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Worth getting a TM 1911 MEU?


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Old February 25th, 2012, 23:54   #1
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Worth getting a TM 1911 MEU?

Hey folks, I have been a big fan of the traditional 1911/1911A1, but recently after reading the review on the MEU,

I am just at the edge of making a decision on getting it, aesthetically speaking I find it extremely hard for me to not get bored at its funky shape, I am more like a conservationist when appreciating something by the outer look.
But technically seems like no essential difference in the performance compared to the TM 1911A1.I have to admit that I was actually turned on just by those a few words like "the USMC standard issue shit". Yeah there must be a reason for the marines to choose MEU rather than the 1911A1 as their standard pistol.

So I hope all you owners can share a piece of advice!
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Old February 26th, 2012, 00:25   #2
Cobalt Caliber
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Heh? Between Classic M1911A1 and the MEU the only real differences in airsoft are externals.
Originally Posted by FirestormX View Post
I know that isn't really what you asked, but it's the internet, and I like to type things that don't matter.
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Old February 26th, 2012, 00:59   #3
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I own both of them and I can tell you they are pretty much the same gun. The internals are the same and the performance/kick is the same.

If you are going based on external looks, the M1911A1 looks better because of the Colt markings, whereas the MEU has the 'Professional Cal .45' markings on the slide.
Also, the MEU comes with beefier grips that make it feel rounder in your hands. The 1911A1 feels slender.

I believe the MEU is an updated version of the Colt 1911 with additional features and such for the Marines.
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Last edited by ap27; February 26th, 2012 at 01:09..
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Old February 26th, 2012, 01:34   #4
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I know you're looking at the 1911's but take a look at the 4.3 or 5.1 hicappas they are based off of the 1911 and if you're going to be playing in larger groups a lot of people have them so in a pinch you can borrow mags.

At OP Rhino our truck crew all had Stanag TM based aegs and hicappa's and when you're under fire and screaming "I'm out of mags!" someone can toss you a couple spares if you have the same type of gear.
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Old February 26th, 2012, 02:07   #5
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Thanks guys! I might just consider a pass.I play Seals always let my upgraded TM M4 go with the classic 1911A1,but really no technical difference btwn the A1 and the MEU like most of us spotted, why the hell the MEU is more sought-after than the A1 model?
even the price is a little bit higher.

Last edited by C73061; February 26th, 2012 at 16:12..
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Old February 26th, 2012, 13:18   #6
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Because more people like its look?
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Old February 26th, 2012, 13:35   #7
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Whichever 1911 variant you decide on, make sure it's a TM and not a WE. When it comes to pistols, TM is king.
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Old February 26th, 2012, 13:49   #8
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Its more comfortable in your hands (MEU) personally
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Old February 26th, 2012, 16:15   #9
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Originally Posted by C73061 View Post
Thanks guys! I might just consider a pass.I play Seals always let my upgraded TM M4 go with the classic 1911A1,but really no technical difference btwn the A1 and the MEU like most of us spotted, why the hell the MEU is more sought-after than the A1 model?
even the price is a little bit higher.
People complain about the MEU grips a lot, but I actually found them quite comfortable. The MEU also has a nice rounded hammer, so it'll never hook on any loose clothing you might have. If you ever plan to upgrade, keep in mind that the 1911A1 and the MEU are NOT the same colour. Also, the MEU sights are pretty garbage in low light. Not sure about the 1911 ones.
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Old February 26th, 2012, 16:28   #10
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IMO , an meu's modern look is quite nice, but the grips on the 1911a1 are so classy and timeless.

I love MEU's with wood grips. Upgraded iron sights. Pachymar grips or w/e they are called don't look as cool as they feel.
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Old February 27th, 2012, 05:15   #11
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Originally Posted by C73061 View Post
Thanks guys! I might just consider a pass.I play Seals always let my upgraded TM M4 go with the classic 1911A1,but really no technical difference btwn the A1 and the MEU like most of us spotted, why the hell the MEU is more sought-after than the A1 model?
even the price is a little bit higher.
Because of the licensed trademarked licensed Novak rear sight. The stupid marking jacks up the price of the simple rear sight to a mind blowingly insane high price for the sight alone...
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Old February 27th, 2012, 06:41   #12
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If memory serves me righr current navy seal service pistol is the sig 226 in 9mm anyway. The hicapas are based off the 2011 infinity double stack 45 system witvh is a reason why it's modular (2011 not being a date but a model btw).
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Old February 27th, 2012, 08:58   #13
Cobalt Caliber
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If you want to do a seals loadout best bet would be a P226(r). But a M1911 well I'm sure you'd still find them in the seals armories, and the .45 acp round would have its uses so I would say its decently accurate. As for grips? I find them unwieldly so I switched from a Hi-capa (very similar) to a P226r. Now what ever you do as said above do NOT get WE. If you want a pistol, you want a working pistol not a few pounds of dead weight.

And despite what HK says you don't gotta go TM. KJW's M1911 MEU isn't bad but hard to find outside of clearsoft. Once you get AV'd a retailer here sells allot of really nice 1911 (I can't tell you who till you are AV'd). Lastly most everyone knows for 1911 and there variants (except hi-capa, TM=best Hi-capa) WA is the top. WA 1911's are amazing and some are really just collectors pieces that can shoot if you ever wish to take them out of the box others a hardcore gaming pistols that spit bbs and hits.
Originally Posted by FirestormX View Post
I know that isn't really what you asked, but it's the internet, and I like to type things that don't matter.
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Old February 27th, 2012, 12:53   #14
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MEU Force Recon still uses the MEU(SOC) pistol. The official designation for the MEU(SOC) pistol, is the M-45.

The majority of the ones in existence are re-conditioned stock, and a lot of them actually shoot like crap and jam all the time because they've been cobbled together by piles of old stock parts that have been refinished and recycled back in to service for the better part of half a century now.

This is why a lot of people wonder why the Springfield Armory logo is cut in half by front serrations on the slide: armorers had taken old slides from inventory and cut new front serrations in as requested by the Marine Expeditionary Unit. That was one of the few modifications that were done to cobble together and assemble functioning guns to meet a modern demand.

While the MEU(SOC) pistol was generally disliked by most of the guys who actually used them, they are still in service and can be seen from time to time. Geardo nerds have a major hard on for anything that's actually issued, which is one of the reasons why this airsoft model was created.

As operators from MCSOCOM DET-1 were selected from Force Recon, the requirement for a .45 carried over to that detachment, and they had their own special requests at around the same time as the late model M-45. From here, the lineage of the build split off after the early model conception to create the ICQB. Coined the ICQB Pistol (Interim Close Quarter Battle Pistol), it became the cousin of the late model MEU. The basic exterior requirements of the gun were similar to the MEU, but there were a few other functional requirements that meets the ICQB designation. One of the requirements, was that this gun were to be built brand new by Kimber America. This ICQB later descended in lineage to what folks now know as the Kimber TLE/RL II series, and the Kimber Warrior.

Through direct lineage, there are five major revisions of this pistol during it's stages of development:

1) Colt M1911A1 Government Military Model
2) MEU (Early Model)
4) MEU (Late Model)
5) Kimber TLE/RL line (including the Warrior) <-- Civilian models

A split occurred after the MEU early model in to the ICQB and MEU late model, which would deem them to be brothers. The Kimber TLE/RL line is a descendent of the ICQB lineage.

As far as airsoft goes, the two guns are functionally exactly the same. They shoot the same, perform the same, kick the same, and share magazines. It comes down to whether you want to replicate a particular unit's load out... but in any case, it's a great platform. Piles of upgrades available, and finding any replacement/upgrade parts is easy as pie, due to great aftermarket support. You can't go wrong with either model.

Me personally, I like the ambidextrous safety levers and the Novak combat sights used in the MEU more than the fixed blade sights of the 1911 Military Model.

Last edited by ILLusion; February 27th, 2012 at 13:16..
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Old February 27th, 2012, 15:15   #15
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Originally Posted by ILLusion View Post
MEU Force Recon still uses the MEU(SOC) pistol. The official designation for the MEU(SOC) pistol, is the M-45.

The majority of the ones in existence are re-conditioned stock, and a lot of them actually shoot like crap and jam all the time because they've been cobbled together by piles of old stock parts that have been refinished and recycled back in to service for the better part of half a century now.

This is why a lot of people wonder why the Springfield Armory logo is cut in half by front serrations on the slide: armorers had taken old slides from inventory and cut new front serrations in as requested by the Marine Expeditionary Unit. That was one of the few modifications that were done to cobble together and assemble functioning guns to meet a modern demand.

While the MEU(SOC) pistol was generally disliked by most of the guys who actually used them, they are still in service and can be seen from time to time. Geardo nerds have a major hard on for anything that's actually issued, which is one of the reasons why this airsoft model was created.

As operators from MCSOCOM DET-1 were selected from Force Recon, the requirement for a .45 carried over to that detachment, and they had their own special requests at around the same time as the late model M-45. From here, the lineage of the build split off after the early model conception to create the ICQB. Coined the ICQB Pistol (Interim Close Quarter Battle Pistol), it became the cousin of the late model MEU. The basic exterior requirements of the gun were similar to the MEU, but there were a few other functional requirements that meets the ICQB designation. One of the requirements, was that this gun were to be built brand new by Kimber America. This ICQB later descended in lineage to what folks now know as the Kimber TLE/RL II series, and the Kimber Warrior.

Through direct lineage, there are five major revisions of this pistol during it's stages of development:

1) Colt M1911A1 Government Military Model
2) MEU (Early Model)
4) MEU (Late Model)
5) Kimber TLE/RL line (including the Warrior) <-- Civilian models

A split occurred after the MEU early model in to the ICQB and MEU late model, which would deem them to be brothers. The Kimber TLE/RL line is a descendent of the ICQB lineage.

As far as airsoft goes, the two guns are functionally exactly the same. They shoot the same, perform the same, kick the same, and share magazines. It comes down to whether you want to replicate a particular unit's load out... but in any case, it's a great platform. Piles of upgrades available, and finding any replacement/upgrade parts is easy as pie, due to great aftermarket support. You can't go wrong with either model.

Me personally, I like the ambidextrous safety levers and the Novak combat sights used in the MEU more than the fixed blade sights of the 1911 Military Model.
I've always wondered about that logo thing on the slide...I thought all the aftermarket companies were being lazy and just reusing their old 1911 stuff with a serration.
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