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Thunder Bay Police out of line



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Old December 15th, 2011, 21:12   #46
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Originally Posted by durak View Post
thats propscam, not the same guy.
Nope, I'm not talking about that train wreck.

This was the one that came to mind
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Old December 16th, 2011, 03:09   #47
Sgt. Sparkles
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what kinda pussies have the we become....? "real gun looking toys" scare us shitless....

what happen to days of kids playing cops and robbers? this shit is sickening . RCMP officers, go pat yourselves on the back. you save some lives that day..........
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Old December 16th, 2011, 07:55   #48
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Originally Posted by pancakedestroyer View Post
Nope, I'm not talking about that train wreck.

This was the one that came to mind
it wasnt the two who the article was about, it could be peter kang the name sounds familiar.
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Old December 16th, 2011, 10:38   #49
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Originally Posted by RUSTSPOT View Post
what kinda pussies have the we become....? "real gun looking toys" scare us shitless....

what happen to days of kids playing cops and robbers? this shit is sickening . RCMP officers, go pat yourselves on the back. you save some lives that day..........
I hear you loud and clear.

I remember very clearly when I was 9 or so, playing good guys vs. bad guys with my brothers. We were sporting battery powered squirt gun versions of Uzi's and Berettas that looked real enough. Didn't even have the orange tip.

Society has been slowly changing since then. We lose freedoms in exchange for incremental safety. We lose choices because we allow loud-mouthed, lazy-ass soccer moms to push their minority views through the system. If this keeps up, imagine what our society will be like in another 20-30 years? It will be a society where the mere mention of the word "gun" in public will be as punishable as the word "bomb" on an airplane. It will be a society where the soccer mom's will be the propaganda police who are rewarded for snitching on their neighbors. A society of conformists who enjoy, not freedom of expression, but expression under guidelines.

Every time we, as a society, allow the police to get away with stomping on our rights to enjoy our sport, we move closer to the "Big Brother" model of governance. I think it is our duty to speak out against these actions by police. It is our duty to fight policies that chip away at our freedoms. We should make these views public.
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Old December 16th, 2011, 10:52   #50
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Politics is about the lobbyist. If the airsoft community is complacent things will not go well for us. If we want change then someone has to represent and speak.

As they say, "the squeaky wheel gets the grease."

Last edited by Fuzzy; December 16th, 2011 at 10:55..
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Old December 16th, 2011, 11:07   #51
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Originally Posted by RUSTSPOT View Post
what kinda pussies have the we become....? "real gun looking toys" scare us shitless....
what happen to days of kids playing cops and robbers? this shit is sickening . RCMP officers, go pat yourselves on the back. you save some lives that day.........
I remember at age 13 walking through town with my buddy sporting a .22 cal M16, and my bud with an .22 cal AK going small game hunting . Both those rifles had been purchased for us by our fathers from the old King Sol catalog (I'm sure some of you will remember it!) and were our hunting rifles. At the age of 13, I already had 3 rifles - a 10 shot mag-fed bolt-action .22, a .22 "backpack" semi-auto (pretty much this -, and the most recent being this .22 M16.

On one occasion, we were stopped by one of the local cops. His only question was asking where we were going and commenting that he hoped our guns weren't loaded. We told him we were off rabbit hunting, and showed our empty magazines, stating we'd only load them up when we got into the woods. He wished us good luck on our hunt, told us to be careful with the guns, and was on his merry way.

How times have changed.... Today that would have brought out the SWAT team.

Originally Posted by Fuzzy View Post
Politics is about the lobbyist. If the airsoft community is complacent things will not go well for us. If we want change then someone has to represent and speak.

As they say, "the squeaky wheel gets the grease."
More like the squeaky wheel gets greased. There's a difference.

Our government and politicians are both very much for sale to the highest bidder. If you want anything and want any lobbying power, you'd better have a truckload of money backing your cause. Otherwise, you can pretty much consider yourself duly ignored.

Last edited by Crunchmeister; December 16th, 2011 at 11:11..
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Old December 17th, 2011, 11:35   #52
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Hey guys, I work at the shop that was told we were selling replica firearms but didn't have anything seized. We've talked to the head firearms inspector of the RCMP and he's going to be providing us with paperwork to say that everything we sell is legal, we've also started to bring in some airsoft stuff and he's getting us paperwork for that also.
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Old December 17th, 2011, 12:27   #53
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The changes in laws and the public views on guns are a reaction to the mass shootings we've had over the last few years. Society is as much to blame as any government body. These things happen then people demand things to be done to make them feel safer, if they actually do make them safer or not is a completely different matter.

It's as much psychological as it is political if not more.
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Old December 29th, 2011, 16:40   #54
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I think that to blame the police and not focus on a solution is time well wasted. The laws are somewhat clear but could be considered fragile to say the least. Every time you deal with the Police you deal with an individual who will interpret the law. Now depending on the circumstance you may or may not get into trouble. Whether you are convicted or not who wants to be charged in the first place.
Defention of a firearm in the Criminal Code of Canada is as follows
"Firearm means a barrelled weapon from which any shot, bullet or other projectile can be discharged and that is capable of causing serious bodily harm injury or death to a person, and includes any frame or receiver of such a barrelled weapon and anything that can be adapted for use as a firearm."
Can an airsoft gun take out an eye? Yes. Is that bodily harm? Yes. Do Police use the definition of the Firearms Act when laying charges under the Criminal Code? Not very often. The fps and all that is under the firearms act. Unfortunately there is a conflicting definition under the Criminal Code and one that will more likely be used by Police. So there is still some grey dispite what we are hoping for. Not to mention a Judge's ruling could prove to be fatal to our game. We must look at everything in a broad spectrum. Also for try to change a bad case law or bad law after the fact.
I am working on creating a lobby group to help prevent bad case law and knee jerk reactions from Politicians, Crown Attorneys, Judges and the public at large. This however is not an easy task as there is a lot involved.
Lets face it if a party wants to get re elected and airsoft is front page media, we are an easy target.
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Old December 29th, 2011, 17:09   #55
Brian McIlmoyle
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Why Cops freak out over guns

For the same reason everybody else does

Every shooting, every attack, every robbery at gun point virtually in the world ,, get reported in the news as if it happened in your back yard.

The Mass shooting in Norway dominated the news on every channel for 2 weeks straight..

30 years ago such a thing would have been mentioned in passing in National news here.. and not at all in local news.

the police just like everyone else have been caught up in the 24 hour news cycle.

Police watch the news.. and they are inculcated with the same images and perceptions as everyone else. Over the past decade there have been it seems a lot of mass shootings.. but strangely the number of mass shootings has decreased in the USA over the past decades.. not increased.

The issue is we see and hear about every mass shooting on the planet, regardless of where it happens and how far away.

The public has a perception of Crime out of control , despite the fact that there is less crime and less gun crime in Canada now then there was 30 years ago. and all this in the face of a large population, increasing urbanization..

So now we have a skewing in perception of the threat that guns present.

When the police get a gun call, they used to investigate then react .. and most calls were resolved as false alarms, not a crime or a misunderstanding.

Now all gun calls are treated like terrorist attacks.. Because everyone equates guns with Mass Murder..
Brian McIlmoyle
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Old December 29th, 2011, 18:28   #56
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I think the main reason cops are a little "gun shy" is because
1 they dont want to get shot
2 it is there job to keep other people from getting shot

We have to remember that for most of us we get to run away when someone is in the public with a gun. not the cops. they are going the other direction. they are not paid to turn a blind eye to it.

So we have to keep in mind that the police are drawn to guns in the public and they could also ruin your day. maybe not the week but the day
"and he lay with her in an unnatural way"
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Old December 29th, 2011, 18:48   #57
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Originally Posted by White_knight View Post
what a waste of time and money. there are so many real problems they could be spending their time on. bet it was some stupid mom taking their kiddie to a paintball birthday party, sees the "realistic terrorist fully automatic large caliber ak47 death rifle" hanging on the wall then goes to the cops to complain.
I know! What a bunch of sniveling nail biting bed wetters we have in our society! There is always some nose-picking head nodding sociophant passivist from the country club who gets scared every time they leave the house and keeps their thumb on speed-dial 991 and are ready to jump the gun and spring the neuter without a moment of logic or prudence. Because everyone knows how real paintball guns look. I mean really, with that hopper or cyclone and dangerous looking .68 cal barrel, I mean sure it must be just right for a 7.62mm, right? Oh my Gawd maybe its an anti-tank rifle! Children and middle aged men in woods...with (remarkably quiet) anti-tank rifles blowing trees in half and spewing paint all over. A barrel big enough to spit out a rocket. Imagine the carnage a gun like that could cause if it were chambered to fire a live round. Surely its possible, that rugged extruded aluminum lol. That makes complete sense! We need to focus more time, energy and manpower to gun control because its such a problem these days. It's always been a problem. I think I speak on behalf of all the Mercedes and Audi driving latte drinking soccer moms when I say we need to ban guns. All I hear on the tube are reports here in Canada of great big machine guns killing people, and those .68cal anti-tank rifles, true dealers of death and dismay. Something needs to be done before its too late. These are clearly terrorists in training.
Reality check initializing...

"Get on the floor! Get on the Floor! Get on the floor! Get down! Put your hands behind your head, keep your face down! Your under arrest for the use and trafficking of paintball guns for use of making a fucking mess." (hands paintball marker to deputy) "What do you make of this?"
(fondles paintball marker, turning it over slowly in his hands. He peers down the sleek black barrel whilst another swat officer bites one of your sugar cookies on the countertop)
"Looks real steel to me. This is definitely the real thing. No question"
"But officer, its a paintba....."
"Get on the floor! Get on the floor and keep quiet! Anything you say or do can and will be used against you to the fullest extend possible in a Court of Law where truth and justice will be served according to a hundred year old system so sayeth the lord jeebus of latter day saints! You will be able to contact a lawyer whom will speak on your behalf. If you cannot afford a lawyer we will assign the dumbest fuck we can locate on the face of mother earth."
(Suit appears)
"Thank you officers. I couldn't even go down the street without my illegal flak jacket anymore. And there was frigging body parts strewn across the lawn not yesterday morning. I'll admit it was small, and my neighbor claims it was a squirrel that the dog chewed up like a gummy bear but there's no fooling me. I feel safer now that you nabbed those paintballers"

Last edited by arcanuck; December 29th, 2011 at 19:43..
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Old December 29th, 2011, 21:25   #58
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Originally Posted by mrfister View Post
I think the main reason cops are a little "gun shy" is
2 it is there job to keep other people from getting shot
No it's not, the cops have no responsibility to protect any person. Which makes Canada's self defense laws even dumber.

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Old December 29th, 2011, 23:53   #59
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Just an update from hearsay, this issue was resolved.
For the original post
For good news, head to page 9 by GregT

Hi Everyone,

Brand new to Forum, felt I had to join to discuss this issue. There is another side to this story, on the part of the Paintball field in town that was searched, markers seized and charges laid to the owner.

On Friday, December 2nd, 2011 prior to the police visiting to the local paintball pro-shop Thunder Bay Police exercised a search warrant of a local paintball field that also sells a few markers; the owner was told it was in response to a complaint from a member of the public in regards to a BT Delta Elite that was listed on the online classified ad site

Several Mil-Sim markers were seized, including said Delta Elite, Bravo-1 and a few others. They did leave the rental 98 Customs.

At that time the police served charges against the owner of this paintball field for weapons trafficking, although did not take him into custody. At that time he identified that similar paintball markers are sold by Canadian Tire, and also the pro-shop that where I presume the instigator of this thread is employed.

Approximately four hours later the police returned with the markers (presumably after visiting the other vendors identified) and returned them with apologies.

One thing I did note; I have seen the search warrant and charge papers myself on Sunday, signed by a Justice of the Peace as opposed to an actual Judge.

I really like the guy that runs the local field that I go to (only two up here), and would consider him a friend. I've recommended him to make some noise about this event, letter writing to the Mayor & City Council, MPs, MPPs, etc... and maybe offer to do some public education or media releases.

Has this sort of thing happened elsewhere in the province? I've been stopped at the border, and although they looked hard at me, they treated me very respectfully and it was probably my own fault for not having some more paperwork with me, but for the police to raid a paintball field and charge someone with a fairly serious crime....

Edit: Wow im such an idiot. I didnt read the link in the first post thoroughly. X.x

Last edited by -=ArchAngel=-; December 29th, 2011 at 23:56..
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Old December 30th, 2011, 00:35   #60
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Wow...just reading this thread again made me remember this incident that happened to me one day as a couple of my friends and I were walking to Burger King...

Long story short, I have a birth mark on my face that I am attempting to get rid of through the use of laser surgery. This laser surgery requires me to keep my face out of direct sunlight so that it can heal properly each time. Sunscreen alone does not work and will not protect it good enough, so I have to wear a mask every time it is bright and sunny outside.

On this occasion, I was wearing a Domo mask (you may or may not have heard of this Domo, which is something that is/was in trend recently) and was walking with two friends towards Burger King for lunch. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a policeman pulls over and stops in front of us. Asks me why I am wearing a mask and tells me I look suspicious. I then spent 5 minutes explaining this to him. And the thing is that neither me nor my friends looked anything like a typical thug. And cmon, if you just saw a group of 7 people who are obviously students and are wearing backpacks and then 3 more of them behind by 5 meters who are also wearing backpacks, shouldn't it be kind of obvious that it is lunch and people are coming here to eat? The policeman even stated that "for all I know, you could be going in to rob the place". Argh...

All I can say is that people have become WAY too cautious these days. They are basically bubble wrapping the next generation so that they won't break, but that also means they will become even more brittle in the future.

You wouldn't believe how many times a teacher or policeman have stopped me or just pulled the damn mask off and then realize "oh......" after a 5 minute explanation. It's not like I want to wear the damn thing, it's extremely stuffy and starts to smell bad after a week.

Sorry for this rant, I know it's kind of off topic, but it also kind of goes with how people are saying that the newer times have been filled with overcautious rules and people.
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