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Ridiculous amounts of glare on my Eotech lens


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Old May 1st, 2012, 19:59   #1
Join Date: Jul 2010
Ridiculous amounts of glare on my Eotech lens

Hey guys, I've been playing for quite a while in England but I've run into a problem that the British folks seem to be clueless about. As England's been getting more sun, my G&P Eotech clone seem to have the most reflective glass lens ever, to the point where my reticle is on max brightness at all times, and I can still barely see it due to the high resolution reflection of my forehead.

I don't really want to buy another red dot sight right now because I still like this one, and in any case I'm never buying another one without first testing it for glare.

Is there anything I can do to cut the glare down to a usable level? Thanks.
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Old May 1st, 2012, 20:01   #2
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Originally Posted by Skytorn View Post
Hey guys, I've been playing for quite a while in England but I've run into a problem that the British folks seem to be clueless about. As England's been getting more sun, my G&P Eotech clone seem to have the most reflective glass lens ever, to the point where my reticle is on max brightness at all times, and I can still barely see it due to the high resolution reflection of my forehead.

I don't really want to buy another red dot sight right now because I still like this one, and in any case I'm never buying another one without first testing it for glare.

Is there anything I can do to cut the glare down to a usable level? Thanks.

You could try adding one of those flip up lens protectors. When the protector is up it should shade the lens from some of the light.
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eeyore, the more I look at your avatar, the more I find it looks like a vagina...
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Old May 1st, 2012, 20:10   #3
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Alright, I'll...get right on ordering that, then. In the meantime, anything quick & dirty I could try?
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Old May 1st, 2012, 20:13   #4
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Toilet paper roll?
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eeyore, the more I look at your avatar, the more I find it looks like a vagina...
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Old May 1st, 2012, 20:16   #5
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Most EOTech replicas are like that. Best way to solve that issue: get used to it.
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Old May 1st, 2012, 20:48   #6
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yeah, I'm not sure I like mine... it's definitely not very bright... was looking at maybe modding it with a brighter led... but then for all that trouble, I could just sell it and get another reflex reticle.
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Old May 17th, 2012, 07:48   #7
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This might be ghetto-tastic but, if you go to any large store like walmart or something similar, in the crafts or sewing section you can find some adhesive velcro (usually in white or black). Buy a little bit and then stick one side of the velcro along the outer edge of your eotech and the other side of the velcro on a make shift shade. Maybe use thicker black plastic from binders. you can score a cut in it and it would fold over but not break. I can make a drawing if my explaination is unclear
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Old May 17th, 2012, 08:55   #8
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One trick I was using on very sunny days was to actually close the cap on the far end of the sight so that when you look into it you see a reticle over black. As long as you keep both eyes open it works very well...... if you care about that sort of thing.

The crappy quality of eotech replicas (threadstripping, weakass reticles, incorrect english trades) has mostly lead me to abandon them outside of display purposes. Seriously, how hard would it be to just stick a REALLY bright LED in there, like all the ones they stuff into the junk at best buy?
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Old May 17th, 2012, 09:20   #9
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I don't know if I've been very lucky, if I'm being very tolerant towards mine or if a lot of you guys are not tolerant enough when it comes to replica (this is not meant as an attack at all, true question I'm asking myself here)

I haven't had the opportunity to compare mine with other eotech replicas, but seriously, I found the one I have to be accurate enough for it to be usable (nothing too crazy but for midrange encounter it's good enough I think), dot is bright enough in sunny situation assuming it's set to red, and haven't experienced the glaring issue described above O_o
I had huge amount of ghosting when I first got it, and the more I used it the less it was. It still is present but not too bothersome I think

Best of it all, it's one of the no-name ACM from Airsoftpark and I paid about 50-60$ for it ... I'm curious to ear your thoughts. I've been reading so many threads/posts of people hating all replicas of optics (mostly). I mean, it's not THAT bad is it?
Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
Real life comparison,

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Old May 17th, 2012, 18:16   #10
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Originally Posted by MultipleParadox View Post
Best of it all, it's one of the no-name ACM from Airsoftpark and I paid about 50-60$ for it ... I'm curious to ear your thoughts. I've been reading so many threads/posts of people hating all replicas of optics (mostly). I mean, it's not THAT bad is it?
I have a random ACM eotech replica. Pros: battery life, and externally (mostly) tough. Cons: Can't see the reticle at all in almost all daylight situations (I'm not talking faint, I'm saying you can't see it at all), threading on the mounting hardware stripped very easily, trades say "MLITARY USE".

I don't technically have issues with glare either but covering the front of the optic can reveal the reticle, and that particular problem is exacerbated by glare for sure (which is probably what the OP is getting).

My biggest issue aside from the stripping is the brightness of the optic, and many other replica optics I use. I have personally seen only one replica optic that was able to remain bright and visible against a summer sky background (a Docter red dot replica atop a ACOG). My two Aimpoint replicas are okay, but very faint against daylight targets. What I'm surprised by is that every replica doesn't just have the brightest LED they could possibly find, since they aren't expensive, and the Docter sight I saw was able to do it with an extremely small battery. I wonder what the deal is.

Since you either have to order these things online or in a dark store, there's pretty much no reliable way to know you'll get a reticle you can see in daylight ahead of time except to shell out for expensive optics.
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Old May 17th, 2012, 18:21   #11
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A real Eotech has an anti-reflective coating to prevent glare as well as having the reticle visible out the front of the sight.
Age verifier Northern Alberta

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Old May 17th, 2012, 18:45   #12
formerly bazza
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add some very light window tint to the frt glass might help or make a shade box for the frt might help as well .
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Old May 17th, 2012, 18:57   #13
aka coachster
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Build a glare shield that extends back towards your eye. Kind of like a 3 sided hood that only need to be maybe an inch or so long.

Here's an example but it's not on an eotech.

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