the shelf hardware with stock coatings.
6. PTS sights are marked as such on the front of the bases to avoid confusion between the two.

The PTS sights are made to a high standard compared to most other Airsoft items but they are not to be used in an operational environment. Could you put PTS sights on a plinker 22 and hit cans with them? Yes they will probably work, but if you are using your rifle for serious work then buy the real tools for the job. "


Last edited by shelcoof; June 1st, 2012 at 02:06..
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Old June 1st, 2012, 15:48   #12
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Where can you get Real Steel MAGPUL MBUS IN CANADA?

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Old June 1st, 2012, 17:40   #13
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One shot tactical seems to stock them.
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Old June 1st, 2012, 17:54   #14
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Originally Posted by Invasian View Post
Where can you get Real Steel MAGPUL MBUS IN CANADA?

You're in Montreal. Check out FabSports in ville d'Anjou they usually have them in stock (the 2nd Generation of MBUS).

He's only opened on saturdays though, but check it out.

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Last edited by Aper; June 1st, 2012 at 17:57..
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