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Irregular Pitch Spring Installation


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Old March 25th, 2012, 14:13   #31
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all springs are different depend on the coils.
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Old March 25th, 2012, 16:18   #32
a.k.a. az29okg
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Originally Posted by ozzy5 View Post
all springs are different depend on the coils.
Do you mean that for some irregular pitched spring, the orientation does not matter (obviously, that is my experience with the ICS M120 spring)?

But, does anybody know why?

I've attached a picture of my spring.
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File Type: jpg ICS-M120 Spring.jpg (235.0 KB, 17 views)
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Old March 25th, 2012, 19:30   #33
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Originally Posted by Cokeman View Post
Do you mean that for some irregular pitched spring, the orientation does not matter (obviously, that is my experience with the ICS M120 spring)?

But, does anybody know why?

I've attached a picture of my spring.
I have replicated your results before. S110+ irregular spring, flipped one way, 403-407fps. Flipped the other way, 403-407fps.

I think this topic needs more investigation.
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Old June 2nd, 2013, 09:28   #34
formerly FrankieCees, Remylebeau
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Tighter coils on a non-linear STILL go to the back right? Results are so varied in this thread and I'm a cell and don't want to search anymore

Edit: I also had the same results as Maciek - Modify s110 flipped both ways 363fps (using silent head set)

Side note: I just cracked open a v2 box I'm working on because I noticed metal shreds/dust around the spring guide - tighter coils were to the guide, the mad bull red guide is grinded to shit, same with the busy end of the spring - gears,piston remain in perfect shape - what the shit caused this??

Last edited by Rabbit; June 2nd, 2013 at 14:09..
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Old June 2nd, 2013, 17:36   #35
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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yes, to the spring guide, always to the spring guide
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Old October 21st, 2013, 23:13   #36
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A guy here comes up with the conclusion that tight coils should be towards piston. I personally don't think it would matter because if you push on the spring from either side the spring should compress and decompress the same way.
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Old October 21st, 2013, 23:38   #37
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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um. guys a retard.
Science counts for nothing when the actual physical evidence has shown MANY (and I mean dozens of examples just on the forums here) that you get higher fps when the tight coils are to the spring guide.

I don't understand the science of it myself, like not even a little bit. But the fact is, tighter coils on spring guide = higher fps. Fact.

I also hate these guys that use lots of theoretical science to try and disprove actual fact. If your science is telling you something that factually happened is incorrect, then it's the science that is incorrect lol

Lots of people here didn't understand BB physics, the science geeks would explain it with very basic physics. Problem was, those physics were incorrect because they didn't factor in enough information. They were missing too many variables and thus their conclusions were always incorrect.
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Old October 22nd, 2013, 13:52   #38
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Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
I also hate these guys that use lots of theoretical science to try and disprove actual fact. If your science is telling you something that factually happened is incorrect, then it's the science that is incorrect lol
The scientific method, in it's pure form, should in such a situation indicate an incorrect hypothesis. The human element (ie. hubris) really derails this supposedly unbiased process. Reference Galileo or Hubble for similar examples; both were denounced by their contemporaries for suggesting observable phenomenon contradicted accepted theories.
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Old October 22nd, 2013, 13:53   #39
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Close coils go in the area where the highest stress is and where the least movement is.

The close coil end is heavier so if you put it on the piston end you're adding mass that has to be moved with every cycle.

Think of it as a valve spring in an engine vs. a coil sprung shock. It might start to make more sense that way.
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Old October 22nd, 2013, 16:05   #40
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Whatever the explanations are I've found no difference in having the coils the wrong way.
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Old October 22nd, 2013, 16:56   #41
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If your observations are that it doesn't make a difference...that's fine.

TBH since over a year ago I've stopped working on setups so I'm open to the possibility that things may have changed...particularly with the tempering of springs.

Prior to that litterally hundreds of AEGs went through my hands and while certainly the work on them all didn't involve flipping a spring and chrony'ing the difference I would, and did, definitively say that I observed a difference in nonlinear springs. Definitely some brands did not differ as much as others for whatever particular reasons.

In truth I think that finding a cause for a 5fps difference in one AEG setup versus another is a bit pointless. Typically you set things up as best as you can and then get what you get. There are rough "rules" and "guidelines" about what combo will result in what...but there are plenty of variables and exceptions that buck those.

One of the examples I'd put up would be the 550+ fps w/0.20 AK Spetznas (CYMA of all brands) whose only modification was a reshim, muck out the worst of the grease and swap to a M120 spring. Shouldn't have been possible...but from the multiple chronies, cycling, sound and damage to the shooting box it was definitely beyond hard hitting. I ended up doing 3-4 spring swaps to finally get it down to just over 400fps. Each lower power spring did drop the FPS...but not by the "typical" amounts or anything close to it. I still don't really know why it shot so "well"...but the guys said it was a beast in the field. Should have kept it....
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