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Beware of manchovie!!!



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Old January 4th, 2012, 00:41   #31
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I can see how OP would be angry, when I pay for service I expect the results. I don't know Manchovie, nor have anyone in this thread really. But on the same note there have been many insults thrown at members who have responded to it. Be aware that those little text boxes are the only impression they get of you so when you start calling members "cunts" and the like you come across poorly. Let up on the shit slinging to the other members and stay focused on the issue at hand. I agree that Manchovie's side is required.
Originally Posted by Hades View Post
I agree!! I always have my good long thinking shits while sitting on the can and wearing a good sturdy pair of boots.
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Old January 4th, 2012, 00:43   #32
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Dude. Look at my location. Now look at his. I never met the guy in person, I just talked to him from time to time on ASC, and read what he wrote.

Still, I will personally vouch for the guy as being a stand-up guy.

You had bad comms. That needs to be addressed, and creating a thread about the subject is still within reason.

This being said, don't assume people posting here are friends defending him.

I read your whole post as I did this thread. 8 hours total time might be a reasonable time quote, but there might be other issues such as time for part delivery, other guns in queue before you, personal issues or anything else.

Your fears have been publicly vented, give the guy a chance to get back to you before going gun-ho on the rest of us.
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Old January 4th, 2012, 00:45   #33
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Originally Posted by Bdot View Post
Just cus im not age verified u think im some kid?
People think you are some kid because you act like one. Some members are giving you honest advice and saying that you should calm down, organize your thoughts, and communicate like a mature individual. Calling people names, swearing, and insulting people while not typing properly does not help your case.
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Old January 4th, 2012, 00:45   #34
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Originally Posted by Bdot View Post
Why dont you all start reading again from the 4th last paragraph since most of u probably didnt bother reading any of it. But ofcourse take his side cus u know him and not me. Where do u all get off saying i shouldnt be contacting him asking for updates? If it takes a month for him to finally order parts and start working on them i have more than enough reason to contact him until he shows me something productive. I didnt get a word from him for weeks straight after he tells me again and again hes going to finally look at them, hes finally ordering the parts, hes finally going to put them together the night before i need to come pick them up. Sure he has a life outside airsoft, but after a month you would think he would find some time.

Please people all your replies are im good friends with him hes done a great job on my gun, well this isnt your gun or your situation so if your just gona post bs about your experience with him gtfo of this thread.
why do you just assume that we dont agree with you because we didnt read your post all the way through. i read every last word and still have the same opinion, and why would you not want hear anyone else's opinion who has had great experiences from him. why make this thread at all if you didnt want replys to it. thats like me saying i hate bacon and eveyone that likes bacon can fuck off cause i dont want to hear it. again im not his friend, dont know who he is, i read ALL of your posts and still think your acting like an ass
Burnaby / Vancouver area Age verifier

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Old January 4th, 2012, 00:46   #35
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Originally Posted by Bdot View Post
Just cus im not age verified u think im some kid? Age verification is gona make me a better customer, airsoft player, why does that matter? I paid him a shit load of money for basically very little work. Just cus hes respected on here doesnt make him exempt from giving someone bad service. Oh i only insulted him as much as he insulted me. I acted completely reasonable with him until i got the guns back and found out they were BROKEN!! Like i said i went to TORONTO AIRSOFT to fix it and told them the whole situation. They are located right down the street from his house and for some reason nobody there heard of him other than the doc who fixed my gun and all he said was the guys good with pistols. After hearing the WHOLE story they all expressed my anger and distress towrads this.
Why dont you all start reading again from the 4th last paragraph since most of u probably didnt bother reading any of it. But ofcourse take his side cus u know him and not me. Where do u all get off saying i shouldnt be contacting him asking for updates? If it takes a month for him to finally order parts and start working on them i have more than enough reason to contact him until he shows me something productive. I didnt get a word from him for weeks straight after he tells me again and again hes going to finally look at them, hes finally ordering the parts, hes finally going to put them together the night before i need to come pick them up. Sure he has a life outside airsoft, but after a month you would think he would find some time.

Please people all your replies are im good friends with him hes done a great job on my gun, well this isnt your gun or your situation so if your just gona post bs about your experience with him gtfo of this thread.
Buddy, All of Toronto Airsoft staff and Frank included weren't around as long as Bartek has. Do you know what is involved in taking apart an AEG?? trust me $140 is not a lot of money especially for two AEGs, going rate is $40/hr and some charge as much as $60/hr for the hassle and pain in the ass as mating different parts in a mechbox may or may not work as it supposed to be. Working on an aeg with mixed parts is like waiting for a call girl to your place, you'll never know the quality till she shows up on the door even then you better pray for the best, I have bought the best parts money can buy for a complete mechbox only to find a little over half will work, and the rest produce some sort of issue. Comparing the fully stocked Toronto Airsoft repair room vs Bartek apartment is a moot point TA have all the parts that they need to make shit works Bartek have to get the parts.
Just so that you don't think we are picking on you Bartek have taken my M240B and resolve the issue that I was having that my other two gundoc can't fix the amount of parts and frustration I have with this AEG has gone far beyond the $400 mark, and borderline about to toss the whole fucking thing in the garbage bin, Bartek not only fix the issue he saw some wiring that is not right and fixed it too without being asked..... you know how long that AEG been at his place?? over a month during that month we had two big ops that I can definitely used the extra firepower, did I hound him everyday? No in fact he hounded me to pick the gun up from him. You coming on here bitching and cursing everyone here that have tried to make sense into your issue is an act of a little whinny kid you could have resolve the issue with Bartek one on one, and many here can vouch that he has been more than a reasonable person if it were others things would have not gone your way.

Last edited by wildcard; January 4th, 2012 at 00:56..
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Old January 4th, 2012, 00:46   #36
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Based on your posts in your other threads, it seems you would be an extreme pain in the ass to deal with.

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Old January 4th, 2012, 00:53   #37
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Bdot your lucky you where not hit with a lawsuit for harassment

i have taken my gear box appart multiple times it does take an hour to take fully appart rebuilding takes even longer

if you want i will swap a spring for you right in front of you and you will see how long it take or better yet try it your self you will be paying someone to put it back together for you

why are you even bitching your not AVed yet and your saying that you have guns, for all we know your some 13 year old bitching because you dont even know the mechanics of the guns

its shooting at 320fps... So really all that manchovie did for a hefty 70$ to the m7 was install the 3 parts(barrel, hop-up, spring) in 2 MONTHS and let it break in his hands without telling us. Who knows if he even put the new spring in cus he never gave us our old parts back saying theyr “garbage and useless” and he told us he chronied it at 360fps(lie).
you are a moron unless you have spent around 150 in PARTS you will not have an accurate reading on the chrono my TM M733 shoots between 202 and 282 fps throughout 10 shots

At first i dont even know what to think cus now “supposedly” he disassembled and reassembled BOTH guns while swapping the barrels in each so that the shorter one was now in the mp5 all in under 2 hours. We know it clearly means he lieing about the time it takes him, which we thought in the first place, or hes lieing about actually working on them that night. I text him this calling him out once again and he has the nerve to tell me “its late because i have a fucking life and this is the only time i have to work on them, I should be asleep and u should be grateful.” I dont bother to say anything cus words arent exactly what i wanted to give him.
do you have any proof that he is lieing you didnt post the texts if you thought you where being scammed you would have recorded your calls to him and called the police

but clearly you didnt another nail in the coffin that your under age and cant LEGALLY own an airsoft gun

how do we know these mp5s are not cheap bass pro shop shit guns that you are trying to make amazing, you can shine shit all you want its still shit you say that its a custom and a TM but how do we know that there is no proof

We checked out his page again and realize he was the most well known gun doc we messaged and see that hes worked on over 100 guns and has over 60 positive feedbacks.
if he is well known dont you think he knows what he is doing

there are gun docs on here that have even high positive feed backs

I remind him they need to be done by friday,
you should know that you dont give gun docs if you want things done right it takes time "rome wasnt built in a day"

m7 was install the 3 parts(barrel, hop-up, spring) in 2 MONTHS
did you ever think he may have had to order the parts

you are just wanting to bitch about the things you dont understand you would probably buy a car and in the winter bitch that it take a few more seconds to start then it did when you bought it in the summer

you have no proof there for this did not happen now stop bitching and start by getting AVed first you have been on here almost 2 years and you have not been aved yet you are clearly under age

you havent even given him bad feed back there for this didnt happen so stop lieing

Just cus im not age verified u think im some kid? Age verification is gona make me a better customer, airsoft player, why does that matter?
being aved is the way we know that you are trust worthy

Last edited by logoris; January 4th, 2012 at 01:09..
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Old January 4th, 2012, 00:54   #38
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Im only calling the ones "cunts" who arent bothering to read it all and are just siding with him cus they know him. Most of you say i should learn on my own if i dont wanna pay 140$?? That has nothing to do it, i would have had no problem paying him that if actually gave me proper service or even a working gun!!!
And wft are u talking about crappy guns the m7s probably better than alot of guns u have seen. Again more nonsense bs from people who dont like to read.
To the people who dont know him and are just tuning into this stupid mess, how would u all like it if you gave a RESPECTED gun doc a couple grand worth of material only to let it sit in house until he finally decides to look at it and then tells you he cant get half of the parts to work?? And then find out at the last min parts are broken in both guns while the RESPECTED gun doc is lieing to your face??
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Old January 4th, 2012, 00:57   #39
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I'm just going to break this down so you understand why we think it's hilarious and that you're a bad customer.

Originally Posted by Bdot View Post
Just cus im not age verified u think im some kid?
Yes. Precisedly. Go get Age Verified.

Originally Posted by Bdot View Post
Age verification is gona make me a better customer, airsoft player, why does that matter?
It matters because it shows you gave the bare minimum effort to be part of this community be meeting a representative of the site in person and proved you are of sound mind to the best judge of the Age Verifier.

Originally Posted by Bdot View Post
I paid him a shit load of money for basically very little work.
You are not a gun doctor, therefore you do not know what constitutes "basically very little work", and you are at the mercy of the gun docs hourly rate.

Originally Posted by Bdot View Post
Just cus hes respected on here doesnt make him exempt from giving someone bad service.
Correct, but, if you are a respectable member of society, and a lunatic nobody starts screaming obscenities: Said lunatic spends the night in the drunk tank.

Originally Posted by Bdot View Post
Oh i only insulted him as much as he insulted me.
That's very mature of you, I'm glad that attitude is working out for you.

Originally Posted by Bdot View Post
I acted completely reasonable with him until i got the guns back and found out they were BROKEN!!
I'm glad you realise you are being unreasonable.

Originally Posted by Bdot View Post
Like i said i went to TORONTO AIRSOFT to fix it and told them the whole situation. They are located right down the street from his house and for some reason nobody there heard of him other than the doc who fixed my gun and all he said was the guys good with pistols.
So, the only person who had heard of him was the person in the same field of work as him. That is not surprising. That, and he had nothing but good things to say about him to boot. Interesting. I see a trend.

Originally Posted by Bdot View Post
After hearing the WHOLE story they all expressed my anger and distress towrads this.
Originally Posted by Bdot View Post
Why dont you all start reading again from the 4th last paragraph since most of u probably didnt bother reading any of it.
Reply to our questions, and relax. If you start a witch hunt, someone is going to get burned, now you know.

Originally Posted by Bdot View Post
But ofcourse take his side cus u know him and not me. Where do u all get off saying i shouldnt be contacting him asking for updates? If it takes a month for him to finally order parts and start working on them i have more than enough reason to contact him until he shows me something productive.
This is all within reason. Did he state that he was busy and did he ask if you were in a rush when you first talked to him about getting the work done?

Originally Posted by Bdot View Post
I didnt get a word from him for weeks straight after he tells me again and again hes going to finally look at them, hes finally ordering the parts, hes finally going to put them together the night before i need to come pick them up.
So he got the job done, and on time. 'Grats to manchovie.

Originally Posted by Bdot View Post
Sure he has a life outside airsoft, but after a month you would think he would find some time.
This is speculative and just because you have a lot of free time, does not mean that everyone shares your luxurious and excessive waste of time.

Originally Posted by Bdot View Post
Please people all your replies are im good friends with him hes done a great job on my gun, well this isnt your gun or your situation so if your just gona post bs about your experience with him gtfo of this thread.
This is NOT your thread, you are stating that this person has burned you and are informing the public about your poor experience. To think that people would not respond makes no sense, because with that expectation, you shouldn't have bothered typing.

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Old January 4th, 2012, 01:02   #40
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Bdot, you need to take a chill pill before an admin takes the ban hammer to you.
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Old January 4th, 2012, 01:03   #41
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Originally Posted by Bdot View Post
Im only calling the ones "cunts" who arent bothering to read it all and are just siding with him cus they know him. Most of you say i should learn on my own if i dont wanna pay 140$?? That has nothing to do it, i would have had no problem paying him that if actually gave me proper service or even a working gun!!!
And wft are u talking about crappy guns the m7s probably better than alot of guns u have seen. Again more nonsense bs from people who dont like to read.
To the people who dont know him and are just tuning into this stupid mess, how would u all like it if you gave a RESPECTED gun doc a couple grand worth of material only to let it sit in house until he finally decides to look at it and then tells you he cant get half of the parts to work?? And then find out at the last min parts are broken in both guns while the RESPECTED gun doc is lieing to your face??
1: its not a full time job, people have lives.
2: you gave him a couple of grand of materials? you gave him 140$ and a LIST of stuff you wanted. you didnt give him parts, i know that because you said that he was going to order them for you (which takes time)
3: why are you capslocking RESPECTED!1!! ?
4: you have a l33t awesomz mp7 that most of us have never seen? why does it have a clear active camo body
6: your acting like a knob
Burnaby / Vancouver area Age verifier

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Old January 4th, 2012, 01:03   #42
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Originally Posted by Bdot View Post
Im only calling the ones "cunts" who arent bothering to read it all and are just siding with him cus they know him. Most of you say i should learn on my own if i dont wanna pay 140$?? That has nothing to do it, i would have had no problem paying him that if actually gave me proper service or even a working gun!!!
And wft are u talking about crappy guns the m7s probably better than alot of guns u have seen. Again more nonsense bs from people who dont like to read.
To the people who dont know him and are just tuning into this stupid mess, how would u all like it if you gave a RESPECTED gun doc a couple grand worth of material only to let it sit in house until he finally decides to look at it and then tells you he cant get half of the parts to work?? And then find out at the last min parts are broken in both guns while the RESPECTED gun doc is lieing to your face??

PROVE THAT YOUR GUNS ARE NOT SHIT, learning on your own has alot to do with it how do you know what hes is doing if you dont even know how it functions

and buddy i have held thousand dollar guns and im having one built for me too,

and you said your self he did it in his free time so of course its going to sit

you are right we probably wouldnt like it if that happened to us but if it did we would have proof that it happened rather then wasting peoples time bitching

and you still have not given any negitive feed back so stop lieing and being an attention whore this didnt happen deal with it
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Old January 4th, 2012, 01:04   #43
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Originally Posted by Bdot View Post
Im only calling the ones "cunts" who arent bothering to read it all and are just siding with him cus they know him. Most of you say i should learn on my own if i dont wanna pay 140$?? That has nothing to do it, i would have had no problem paying him that if actually gave me proper service or even a working gun!!!
And wft are u talking about crappy guns the m7s probably better than alot of guns u have seen. Again more nonsense bs from people who dont like to read.
To the people who dont know him and are just tuning into this stupid mess, how would u all like it if you gave a RESPECTED gun doc a couple grand worth of material only to let it sit in house until he finally decides to look at it and then tells you he cant get half of the parts to work?? And then find out at the last min parts are broken in both guns while the RESPECTED gun doc is lieing to your face??
I suggest you re read what was written here, have a cup of tea or something to calm the fuck down and compute what we are trying to say to you. I would rather have my gundocs telling me that the parts I bought wont work well rather than it breaking down in a game, You do know that even some of the most expensive parts for AEG fail even after a few shots? it's called manufacturing defect and in Airsoft chances of you purchasing a subpar QC parts are better than you winning a lottery. Thosand of dollars of AEG's eh? what your M7 troy a PTW? or is it equiped with some leet night vision shit?

Last edited by wildcard; January 4th, 2012 at 01:09..
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Old January 4th, 2012, 01:08   #44
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Originally Posted by Deltastone View Post
People think you are some kid because you act like one. Some members are giving you honest advice and saying that you should calm down, organize your thoughts, and communicate like a mature individual. Calling people names, swearing, and insulting people while not typing properly does not help your case.

Also the fact that you think $140 is alot of money even after being refunded 50% adds to the being a kid attitude.

You need to relax dude before H1tman's prediction gets acted on by an admin that reads this thread.
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Old January 4th, 2012, 01:09   #45
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I told him i needed the guns on a certain date before the guy even ordered the parts. And dont give me the excuse hes got a life outside airsoft and i shouldnt be giving him a time frame. I gave him a time frame of 2 months ahead of time for 8 hours of work. Which all of it supposedly were on the nights before i told him i had to leave on a vacation. Not only that but he didnt even put it together properly!!
And then i shit from him after i realize its broken and he doesnt even wanna give me my money back or even fix it properly a second time. Ur all saying im being disrespectful to the guy, but actually hes the one who called us names and gave us nothing to be thankful for. Should i really be respectful to the guy who denied breaking my gun and then gave me a hassle while trying to get reimbursed?
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