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MSA Sordins rigged for TalkAbout Motorola's?



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Old April 13th, 2012, 02:11   #1
Sugarfreetargets's Avatar
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MSA Sordins rigged for TalkAbout Motorola's?

I'm new to these forums, so sorry if this is already been asked or if I misplace this thread...

But I've been looking in buying a pair of MSA Sordins(I'm having nothing but problems with Ztactical Sordins) But I'm looking for a PTT that's capable of using Motorola's TalkAbout radios into REAL Sordins.

I've looked all over online for any information about modding or buying a PTT I can use for MSA Sordins, but I end up finding nothing. The closest thing I found was to ship your radio and headset to TEA or MSA directly and they can mod a PTT that works for your radio for couple hundred bucks(USD) Also I heard you need to be in the military or LE for them to actually do it. That seems like a pain in the a** just for piece of cord! And I don't want to bother with getting a HAM radio licence and an expensive radio.(That might not work with other 2 way radios that people use on the field)

Can someone help me out on this? Does anyone know how to set up TalkAbout radios with real MSA Sordins? Does anyone have a link where I can find someone who custom makes PTT's for cheap or a store that sells these?
I feel like I have no other choice but to spend a fortune just for communication.
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Old April 13th, 2012, 08:58   #2
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Any ZTactical PTT will work with the ZTacticals Sordins
Your only concern is to find a Motorola compatible PTT

Techseller (here on ASC) can help you with that, and he's got incredible service

My bad, didn't read the post carefully, I read MSA, Motorolla, ZTactical and connected the dots - bad habit :P
There's a thread somewhere with, I think, a solution to your problem already

Leaving my initial post so it might help other people searching for that
Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
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Old April 13th, 2012, 10:03   #3
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Rather than getting an impedance matched ptt, buy a 1.2k - 2k ohm electret mic and swap out your mic on your sordins. It's only 3 screws, pop off the dust cover, and unsolder the old mic and solder the new one on it. I put a drop of hot glue under the the one to keep it in place. Now you can use a cheap ptt from eBay (or nice one) and everyone will be able to hear you nicely while using non military radios. Ie: pretty much anything.
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Old April 13th, 2012, 13:51   #4
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So I was able to find some PTT's that can use real sordins , but the sordins I'm looking all have a LEMO 6 pin connector. And I don't see how I can attach that on to this. (I did hear something about LEMO 6pin are pretty much useless now)

And I also found this radio for those PTT's. (It's a knock off, but it works for my standards)

Thanks Kimbo! If I can't find a good PTT, I'll try that out.
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Old April 13th, 2012, 17:13   #5
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Just make sure that the ptt that you are getting has an impedance matching amp in it or you will transmit very quietly.
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Old July 9th, 2012, 11:16   #6
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Just contact Steve at SRS Tactical.

He can convert the plug for you, change out the mic and has perfectly functioning PTT's to work with civilian radios.

He's going to cost alot more than ToySoldier, but don't be cheap when it comes to Comms. I've made that mistake before.

*just realized this is over 3 months old

Last edited by nbkqm; July 9th, 2012 at 11:47..
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Old July 9th, 2012, 21:10   #7
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Hope this helps as it did for me
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