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king arms tinted m4 lower reciever?


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Old December 31st, 2011, 01:16   #1
Join Date: Jun 2011
king arms tinted m4 lower reciever?

is it possible to get or modify a tinted transparent lower receiver for a king arms m4?

i'd really like to get a king arms m4 and found a good deal on one but unfortunately its full metal and not compliant with canadian laws if you follow them so i'm wondering if it's possible to do.

thanks for the help
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Old December 31st, 2011, 02:10   #2
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A full metal one is fine in Canada.

Thousands upon thousands of people in Canada play with full metal guns. Most if not all of the people on ASC do as well.

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Last edited by Styrak; December 31st, 2011 at 04:33..
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Old December 31st, 2011, 02:19   #3
Sgt. Sparkles
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if you see this deal from over seas/american web site. i suggest you not to take the risk ordering from them. the gun will most likely get seized by customs.
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Old December 31st, 2011, 16:13   #4
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I'm not shipping across the border im actually shipping to relative in the states and the getting it from there
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Old December 31st, 2011, 16:16   #5
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and although most people play with full metal airsoft guns in canada the police can, and will seize them if they look to much a like to a real firearm and can be seized under replica firearm, even charged although you'll be hard to find a cop who will charge somebody for such if the airsoft gun wasn't used in the commission of an offence.

and trust me on the seizure part, I study law and my neighbour just happens to be a police officer in the firearms office and have airsoft rifles seized all the time on people even though there not a real firearm.
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Old December 31st, 2011, 18:40   #6
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Originally Posted by icdbko32 View Post
and although most people play with full metal airsoft guns in canada the police can, and will seize them if they look to much a like to a real firearm and can be seized under replica firearm...
So all BB guns and pellet rifles at Canadian Tire will be seized?

Believe me, this subject has been beaten to death on this board.
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Old December 31st, 2011, 19:13   #7
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So all the police have to do is hang out at the paintball field before a scheduled airsoft game and they can make a seizure of a "cache" of airsoft guns to look good in the news?

If that was the case then why haven't they done this ever in the last 20 or so years that airsoft guns have been in Canada? What about my friends' .177/4.5mm pellet guns that are replicas of popular real steel pistols and rifles (1911, Beretta, CX4, MP5K etc.)?

In the case of 500 + FPS rifles that you need a PAL to buy that's understandable but for the 495 FPS CX4 Storm, that's a replica of a real steel rifle but seemingly lots of people have them for plinking and whatnot...
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Old December 31st, 2011, 19:28   #8
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Originally Posted by icdbko32 View Post
and although most people play with full metal airsoft guns in canada the police can, and will seize them if they look to much a like to a real firearm and can be seized under replica firearm, even charged although you'll be hard to find a cop who will charge somebody for such if the airsoft gun wasn't used in the commission of an offence.

and trust me on the seizure part, I study law and my neighbour just happens to be a police officer in the firearms office and have airsoft rifles seized all the time on people even though there not a real firearm.
Studying and knowing. If you have studied the laws regarding this particular subject then you know how to import said gun yourself without the need for a tinted lower or family in the US.

You would also know that a tinted lower offers you no defense in the "your metal gun is a replica and my tinted gun is not" argument. If you put a dress on a donkey it isn't a Dutch princess.

And contrary to your wild belief that the police seize airsoft guns all the time, they don't. They actually have better and more important things to do with their time.

As it has already been stated, this has been beaten to death on here time and time should probably quit while your behind cause you aren't making logical headway on this.
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Old December 31st, 2011, 19:30   #9
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Full metal is 100% legal to own

Clear/tinted receivers are ONLY required for IMPORTATION IF you don't fill out the propper papers and go through the proper procedures (your better off buying from a store that's already done this)
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Old December 31st, 2011, 21:52   #10
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a little story about replica firearms and police of this year.

I just don't want any hassle because i enjoy the sport of airsoft but because of future career choice cannot afford any hassles if it comes to charges or even potential notebooks entries.

I know a lot of people probably get away with it all the time and have no problem getting away with it but I feel it would be better to play it safe rather than sorry.

This discussion is getting off topic I would prefer just to get the answer to the original question asked whether it can be done or if there is a lower reciever sold.

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Old December 31st, 2011, 22:00   #11
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Untill you power up to the next level you will not be allowed to import a King Arms AEG. Clear parts or not.

Once you have reached the exalted position of "age verified" you will learn the secret handshake, get a sticker to put on your car so paramedics won't steal your fillings and much more. You in fact will become the chosen one.
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Old December 31st, 2011, 22:01   #12
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Yeah should be able to do it maybe with a bit of fitment issues, nothing that a bit of tape or dremelling can't fix though. It's basically tolerances and fitment issues arising from different brands and their moulds and whatnot.

PS: Also as for future careers depending on not wanting any hassles; There's people who range from Professional Engineers who need to be part of their Professional Engineering Association, Lawyers who need to be part of a Bar Association, Teachers who need to be part of their local Teaching College/Teachers Association, and hell I'm sure Chartered accountants as well who play with black guns. All these careers put you into "trusted" positions so you can't have any black marks in your record period plus they want to maintain the "good image" of their respected professions.

PPS: If you're also thinking of pursuing a career with CBSA or RCMP, AFAIK the official position is that you're not to play or be associated with airsoft in any way at all due to the perceived "grey area" that it's in. If you're part of the CF it's fine as far as I know.

EDIT: As far as those guns go, those are actually pellet guns that fire .177/4.5 cal pellet/BB's. Also they're illegal for other reasons. Mainly to do with the integrity of the parts and supposed modification(s) that are possible with a bit of milling and fitment or something like that.
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Last edited by L473ncy; December 31st, 2011 at 22:06..
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Old January 1st, 2012, 22:41   #13
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Originally Posted by icdbko32 View Post

a little story about replica firearms and police of this year.

I just don't want any hassle because i enjoy the sport of airsoft but because of future career choice cannot afford any hassles if it comes to charges or even potential notebooks entries.

I know a lot of people probably get away with it all the time and have no problem getting away with it but I feel it would be better to play it safe rather than sorry.

This discussion is getting off topic I would prefer just to get the answer to the original question asked whether it can be done or if there is a lower reciever sold.


Read the story you posted.
Theses are BB guns that where retro-fitted into real AK receivers. One would simply need to strip the gun and install a real barrel and bolt to have a complete, functional AK. The reason why it was recovered is that the receiver is one from a full-auto rifle that is on the NO-GO list (prohibited firearms list).
You CANNOT install the required components into a KA M4 to make it a firearm. The dimensions are off and nothing will fit. Because of some other regulations, it is also legal to have and import (with some work) in Canada.

Then again, technically you could modify a metal airsoft rifle into a firearm, but it would be easier and way more cost effective to just make one out of a 6061 aluminum block. That is illegal because modifying or making a firearm receiver without the appropriate license/authorization is illegal, not because of the base material.
Originally Posted by Drake View Post
Damnit, don't make me add "no discussing temporal paradoxes" to the rules or I'll go back in time and ban you last week.
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