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Question regarding batteries


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Old March 19th, 2012, 13:22   #1
Grizzly0679's Avatar
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Location: Montreal
Question regarding batteries

Hi all,

(performed a cursory search. Found information regarding the company which makes this rifle - the reviews were good - but nothing pertaining specifically to the one I'm looking at)

A little frustrated with the online process of ordering an airsoft rifle. I won't mention the store I'm dealing with in the interest of forum rules, but everything is out of stock, and they barely keep their store open so I can't get information before purchasing the rifle I want.

Which brings me here.

The rifle I'm looking at is a FMG1 Custom. However, the website does not say which type of battery it requires. Any ideas? Is a there a general type of battery most assault rifles use? What's the difference between them?

Thanks in advance,

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Old March 19th, 2012, 14:58   #2
Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: Toronto, ON
Grizz, there are no such thing as "general type of battery" for AEGs unfortunately. This information has to be provided by retailer. Importers and retailers have access to the vendors catalogs. The AEG you're looking for is based on King Arms and from King Arms catalog I can guess that you would need 1600mAh 9.6V mini-type battery (or you can substitute with LiPo of similar size). Battery goes into handguard in similar KA model. Also check what kind of connector you would need - most likely mini Tamiya, however these days some AEG are equipped with deans (T-connectors). Hope it helps.
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Old March 19th, 2012, 16:02   #3
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Hmmmm...roger that.

I'm trying to quickly learn as much as I can before laying down some cash. This simplifies things for me. That's actually the battery I picked out, but I'm not going to claim it was by any intellectual means, it was merely on sale.

I haven't seen much about connectors, and didn't know that was an issue to consider. :\

I think what it comes down to, I have to be patient, and call the store. I just wanted a quick response because they have a pretty good deal on the rifle and I don't want to miss it. I'll be sure to ask about connectors.

Thanks for the reply and information.
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Old March 19th, 2012, 20:12   #4
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Stick with the connectors that you get out of the box (likely mini tamiyas). If you're handy with soldering then change them out to Deans (by far the most popular connector for airsoft) or you could try what's known as "XT-60" connectors from hobby king if you want (only 1 other person I know of (MaciekA) is testing out these connectors). Personally I'm thinking of trying EC2 connectors but that's just me being inquisitive and testing things out.

As far as that model goes, if it's got a MOE handguard you'll need thinner batteries (or a butterfly/nunchuck/split style battery). OR it will be stored in the rear buffer tube.
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Old March 20th, 2012, 12:25   #5
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Thanks. Coincidentally I chose a nunchuk style battery. Store is open tomorrow...yay! Trigger finger wants to get its squeeze on!
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