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Old January 28th, 2011, 09:12   #76
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Originally Posted by Off_kilter View Post
everyone has a small pack?! wish clothing stores wouldn't be so miserly hell I can't even get a gerber(they're all broken apparently)
oh man when i was in Edmonton i couldn't get even underwear. now, i can get anything. I know all the small packs are for the deployed guys. but for some reason the reservists tend to have all the damn gear. whats up with that.

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Old January 28th, 2011, 10:23   #77
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Originally Posted by Zep View Post
and its so true most our gear sucks, no idea why people want it when they play soldier, for one it's illegal, I had my own setup overseas, and trust me it wasn't a 4 mag vest.
Probably because it's what most people see when they see the CF in the media, so they want to go for the 'authentic' CF look.

So far in Kingston gas masks/filters/tac vests/small packs/new rucks are all deployment only items now. Also the QM's new motto now is "We have the Kit, but not the Manpower to issue it." so trying to get anything from them is like pulling teeth.
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Old January 28th, 2011, 12:26   #78
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Oh, I think the small pack is awesome.

For carrying study material for course, or my lunch to work.

I'll be picking up an Eberlestock at some point to use instead, once I actually need something along those lines for longer ex's.

And I've been up north, got issued the OD parka/snowpants so even then if they have the older stuff lying around you'll get that first. Didn't really matter though, I just wore the ice jacket and windpants and it was fine for the cold.
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Old January 28th, 2011, 14:07   #79
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Only good thing about the small pack is that you can snug a radio in it. Thus not having to worry about taking in the back of the head when you take one of a million spills during a night nav through the freaking swamps on the maddawa.
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Old January 29th, 2011, 18:33   #80
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I didn't even bother bringing my smallPack overseas with me. Picked up a 5.11 rush 72 so many pockets for organizing. You van modify the inside to carry a radio. It's an awesome bag fits everything I needed in it and then some.
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Old January 29th, 2011, 18:56   #81
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Ive never had an issue with it, just water.. other than that it has been fine.. I don't spend my money on kit that i really don't need.I have 3 really good packs at home, no need to ruin mine if i get a free small pack if this one breaks. but i do agree most gear sucks balls. and it really does suck to have to spend your own money to make life abit easier.

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Old January 30th, 2011, 04:05   #82
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Well it's a matter of comfort. To me that's more important them free.
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Old January 30th, 2011, 12:04   #83
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Originally Posted by Loathing View Post
Probably because it's what most people see when they see the CF in the media, so they want to go for the 'authentic' CF look.

So far in Kingston gas masks/filters/tac vests/small packs/new rucks are all deployment only items now. Also the QM's new motto now is "We have the Kit, but not the Manpower to issue it." so trying to get anything from them is like pulling teeth.
+1 I had to inform them my kit was to be issued by order of the commandant before they would even look at me... and then they gave me webbing...webbing? Where's my C1 to go with it?
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Old February 9th, 2012, 16:22   #84
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+1 fuck Kingstons base clothing stores. I got all I needed because most people aren't a 7644 but plenty of regular sized guys get fucked every Monday through Friday. They've got the shit... They march you past a hallway if tv's and small packs straight to the webbing rack.
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Old February 9th, 2012, 16:24   #85
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That's how all clothing stores work... The fuckers that work there think the kit is theirs...
They get a kick out of fucking you everytime!
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Old August 15th, 2012, 11:36   #86
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I'm Air Force... All I need is my 5 star hotel, and cheap beer...

A lot of my buddies that did go over seas ended buying their own gear... The crap they issue is just that... crap... Not enough magazine pouches, so you'd run dry mid fire fight... Not exactly what you want.
Perfect for airsofting though... But selling Crown property is not only illegal but extremely disloyal to the country.
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Old August 15th, 2012, 12:32   #87
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Originally Posted by -Skeletor- View Post
Well to be fair, if you are a common size getting uniforms replaced can be a pain as they are usually out of stock. Usually, from my experience they(clothing stores) are pretty good about ordering things in.

As for not getting issued the tac vest and small pack, are you entitled to it? Are you still in the training system(ie BMQ, BMQ-L, QL3/DP1) ? Eventually you will get the tac vest, etc. Until that time, just use the webbing, those before you used it before the tac vest came out and it worked just fine for course, etc Hell, some guys still wear the webbing instead of the tac vest since the webbing is actually modular and can carry more.

Latvian, the webbing was around long after the C1s.. hence C7 mag pouches were made for it. The webbing might not be new and shiny but it'll get the job done.
I love my webbing ....... got given that on BMQ while everyone else got a tac-vest, then they gave me the tac-vest on SQ. They've tried to get me to turn the webbing in but I'll turn in the Tac-vest before I ever do that.
Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
Like seriously dude. The incredible lack of common sense in the question could be scientifically investigated for evidence of a black hole.
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Old August 16th, 2012, 14:36   #88
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Re Afghanistan: Depending on what battle-group you went over with, and where abouts you were, attitudes toward wearing purchased vests varied. If you carried a C7 you are generally issued 10 mags, and if you were forced to use the tacvest, you could hold 5 mags between the pouches and your rifle and the other 5 would fit neatly in the C9 pouch. You usually ditched the 1L canteen pouch and carried a hydration pack, and then had your other C9 pouch for C9 ammo, but that configuration could vary. Keep in mind everyone has a small pack too so all your random items usually stored in the C9 pouch domestically can go in there. The vest works.. I personally dont like it though. The frag pouches are too small for actual frags, the canteen pouch makes it a bitch to get the canteen cup out (not that I ever used that pouch), the velcro wears down too quick, and you can't customize it for grenadiers, gunners, officers, etc. I don't know, just my opinion. Not a bad vest when it's free but I wouldn't pay for one.
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Old August 16th, 2012, 15:19   #89
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Originally Posted by McKee View Post
Re Afghanistan: Depending on what battle-group you went over with, and where abouts you were, attitudes toward wearing purchased vests varied. If you carried a C7 you are generally issued 10 mags, and if you were forced to use the tacvest, you could hold 5 mags between the pouches and your rifle and the other 5 would fit neatly in the C9 pouch. You usually ditched the 1L canteen pouch and carried a hydration pack, and then had your other C9 pouch for C9 ammo, but that configuration could vary. Keep in mind everyone has a small pack too so all your random items usually stored in the C9 pouch domestically can go in there. The vest works.. I personally dont like it though. The frag pouches are too small for actual frags, the canteen pouch makes it a bitch to get the canteen cup out (not that I ever used that pouch), the velcro wears down too quick, and you can't customize it for grenadiers, gunners, officers, etc. I don't know, just my opinion. Not a bad vest when it's free but I wouldn't pay for one.
I'm not speaking from personal experience of using one, but I see the point you made about free, but over in Afghanistan your life could (does?) depend on your gear. If this vest is as bad as some people say it is then the price you pay using this vest could be your life. But I'm not speaking from any experience what so ever so feel free to correct me if I am wrong.

Sometimes I wonder if all the bitching and complaining about half of the issued gear is because so & so bitched about it, so it must be horrible. Ya'know like how shitty it is got all hyped up and now people hate it without actually trying it. Kinda like how everyone seems to freakin' believe that have Magpul(s) and Magpul Gear makes you some elite highly trained shooter.
Ah well I'll find out for myself whenever they get around to sending me off to BMQ.
Originally Posted by FirestormX View Post
I know that isn't really what you asked, but it's the internet, and I like to type things that don't matter.
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Old August 16th, 2012, 16:34   #90
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The majority the land forces gets many chances a year to dick around with the issued tacvest. Getting mags in and out in any decent amount of time is a bitch. Sorting mags in the C9 pouch often produces spent mags. Many people dont have a choice though, not everybody is allowed their own gear.

I am sure that the guys that live in the vest have found many ways to make it work well for them, too bad I have not.
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