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Worst Airsoft Injury Ever



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Old February 22nd, 2012, 23:07   #361
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Here is a good warning against playing with substandard equipment.

I got a mesh mask which had begun to split out of its rubber cowling by the second game. There was only a 3mm space, so I didn't think much of it.

I took a single round on an angle that got through the crack and bounced off the upper and lower edge of my eye socket before landing in my mask.

It didn't do any damage, but a slightly different angle and I would have taken one in the eye.

There are a few fields around here that support ballistics goggles, and I see people coming in with spacing in excess of a centimeter on the sides. I try to tell them it's a matter of time, but getting through is hard.

Note: This happened about a week ago. I've been playing for 8 years, so this isn't a case of new player dumbassery. It's important that you check your goggles for gaps. Even several of the paintball quality masks I've had, have had gaps that a bb could easily sneak through.

To keep with theme, aside from real injuries like nails through feet and torn ligaments that I've seen, one that comes to mind for me is a point blank shotgun blast. 3 rounds, 3 knuckles, a 20 second string of profanity.
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Old February 24th, 2012, 00:46   #362
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Location: Scarborough, Ontario, Canada
I had a tornado grenade go off in my hand once. It wouldn't have been too bad, but a couple bb's got into my paintball mask and were bouncing around for a bit.
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Old February 24th, 2012, 02:47   #363
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worst i have seen in 10 years here... was just one bb under the skin on the arm, from a point blank sniper rife... accident in the safe zone.

and one... "lets open up the WA GBBR Mag to fix..." with out releasing the gas.
after knocking out a few pins... the mag ripped it self apart sending shrapnel in many directions.
hitting him in the lip with blood everywhere and he required 4 stitches.
he could have easily lost a eye or even been fatal!

personally I have only dislocated my big toe at the start of a competition.
but i was just happy to actually finish the zone and with a reasonably good time.
then hobbled off to find transport to A&E to get it reset.

other random scary events... seen idle a m203 shell go off on a table in safe zone.
and also see a idle pistol mag explode... ripping a inch of the bottom of the mag.

oh.... also i have been shot twice... in the safe zone... but someone that was working on a gun and didn't realize they had a mag in when pulling the trigger.
the injury in that case would have been from me almost decking him!

then again... i have been shot in the back at work... at the photocopier... by the boss.
placing a gun on the ground in his office... finger slipped into trigger well i guess... and it had gas and ammo in it.... "by accident."
didn't even get a "sorry."

I just gave him the "treat all guns as loaded!!!"
...Lugers and Rugers and M1's and the all for sale...
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Last edited by ehobbyasia; February 24th, 2012 at 03:04..
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Old February 24th, 2012, 09:26   #364
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By hand grenade, I meant one with a charge in it. Not a gas powered grenade.

One of our guys did take a BB to the corner of his eye because he wasn't wearing his safety eyewear properly. It's the closest I've seen to someone losing an eye without actually losing one. Basically he was wearing his safety glasses on the bridge of his nose. He had them tilded so he could look over them, because they fogged up.
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I have developed a new sport called Airhard. Pretty much the same as Airsoft, except you have to maintain an erection...

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Old February 24th, 2012, 10:46   #365
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Worst dumb ass move ever - a old teammate forgot a can of green gas in his trunk at the old Wasaga field, it was one of those extremely hot day at about 3pm while we took a much needed break we heard a quick loud bang, ran to the parking lot to find his Brand new 98 BMW M3 trunk partially open with a huge bulge on the edge.

Worst injury inflicted was a several quick rapid semi shots by myself richochet of the window ledge hit me square in the tip of my nose, hurts like a bitch (I think I cried a bit like a bitch too)

Worst injury witnessed - some dumb ass rookie with a brand new gun not knowing it was shooting hot blindfire another player, he came out of the field bleeding from the forehead and lower face area, we ejected the player, last I heard the guy pulled out 11 bbs out of his arm and head area.
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Old February 24th, 2012, 11:25   #366
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Originally Posted by wildcard View Post
Worst dumb ass move ever - a old teammate forgot a can of green gas in his trunk at the old Wasaga field, it was one of those extremely hot day at about 3pm while we took a much needed break we heard a quick loud bang, ran to the parking lot to find his Brand new 98 BMW M3 trunk partially open with a huge bulge on the edge.

I would cry...

Originally Posted by wildcard View Post
Worst injury witnessed - some dumb ass rookie with a brand new gun not knowing it was shooting hot blindfire another player, he came out of the field bleeding from the forehead and lower face area, we ejected the player, last I heard the guy pulled out 11 bbs out of his arm and head area.
Can't wait for this season. All these new, cheap, legally imported 430fps guns that the noobs didn't bother to downgrade!
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Old February 24th, 2012, 11:54   #367
Cobalt Caliber
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Well we gotta hit em hard with the FPS thing. Chrony chrony chrony!
Originally Posted by FirestormX View Post
I know that isn't really what you asked, but it's the internet, and I like to type things that don't matter.
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Old February 24th, 2012, 12:13   #368
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Originally Posted by horto View Post
Can't wait for this season. All these new, cheap, legally imported 430fps guns that the noobs didn't bother to downgrade!
Well we did chrony but his main AEG went down and he decide to use his backup and for some reason he did not do his research properly and use a brand new PTW super MAX fresh off a retailer the night before and for some reason this particular retailer did not inform nor do they bother to do their own research about the items they are selling.

Last edited by wildcard; February 24th, 2012 at 12:16..
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Old February 24th, 2012, 16:04   #369
Cobalt Caliber
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What part of ptw MAX was hard to understand?
Originally Posted by FirestormX View Post
I know that isn't really what you asked, but it's the internet, and I like to type things that don't matter.
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Old February 24th, 2012, 18:24   #370
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Originally Posted by Cobalt Caliber View Post
What part of ptw MAX was hard to understand?
PTW MAX is not the issue their cylinder can be swapped it's the fact that when you sell a PTW Super Max you should be informed as well as informing your customer that it is not safe to field, buddy boy was clueless to the fact that his back up shoot in excess of 480fps and he claimed that he retailer said it's good to go. I've made a point to only install M90 spring on all my aeg and i have Black cylinder in all three of my PTW, espeecially with the PTW the seal is so good that all you really need is a black cylinder to be able to shoot indoors and outdoors flawlessly.

Last edited by wildcard; February 24th, 2012 at 19:33..
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Old February 24th, 2012, 19:02   #371
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We will need to make a point of chronying spare guns this year as well.
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Old February 25th, 2012, 09:15   #372
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My worst injury was that a friend of my looked at one of my springers and i wanted to grab something and my finger got shot from about 1 cm far,there was a time that i got shot with a catapult and hit me right between my nose, i was almost blind.:wink:
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Old June 1st, 2012, 11:56   #373
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Originally Posted by fantastix View Post
Here is a good warning against playing with substandard equipment.

I got a mesh mask which had begun to split out of its rubber cowling by the second game. There was only a 3mm space, so I didn't think much of it.

I took a single round on an angle that got through the crack and bounced off the upper and lower edge of my eye socket before landing in my mask.

It didn't do any damage, but a slightly different angle and I would have taken one in the eye.

There are a few fields around here that support ballistics goggles, and I see people coming in with spacing in excess of a centimeter on the sides. I try to tell them it's a matter of time, but getting through is hard.

Note: This happened about a week ago. I've been playing for 8 years, so this isn't a case of new player dumbassery. It's important that you check your goggles for gaps. Even several of the paintball quality masks I've had, have had gaps that a bb could easily sneak through.

To keep with theme, aside from real injuries like nails through feet and torn ligaments that I've seen, one that comes to mind for me is a point blank shotgun blast. 3 rounds, 3 knuckles, a 20 second string of profanity.
This is a good post because it outlines the importance of maintenance, but it's not limited to substandard equipment. It can simply happen if you're equipment is not set properly (as a newb I'm still working out the kinks).

For example, I played a round last game where my half-face mesh mask sat in such such a way that there was a small gap on top of my nose. Running around with my head tilted down a little was all it took for a BB to come flying in the top and hit my upper lip. Generally I have bad luck* and usually suffer an injury a month, but a half inch lower and it would have hit my bottom set of teeth and fuck that would have hurt.

Like fantastix said, make sure everything is set properly. Ears covered, mouth covered, and eyes - I've heard of some bad injures like BBs in the ears. As outlined by these posts it's something that can happen to newbs and vets so careful out there. Play safe so you can play again!

*Seconds before it happened the ref told me about the gap but I didn't think it was a big deal.
Here we are again bro -just you and me. Same kind of moon same kind of jungle. Real number 10 remember? Whole platoon, 32 men chopped into meat... We walk out just you and me, nobody else. Right on top huh? Not a scratch... Not a fuckin' scratch... - Sgt.Mac, Predator
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Old June 1st, 2012, 14:23   #374
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Recent injuries:

1) Chipped tooth at a local field in winnipeg. Its now costing me $1400 to get it fixed
2) Twisted ankle after my foot slipped into a ditch
3) Swollen wrist from hitting it against a rock after I fell down when my ankle slipped into a ditch...

Great way to begin a season. :|
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Old June 1st, 2012, 14:35   #375
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we had a guy with one of those full face horror style jason masks with just the eye holes as mesh...he took one shot where the mesh meets the mask, I don't think it got through, but there was penetration. More importantly, the fiberglass that the mask was lined with shattered and sprayed splinters all over his face.
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