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G&G Kar98k (G980)



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Old February 19th, 2012, 11:45   #1
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G&G Kar98k (G980)

G&G G980 (Kar98k) - Photo Review

Comes with the following:
- 500 G&G 0.3g BBs
- 1 Kar98k Sling (G&G Trades on the sling)
- 1 Magazine

Random Specs:
Weight: 7.4 lbs
Weight of Mag: 1.6 lbs
Dimensions of the BB loading part of the mag: 5 cm x 4 cm x 2 cm
(IT SHOULD FIT in Kar98k pouches, fits in my Pioneer pouches that hold the Kar98k clips)

Part Pricing/Sourcing:
G&G Kar98k cocking hammer Full Steel: $30.35 USD (EMS Shipping to Toronto: $14.28 USD)

BB loading part of the mag: $20 USD (EMS Shipping for 5 to Toronto: $18.96 USD)
Direct from G&G

8 Gram CO2 Cartridges: Various Prices (Total Including UPS Express Shipping from BC to Toronto: $59 USD) <- I bought 100 units.

Front Sight Region
It came slightly damaged and scratched because the package was unfortunately dinged pretty bad at the corner where this was located. Essentially the fake cleaning rod is slightly bent outwards. According to the disassembly in the manual, it can be taken out, so I will try straightening it later.

There is some wobble on the rear sight if that matters to some people, safety wobbles, but works...

Trades & Wood Quality
The trades, you guys can decide for yourself, however, the wood feels REALLY nice. Unfortunately, like another review, the wood DOES scratch pretty easy... Not sure if anyone who works with wood has any suggestions?

Don't expect real steel quality obviously though.

Current Issue
The cocking hammer is ALREADY wearing down after less than 50 shots, and it is NOT steel.

THANKFULLY there is a steel replacement already available, and it is on it's way.

The following two pictures show the wear.

Magazine Issue
Obviously the real one uses clips, but then this is airsoft.

Unfortunately, there seems to be some quality control issues. My second magazine currently has a really big problem in regards to the CO2 cartridge NOT coming out.
Another review shows the same problem, and his solution was to drill a hole in the cartridge, and use a screw to pull it out...

Ignore the red text! It is just user error... CO2, make sure you COMPLETELY EMPTY it, even if it's not enough to to do anything... I think this little bit of air left can still inflate your cartridge when trying to remove it. The other problem is ALWAYS make sure the blue rubber/silicone thing inside is sitting properly inside the magazine beside the valve the pokes the hole into the cartridge as this also got stuck to the CO2 mag at an angle making the cartridge stuck.

The Blue silicone/rubber thing is there to serve as a padding for your cartridge as well as preventing air from leaking inside the magazine. Not glued very well, but no big deal, since I've tried a few mags without it glued back in and it causes no problem.

There are FPS issues that make it un-gameable until further notice... Will try other cartridges, and it may be some other issue with the export versions?

On the other note, BB loader section of the mag can easily be changed with a push of a button... They will definitely fit a Kar98k pouch.

I have just been made aware of a possible mod for the mags to lower the FPS, which I will try later to see haha... I slightly damaged the outer ring of the screw area on the mag trying to force the CO2 cartridge out T.T

The majority of the metal on the mag DEFINITELY seems to be pot metal, but it's only function imo is to add weight to the mag anyways... Only the BB loading thing, and I guess the internal valves/stuff inside are steel. Wrench on the bb loader sucks imo, and you might as well just get a multi-tool pocket wrench thing instead since it would be less awkward removing the screw anyways.

Last edited by kaiu; February 20th, 2012 at 16:53..
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Old February 19th, 2012, 11:50   #2
a.k.a. LastSpartan
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Great review!

Rest assured, Ra-Tech has one and will probably release upgrade parts.

Sad to see such poor quality out of the box though


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Old February 19th, 2012, 12:00   #3
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Thanks for the review dude!

Where do you source the steel replacement part?
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Old February 19th, 2012, 12:08   #4
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Well I just ordered the steel hammer.

I was told by reducing the valve, I can likely lower the FPS, so I will try it on my shitty magazine, and also widen the internal hole so the CO2 cartridge does not get stuck again lol...

If it fails, it just means I lost my shitty magazine
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Old February 19th, 2012, 12:45   #5
a.k.a. LastSpartan
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Check out how Tanaka mags were modified, could probably be similar.


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Old February 19th, 2012, 15:25   #6
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Originally Posted by Forever_kaos View Post
Thanks for the review dude!

Where do you source the steel replacement part?
I'm getting it from this place:

EMS shipping is just under $15...

They said they are likely to release some upgrades like valve spring on the mag which should stabilize/lower the FPS too... Although release is unknown...

Examples of what I was recommended, and will likely do one at a time eventually haha...

I will only try with my second mag first to be safe :P

2 More pics of potential modifications to lower FPS

These are suggestions from CWI Airsoft if that matters? Their communication in English can be meh/slow at times, and I did resort to using my crappy Chinese ability to communicate, which resulted in very fast responses.

Unfortunately, I probably won't have time today due to scheduled activities, but I'll try to find time to do this, and chrony it tomorrow...

Last edited by kaiu; February 19th, 2012 at 16:38..
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Old February 20th, 2012, 00:32   #7
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Well, I screwed up my second mag so $50 goes bye bye haha. I was happy I was able to get around 460 FPS stable. So I decided to sand it a bit more, and boom, I screwed up... It's like the RA-Tech NPAS System, micro millimeters seem to make a huge difference T.T

It was able to do 170 FPS only when the bbs were lucky enough not to jam... Thankfully this was with my originally messed up mag...

I probably sanded it 0.5 mm too much, so I put a tiny layer of JB Weld and hope it works. JB Weld doesn't take impacts well I think, but I hope since it's not even a mm difference, it might work as a temporary solution lol...

I guess I will be waiting for the so-called M100-120 Hammer Spring sample I will be receiving soon, if that works, then we could save $$ using the more common high fps mags...

Reason why you WANT to upgrade to steel hammer:

Mine hasn't gotten that bad yet, but you can already see the wear on mine haha...

Last edited by kaiu; February 20th, 2012 at 15:34..
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Old February 20th, 2012, 09:34   #8
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Thanks for the review, despite it's issues the gun looks promising.

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Old February 20th, 2012, 16:59   #9
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Just don't expect it to feel as nice as a real steel Kar98k? I haven't compared it side by side with a real one, but maybe this weekend I will... (Never touched the real steel one before so will have to see )

My friend wasn't too impressed by it, but I personally don't regret getting it, considering we don't really have much alternatives... He complained about the rear sight wobble, and how it doesn't seem heavy enough. (Although it is 9 lbs with the mag in, which is comparable to an actual kar98k weight I guess)

The ACM one seems promising, but we won't know till it comes out anyways.

If I can get it to shoot under 450 FPS by the end of this week I will definitely bring it to the WW2 game, if not, I'll have to use a stripped down modern gun for the WW2 game T.T
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Old February 20th, 2012, 17:12   #10
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Another 50 shots... Maybe more, so say less than 100 shots...
Hammer DEFINITELY needs to be upgraded...

The hammer is hitting the highlighted area, which in turn, hits the valve on the mag, so I am gonna see if there is a steel replacement for this?

I have a feeling if these internals keep wearing down, you will have no problem shooting the high FPS mag at 400 fps lol...
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Old February 20th, 2012, 19:30   #11
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The quality of the metal seems particularly awful! Bit surprised that such a large company like G&G would use such weak pot metal for their moving parts. It would literally take them only a couple of days of testing to see that they need to use better pot metal. I guess G&G has determined that using a higher quality grade of metal would not yield as high as profits.

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Old February 20th, 2012, 20:47   #12
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Yup, potmetal internals are wtf! Hopefully, there will be more aftermarket parts that can be sourced T.T

Unfortunately, the only response from RA-Tech is "maybe." Does anyone have a RA-Tech Tanaka 98k Steel Hammer? Maybe we can see if it works?

RA-Tech said it might fit, and if it does they have that in stock... Otherwise they said they will "figure out," so will update if they reply.

Last edited by kaiu; February 20th, 2012 at 21:03..
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Old February 20th, 2012, 21:12   #13
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Bring it out anyways please, I'd love to fondle it and get a first hand view if you are willing
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Old February 20th, 2012, 22:15   #14
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I was thinking of getting one, now not likely.

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Old February 20th, 2012, 22:21   #15
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Thank you for the review. Sorry to hear that it isn't so good out of the box. Hopefully quality aftermarket parts are available soon.

You have certainly earned your tin of Scho-Ka-Kola at the Foy game.
Originally Posted by Aper View Post

Anyways, it's not my problem. Enjoy your overpriced shaving acessories.
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