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Ontario-Quebec WWII game planning Thread


WW1, WW2

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Old May 16th, 2012, 12:46   #91
Grizzly0679's Avatar
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I like the idea of strict dress/gun code for milsims. The way I see it the gun is part of the uniform so there's no other way. I doubt I'll take part this season as it'll entail buying a whole new kit+gun but I will contribute to the thread anyway

Uniform Ideas. Blame McCrea for kick-starting the idea on my head.

Those were all the colored photos I had.

edit: my hand was shaky so they came out a little out of focus with the phone camera. If people want better photos I'll upload some later with my digital camera instead.
Here we are again bro -just you and me. Same kind of moon same kind of jungle. Real number 10 remember? Whole platoon, 32 men chopped into meat... We walk out just you and me, nobody else. Right on top huh? Not a scratch... Not a fuckin' scratch... - Sgt.Mac, Predator

Last edited by Grizzly0679; May 16th, 2012 at 12:49..
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Old May 16th, 2012, 13:30   #92
5kull's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
I don't think we want this to be a try it out game..

this will be a "pay off for your commitment game"

we will be looking for a high standard of impressions .. even from the people who choose to run a resistance fighter impression.

Showing up in your jeans and sneakers won't cut it

If you can't pull off a believable resistance look, might as well stay home with the kiddies I organize entry level games at home so that we can recruit players, this is not a game to introduce players to the hobby but to bring in more advanced players.

I agree with the person who suggested to make a list of minimum items to do an impression for a particular unit so that the rules are clear to everyone. It would also be interesting to enroll people into units. We are going to have a ton of 101st band of brothers, might as well group them into a unit Creating units will give a target to strive for and will give some cohesion to our game.

This brings me to the dark side of this hobby. I play WW2 Airsoft because I enjoy it, I enjoy my gear and your gear but mostly I enjoy the people I don't enjoy the guy's who think they are the "gear police"!

Not pointing at anyone here but I know these guy's exist because I see them at other people games all the time. I don't enjoy the Cliff Clavens of Airsoft who think they can have a negative attitude because they have this or that or ATF instead of China made etc. I don't enjoy the debates over what button was on uniforms from what date etc. If you like that kind of thing and you have a ton of knowledge, you have my respect, just don't use your knowledge as an ego booster

This should be a special event for people who have made an effort to get the minimum equipment for their unit and more if they can afford it. It should be an event for people who enjoy the game.

I hope my comments are taken positively, I'm not attacking anyone, just trying to set the tone for a nice day of playing WW2 Airsoft with a bunch of great players

Take care, 5kull
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Old May 16th, 2012, 13:44   #93
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the tone of your post is good, 5kull. Anyone taking offense is likely to be the person you're referring to, and that's just them getting mad at themselves, projecting it on to you.

No 5kull no peace; know 5kull know peace
Here we are again bro -just you and me. Same kind of moon same kind of jungle. Real number 10 remember? Whole platoon, 32 men chopped into meat... We walk out just you and me, nobody else. Right on top huh? Not a scratch... Not a fuckin' scratch... - Sgt.Mac, Predator
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Old May 16th, 2012, 13:45   #94
Brian McIlmoyle
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this event is NOT LIVING HISTORY ... I don't give a rats ass if all your gear is Chinese replica.. as long as it looks the part from 10 feet out.

I think that units should be split up as follows


US -

British/ Canadian



Waffen SS



Units will be built from these divisions .. Command elements will be assigned
Brian McIlmoyle
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If the tongue could cut as the sword does, the dead would be infinite
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Old May 16th, 2012, 14:05   #95
The Rain Man
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Originally Posted by 5kull View Post

This brings me to the dark side of this hobby. I play WW2 Airsoft because I enjoy it, I enjoy my gear and your gear but mostly I enjoy the people I don't enjoy the guy's who think they are the "gear police"!

Not pointing at anyone here but I know these guy's exist because I see them at other people games all the time. I don't enjoy the Cliff Clavens of Airsoft who think they can have a negative attitude because they have this or that or ATF instead of China made etc. I don't enjoy the debates over what button was on uniforms from what date etc. If you like that kind of thing and you have a ton of knowledge, you have my respect, just don't use your knowledge as an ego booster

This should be a special event for people who have made an effort to get the minimum equipment for their unit and more if they can afford it. It should be an event for people who enjoy the game.

I hope my comments are taken positively, I'm not attacking anyone, just trying to set the tone for a nice day of playing WW2 Airsoft with a bunch of great players

Take care, 5kull
Totally agree... No stitch Nazis allowed. That's why I stated 80 - 100% accurate impressions... and accurate means it looks the part... original, made in China or in the US, don't give a crap as long as it looks the part. Even if it's the basics... it's still makes it 100%. If you have a 101st impression and you have everything but the jump boots and you are wearing Black boots instead I say you are good to go.

I think if guys have any doubts about their kits being up to snuff then I would suggest you submit pictures of your impression and we can make suggestions or say it's perfectly fine.

As all events should be... fun and safety is the theme of the day.
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Old May 16th, 2012, 14:08   #96
Brian McIlmoyle
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This is actually a pretty basic impression.

Tunic, Pants , belt, hat.. holster and Mapcase..

but it looks pretty good.. In my opinion

Brian McIlmoyle
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Toronto Downtown Age Verifier


If the tongue could cut as the sword does, the dead would be infinite

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Old May 16th, 2012, 14:08   #97
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I encourage everyone to start looking on the internet for militarily shows such as this one:

You never know what you will pick up at these shows. Several years ago I picked up an original bdu for ~$40 that fit like a glove.

Also don't feel as though this is a allied special forces only event. A chap with a panzerfaust might have disabled your tank and killed the rest of the crew leaving you with nothing but your Thompson to wander the countryside after bailing out. Perhaps your dispatcher's motorcycle crapped out leaving your Sten as your only companion.

My point is to be creative, and do some research. You might be surprised what peaks interest with a little reading.

Last edited by backspasm; May 16th, 2012 at 15:09..
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Old May 16th, 2012, 14:29   #98
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That's the key thing here, be creative!

You don't need everything including the kitchen sink, just look at Brians impression, smack dab on.
Simple, relatively cheap-ish and most important - it's great.

If you require somethings, ask around.. chances are somebody just might have spare to lend out or point you in the right direction for a cheap alternative that works.
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Old May 16th, 2012, 15:23   #99
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Basic Heer and US Infantry and to a lesser extent, British Infantry wwii airsoft uniforms are fairly easy to acquire.

Overseas repro is quite affordable nowadays. You don't have to spend a fortune to follow the event "dress code".

Minty Post war M1 helmets can be had for $40.

As mentioned previously, special / elite force uniforms don't have to be the norm.

Anything period correct at the ankles or below (e.g. gaiters, boots) seems unnecessary.

Basic Heer and US Infantry and to a lesser extent, British Infantry wwii airsoft uniforms are fairly easy to acquire.

Overseas repro is quite affordable nowadays. You don't have to spend a fortune to follow the event "dress code".

Minty Post war M1 helmets can be had for $40. British MKII, III, IV helmets always seem to be available at curio shops, but the liners don't seem to pass the test of time.

As mentioned previously, special / elite force uniforms don't have to be the norm.

Anything period correct at the ankles or below (e.g. gaiters, boots) seems unnecessary.

Spearhead Militaria ebay store sells affordable P37, P40 and CDN battle dress at an ok price. P37 webbing either surplus, original or repro is still easy to find and won't break the bank.

Camouflage uniforms such as smocks are a bit pricey and not necessary IMHO. Players seem to fancy that stuff possibly because that is the modern idea of what a soldier looks like. Khaki in its many varieties and Field Gray in its many varieties are more than sufficient.

But don't dare show up in Hong Kong Harry Waffen SS M43 HBTs.....that stuff is farb. / jk.
Originally Posted by Aper View Post

Anyways, it's not my problem. Enjoy your overpriced shaving acessories.

Last edited by shiftsup; May 16th, 2012 at 15:56..
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Old May 16th, 2012, 19:20   #100
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Originally Posted by shiftsup View Post
It would be useful to create a thread on this board in regards the minimal kit expectations for this event.

A simple 60% US GI Infantry 10 foot impression is easy to assemble.

M1 Helmet, HBTs with or without the M41 jacket, web pistol belt, suspenders isn't expensive when you have a year to acquire the goods.

If some post wwii weapons are allowed (e.g faux wood M14 for axis or allied) you can always tie a meat can pouch on the pistol belt to carry the magazines.

I agree with Leecas, if you have a 90%+ complete kit why would you want to take a 6+ hour drive (or fly) to take part in a wwii event that would have players wearing Flecktarn, DPM, Woodland, 'Nam ODs etc.
Yes,a list of minimal kit requirements would be very helpful. I don't even know what percent of authenticity(or look the part) my kit is at.
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Old May 16th, 2012, 19:32   #101
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Tiker - Your kit is pretty well ~95% I'd say, the last 5% would be ID tags, soldbuch, etc.. etc..
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Old May 16th, 2012, 19:50   #102
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Originally Posted by COL.TIKER View Post
Yes,a list of minimal kit requirements would be very helpful. I don't even know what percent of authenticity(or look the part) my kit is at.
I have never met you in person but from what I have read on this forum and on Lee's forum you are more than good to go.

But yeah, a list and constructive non hostile criticism with reasonable suggestions wouldn't hurt. This hobby is supposed to be fun. I have over 40 wwii uniform and equipment reference books in my personal collection. I am always willing to look up stuff for anyone who has a question. Internet info is ok but there is a lot of good stuff that's in books.
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Old May 16th, 2012, 19:53   #103
a.k.a. LastSpartan
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Firefox did exactly that on ww2quebec, here's a snippet of our system (sorry its in french only).


Kit de base 100'
M1942 jacket
M1942 trousers
M1936 main belt

Kit 50'
M1942 jacket
M1942 trousers
M1936 main belt
M2 helmet avec ou sans camouflage net
M1936 webbing
M1942 canteen
M1910 bag
M1936 backpack

Kit 10'
M1942 jacket
M1942 trousers
M1936 main belt
M2 helmet avec ou sans camouflage net
M1936 webbing
M1942 canteen
M1910 bag
M1936 backpac
holster for the Colt M1911 pistol
M1910 folding shovel

We also have these for the brits, resistants, germans, etc.


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Old May 16th, 2012, 21:34   #104
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Now this is music to my ears.
Age Verifier for Calgary, PM me.
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Old May 16th, 2012, 23:02   #105
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Just checked Hikishop.

Its pretty crazy, that a basic Heer impression could be put together for like 160 bucks plus shipping.
Tunic, Trousers, Belt\Buckle, Breadbag, Gaiters

(Just one request fellow German troops. Please avoid Dot44 Helmet covers or field caps, they are VERY farb.
Saw them on the front page of hiki, and immediately picked it up.)

Ontario Airsoft WW2 Reenactors
Originally Posted by János Hunyadi
To withdraw is impossible, to surrender is unthinkable. Let us fight bravely and honour our arms!- 1444 Battle of Varna
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