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Opinions on an M14


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Old March 31st, 2012, 23:48   #1
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Opinions on an M14

Okay, so after a few weeks of decision making I'm stuck on the idea of getting an M14. Now I do not want to get one used so I'm avoiding the classifieds. Originally I was going to go with the Echo 1 Mock Wood M14 then upgrade it, however I've recently came by the G&G M14 for around 150$ more.


Just wanted to see what you guys thought first.


Last edited by Aquamarine; April 2nd, 2012 at 04:18..
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Old April 1st, 2012, 00:14   #2
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Originally Posted by Battery View Post
Okay, so after a few weeks of decision making I'm stuck on the idea of getting an M14. Now I do not want to get one used so I'm avoiding the classifieds. Originally I was going to go with the Echo 1 Mock Wood M14 then upgrade it, however I've recently came by the G&G M14 for around 150$ more.

Link redacted

Just wanted to see what you guys thought first.

First rifle?

Not trying to discourage you, and i have -zero- experience with actually fielding one yet, but...

This is pretty much an outdoor gun. You aren't going to have much fun CQB'ing it. It's a LONG rifle - it dwarfs my 14.5" M4. In short, your choice in rifle, if it is a first, is going to be a limitator as to where you can play it.

Please look at this thread - I'm not sure if it is addressing the IWS variant, or another variation, but the base mechanical components are the same. The gun docs appear to be giving it a pass, as it is a proprietary G&G mechbox design, not TM compatible.

I do have an M14 (different brand, and heavier than this particular model), but as said, I haven't fielded it yet. I don't think i'd want it as a primary, but as an additional toy in the arsenal, the M14 is great (and going to be a great muscle builder to carry it about the field!).

If i were you, and this would be your primary - i'd look for something more versatile as a primary, and perhaps look forward to the M14 as a secondary. But.. different strokes, for different folks.

PS. Horrible price!

My $0.02.

Last edited by HackD; April 1st, 2012 at 11:49..
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Old April 1st, 2012, 00:24   #3
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Originally Posted by HackD View Post
First rifle?

Not trying to discourage you, and i have -zero- experience with actually fielding one yet, but...

This is pretty much an outdoor gun. You aren't going to have much fun CQB'ing it. It's a LONG rifle - it dwarfs my 14.5" M4. In short, your choice in rifle, if it is a first, is going to be a limitator as to where you can play it.

Please look at this thread - I'm not sure if it is addressing the IWS variant, or another variation, but the base mechanical components are the same. The gun docs appear to be giving it a pass, as it is a proprietary G&G mechbox design, not TM compatible. (LINK REMOVED AGAIN)

I do have an M14 (different brand, and heavier than this particular model), but as said, I haven't fielded it yet. I don't think i'd want it as a primary, but as an additional toy in the arsenal, the M14 is great (and going to be a great muscle builder to carry it about the field!).

If i were you, and this would be your primary - i'd look for something more versatile as a primary, and perhaps look forward to the M14 as a secondary. But.. different strokes, for different folks.

PS. Horrible price!

My $0.02.
It's not my "First" rifle, I currently have an ICS M4 and I've played around with various other M4 makes and brands, AEG and GBBR. I won't be playing indoor all to often and it does come with a downgraded optional spring.

I'm looking for distance and accuracy, thats why I've taken an intrest in this gun. Im really not a CQB person at all, I know the gun will limit where I can play but thats fine by me, I've got my sights set on an M14.

I know the price is a little high, however the Echo1 before upgrades is $400, and by the time I upgrade everything (battery, tight bore, charger etc) I'll be looking at around $550 so it's no different to me, if there was a different place I could get this rifle I would be more then glad to get it somewhere else!

Last edited by Aquamarine; April 2nd, 2012 at 04:18..
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Old April 1st, 2012, 00:35   #4
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The m14 is a beast, I have a TM m14 with all systema internals hitting 250' out 414fps. Its really a heavy rifle to run around all day with but worth it. The TM has the best outside construction of any m14 out there. The g&g EBR comes in second but harder to upgrade.
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Old April 1st, 2012, 00:44   #5
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If your interested in an echo 1 M14 then I sudgest getting it at TA. It's only 239$.
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Old April 1st, 2012, 00:47   #6
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Originally Posted by Battery View Post
It's not my "First" rifle, I currently have an ICS M4 and I've played around with various other M4 makes and brands, AEG and GBBR. I won't be playing indoor all to often and it does come with a downgraded optional spring.
Sorry, i made that first rifle assumption, based upon where you've posted this to.

Originally Posted by Battery View Post
I'm looking for distance and accuracy, thats why I've taken an intrest in this gun. Im really not a CQB person at all, I know the gun will limit where I can play but thats fine by me, I've got my sights set on an M14.
Speaking to the choir, brother. Similar with me. Do what your heart tells you to do, as long as the wallet (and SO) allows it.

Originally Posted by Battery View Post
I know the price is a little high, however the Echo1 before upgrades is $400, and by the time I upgrade everything (battery, tight bore, charger etc) I'll be looking at around $550 so it's no different to me, if there was a different place I could get this rifle I would be more then glad to get it somewhere else!
Perhaps wait until the spring buying rush is over, and the retailers restock? I know that a few are pretty much out of all their over-wintered popular model stocks now.

Might want to ask a mod to move this to the Restricted Age of Majority Discussion section, so that people could give you suggestions as to where to find what you are looking for, in stock.
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Old April 1st, 2012, 00:55   #7
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Originally Posted by Solo36 View Post
If your interested in an echo 1 M14 then I sudgest getting it at TA. It's only 239$.
All M14's out.. I think i grabbed their last M14 of any brand name, the other day.
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Old April 1st, 2012, 01:35   #8
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You might want to remove the link as well. Posting retailer information in the newbie tank is against the rules.
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Old April 1st, 2012, 01:35   #9
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Avoid G&G and CA M14's like the plague. They do not run a standardized gearbox.

Go with a Tokyo Marui M14 over a clone... The quality difference is very apparent as well as the ease of upgrade and performance.
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Old April 1st, 2012, 07:01   #10
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I have a G&G M14...avoid it? never. Works incredible. 3 years and still hittin guys from a distance. Its my first pick every game. The G&G m14 doesnt need any upgrades. out of the box and ready to go
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Old April 1st, 2012, 08:14   #11
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TM M14 is the only M14 I will ever run. Out of the box it is already an amazing rifle. Toss in a TB and thats pretty much all you need.
You can always upgrade everything in it, but if your going to do that you might as well go with the best parts on the market to actually see a decent increase in performance.
It definitely is a long rifle, but if your ok with humping around that weight and length then I would say it is a great choice.

Also, I would have a look at Classifieds, you can definitely get one with upgrades for a fraction of what it would cost to do them all yourself.
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Last edited by Rush; April 1st, 2012 at 09:33..
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Old April 1st, 2012, 08:43   #12
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I dont see any wear and tear on my G&G so i stopped waiting for it to die. I got the Tundra Arms GBB M14. Should be in soon. You can get it with RA Tech already installed if you want. I think they are also going to offer a AEG M14. I got my m4 from them and love it. too many guns. I just blend them into the collection so the wife doesnt clue in that i just dropped more money on them. Oh honey I that one before we met, just havent taken it out of the box yet.
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Old April 1st, 2012, 08:47   #13
Rusty Lugnuts
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My son uses a M14, he's a tall, big guy and it looks "right" on him. One little bit of advice-when you buy the gun also order the spare mags you want, with the understanding that you can return them if they don't feed correctly. We have had some trouble getting mags to work correctly in his. ( echo 1)
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Old April 1st, 2012, 09:22   #14
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I got an E1 M14 on sale from TA... the quality is.. meh. I'm happy with it for what I paid (and apparently the newer Echo1 M14s use standard v7 mechboxes), but I'd never consider it as a primary or secondary. Not without a bit of work. The quality just isn't there. Parts fall of it if you're not careful, the fake wood is meh, metal finish is meh. Not the worst gun I've seen but not the best.

If I was considering an M14 as an actual field gun, it would be TM or nothing.

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Old April 1st, 2012, 10:14   #15
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The OP may also want to read this thread - it's in the age of majority discussion section.

Basically explains why you are seeing G&G only at the retailer mentioned in his first post, and not elsewhere, and with a MAP scheme in effect to keep pricing artificially high/silly.
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