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Upgrading accurary of my rifle


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Old April 6th, 2012, 23:26   #16
formerly Qc_Sarado
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Location: Montreal Southshore
For PDI piston, which is better:

PDI BaRiKaRu VC Piston for Marui VSR-10


PDI Ezy Hard Piston for Marui VSR-10
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Old April 7th, 2012, 00:20   #17
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I'm using the Ezy hard piston at about 400 FPS and it works great. Cannot comment on the Barikaru. All I know is that it is intented for lower power springs. PDI's website states that it is intented for VSR 140 springs and lower (around 400 FPS).

Its up to you but you can purchase PDI parts directly from them at
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Old April 7th, 2012, 07:41   #18
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Hello fellow team mate !

Accuracy is related to the quality of these components: Good and constant air pressure, hop-up and bucking/nub, inner barrel and BB. I would suggest first to try the heaviest BB your hop-up can handle to see if it makes any difference. I heard good things about PDI parts in a VSR-10.

I would also strongly suggest you to read this:

Review: PDI Variable Hop-Up Chamber with Cylinder Head for Marui VSR-10 / G-SPEC -

Last edited by Warlock; April 7th, 2012 at 08:00..
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Old April 7th, 2012, 09:53   #19
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Others here have provided component upgrades and techniques to improving your accuracy, so I'm not going to even address that. What I will address is the PHYSICS of BB ballistics - it's the ballistic profile that is being directly affected by the components. In addition, the ballistic profile will be affected by elemental forces.

BBs in flight have a number of components acting on them:

- gravity
- oncoming air friction
- muzzle energy, in fps for the BB weight, as driving by your spring/piston/seal/barrel combination
- BB weight
- atmospheric/weather conditions

Gravity is counteracted by your hop-up, which gives the BB a backspin, which creates a low-pressure zone above it, forcing the BB to lift (Bernoulli's principle).

Air friction creates resistance to flight. A side effect is, at excessively high velocities, BBs create a small low-pressure vacuum/wake immediately behind themselves which can cause instability in flight. This disrupts the lift, as airflow moving around the BB is not smoothly flowing back together. Another affect is that this instability makes the BB MORE susceptible to crosswind flows.

Your spring/piston/seal/barrel combination drives your fps. Other's are providing information on this, so I won't.

BB weight provide stability in flight simply because it is heavier (more initial kinetic energy). A heavier round is less likely to be affected by crosswinds, wake turbulence and light foliage, and it is being kept in the air because of Bernoulli's. A heavier round will also fly truer and farther than a lighter round, assuming all other factors being equal. This is why almost all snipers use a 0.36+ gram round.

Atmospheric/weather conditions can have an effect on flight. BB's tend to behave with more uncertainty under humid and wet conditions. This should be obvious - you have moisture on everything, including the air you're shooting through. The moisture will play havoc with your BB's flight path - the air is "thicker" so more friction and interference is expected. Humid conditions may also cause light condensation inside your rifle barrel after a shot because of the sudden drop from high to low pressure in the barrel, although this is a very minor condition compared to everything else.

Stalker (and others) are correct - a slower, heavier round, properly spun, can easily achieve the ranges of a high fps rifle, but without the flight instabilities inherent to a high fps round.
The Three Sisters - WE G39 E/K/C
Originally Posted by kalnaren View Post
Stalker stays where he is.
His BB's fly across the country to hit their target.

Last edited by slink182; April 7th, 2012 at 09:55..
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Old April 7th, 2012, 13:09   #20
formerly Qc_Sarado
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Originally Posted by H1TMAN View Post
I'm using the Ezy hard piston at about 400 FPS and it works great. Cannot comment on the Barikaru. All I know is that it is intented for lower power springs. PDI's website states that it is intented for VSR 140 springs and lower (around 400 FPS).

Its up to you but you can purchase PDI parts directly from them at

A question abot x-fire website; When I'm looking for VSR-10 parts, I see B↑ symbols after the products name, what does it mat good eans? My japoness is not so good =)

Thank you guys! Helping me a lot!
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Old April 7th, 2012, 13:33   #21
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Bore-up. You don't want this unless you have a super long inner barrel (like 650mm).
Keep quiet. Sound travels faster than BBs.

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Old April 7th, 2012, 14:20   #22
formerly Qc_Sarado
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Location: Montreal Southshore
Thank you Drakker!

Also, where can I find a Hop-up Nub that will fit in my rifle because mine is a cruches and worn.

I need to buy a new cylinder kit, but there is like 4 différent kits, which should I buy?

There is the:
-PDI VSR-10 Precision cylinder SET VC
-PDI VSR-10 Precision cylinder SET HD
-PDI VSR-10 Parusonaito cylinder SET VC
-PDI VSR-10 Parusonaito cylinder SET HD

I'm so confused, don't know what all those things means...
Certified Level 2 BA Sniper
Anciennement Qc_Sarado

Last edited by Fallen; April 7th, 2012 at 14:25..
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Old April 7th, 2012, 14:33   #23
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For the hop-up Nub

You can try this:

You might need to cut it a bit to fit inside your barrel. Also do not use the soft (green) nub because it is suitable only for soft bucking, light BB and low velocity.

If you order the PDI hop-up set, the nub is coming with the kit.

Last edited by Warlock; April 7th, 2012 at 14:38..
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