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Systema PTW vs. Modded high-end sniper rifles


Airsoft Guns Discussion

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Old November 15th, 2011, 17:19   #31
Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Originally Posted by mcguyver View Post
To be perfectly frank, you can believe whatever you want, even though you are wrong. Many have seen it and done it for years. In fact, I may have been working on PTWs since before you knew what airsoft was.

Now, if you don't think that a PTW will shoot as far as your upgraded sniper rifles, perhaps you are simply a poor airsoft mechanic, or you don't undertsand the basic principals of why flight of a spherical projectile occurs the way it does. You toss around what kind of barrel and length, and this tells me right away that you don't.

I'll let you in on a little secret. Increasing barrel length has no positive effect on BB performance and in fact can be a hinderance. Barrel consistancy in dimension is far, far more important. Hop-up is more important. Consistancy of size and weight and material distribution of the projectile is far, far more important.

But please, carry on with your rant. It has provided much entertainment and will continue to do so for the remiander of your time here.
Hey, I'm not a native english speaker so I might be wrong here, but dontcha mean "principles", "hindrance" and "consistency"?

Originally Posted by kyle milliken View Post
ok this is point less lets just get a video of some one shooting a ptw at a range to prove once and for all it can do these things you have calmed.
My point exactly.
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Old November 15th, 2011, 17:21   #32
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Originally Posted by Fox62 View Post
Hey, I'm not a native english speaker so I might be wrong here, but dontcha mean "principles", "hindrance" and "consistency"?
If that is the best you got this is pretty much over.
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Old November 15th, 2011, 17:44   #33
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Originally Posted by mcguyver View Post
If that is the best you got this is pretty much over.
exactly what i was going to say.

listen to Mcguyver he has been in the community forever and knows more about PTWs than you know about airsoft as a whole.

PTWs win hands down, shit, any upgraded AEG would win, why you ask?

sure the vsr MIGHT have better accuracy, but how long would it take to hit someone at 300m 2 shots...3...4...5...more? how many BBs do you think i could send your way from my 249 in that time? My guess is enough to hit you multiple times, sure only 1% of my BBs will hit you, but it doesn't matter, in this instance, i hit you you have to walk your ass back to spawn and i get to keep playing. this is airsoft not RS, ROF will always win.

accuracy and effectiveness are two totally different things, its great if you have a sniper rifle that can hit a guy at 200m. but it is useless when a kid with a kraken can still hit you by arking his shots. and 9 times out of 10 he will kill you because of ROF and ammo availability.

and don't bring up the realism thing, because snipers in airsoft are not realistic at all either, no recoil and can be dead silent.

want realism? play GBBR only games, they are the most fun anyway
Originally Posted by White_knight View Post
Wildcard his gun is better than all of yours, he has magpul stuff on it, all the magpuls you can dream of. He has all of them. On his gun. I wish I had magpuls
Originally Posted by Curo View Post
Look at all the fucks no one gives Miles, look at them. There is a lot of fucks not being given.
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Old November 15th, 2011, 17:54   #34
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Originally Posted by theshaneler View Post
sure the vsr MIGHT have better accuracy, but how long would it take to hit someone at 300m 2 shots...3...4...5...more? how many BBs do you think i could send your way from my 249 in that time? My guess is enough to hit you multiple times, sure only 1% of my BBs will hit you, but it doesn't matter, in this instance, i hit you you have to walk your ass back to spawn and i get to keep playing. this is airsoft not RS, ROF will always win.

accuracy and effectiveness are two totally different things, its great if you have a sniper rifle that can hit a guy at 200m. but it is useless when a kid with a kraken can still hit you by arking his shots. and 9 times out of 10 he will kill you because of ROF and ammo availability.

and don't bring up the realism thing, because snipers in airsoft are not realistic at all either, no recoil and can be dead silent.

want realism? play GBBR only games, they are the most fun anyway
You're making a few very big assumptions here.
#1 You know where I am
#2 I don't know where you are, or at least we are on a level playing field
#3 Since you're using your lmg or whatever, you can be heard just about anywhere on the field, whereas you'll only be able to zero in on a hidden sniper if you're very close,

Compensating for lack of accuracy with rof is a very sad way to view airsoft. Yes the ptw can have the same accuracy as a bolt action, to a point, but there is virtually no stealth with an aeg, unless you insulate the gearbox, and at that point you'll have overheating issues.

This is not Call of Duty, and unless you're "rushing" with a bolt action sniper rifle, you should never find yourself in a position where ROF gets you a win against a sniper, who by the way most likely has a spotter and fireteam support.

Have fun spraying at nothing, hoping to get a kill
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Old November 15th, 2011, 17:55   #35
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Originally Posted by theshaneler View Post
and don't bring up the realism thing, because snipers in airsoft are not realistic at all either, no recoil and can be dead silent.
If you read my starting post, I play a WE SCAR GBB DMR.
Of course the ROF will give a huge advantage, but that's not important. I just wanted some proof that the PTW's (since they are obviously the best thing to ever happen to airsoft) could hit the claimed distance with precision, just like a sniper, and it's obvious they can't.
Show me a video at a shooting range, or somewhere I can see the distance myself.
This Mcguyver fella, I don't doubt he's worked with AEGs, PTWs and whatever, but if I'm not wrong he's the same guy that said he needs to bring 4 AEGs to a game to make sure he can reliably play; and that right there shows how exaggerated his views are. I'm betting it's the same with distance, since there's not a single youtube video showing the incredible range of these guns.
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Old November 15th, 2011, 17:58   #36
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Originally Posted by krap101 View Post
Have fun spraying at nothing, hoping to get a kill
+1 to that; it's such a sad way to play, facilitated by mags that hold 450 rounds, and that's for regular Assault Rifles. Thousands for support guns. Honestly, I'm having way more fun with my high-kicking 20 GBBR shots, despite not having the aforementioned advantage of silent shots as sniper platforms. Wasn't the whole point of the PTW for it to be realistic? Doesn't the mag hold like 200 rounds?

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Old November 15th, 2011, 18:04   #37
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Originally Posted by Fox62 View Post
If you read my starting post, I play a WE SCAR GBB DMR.
Of course the ROF will give a huge advantage, but that's not important. I just wanted some proof that the PTW's (since they are obviously the best thing to ever happen to airsoft) could hit the claimed distance with precision, just like a sniper, and it's obvious they can't.
Show me a video at a shooting range, or somewhere I can see the distance myself.
This Mcguyver fella, I don't doubt he's worked with AEGs, PTWs and whatever, but if I'm not wrong he's the same guy that said he needs to bring 4 AEGs to a game to make sure he can reliably play; and that right there shows how exaggerated his views are. I'm betting it's the same with distance, since there's not a single youtube video showing the incredible range of these guns.
I think you'll get a bit farther if you weren't so confrontational. Otherwise I feel like this thread is going to get closed if things continue. mcguyver is a respected member of the community, and you can't just disrespect people like that.
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Old November 15th, 2011, 18:06   #38
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Originally Posted by Fox62 View Post
+1 to that; it's such a sad way to play, facilitated by mags that hold 450 rounds, and that's for regular Assault Rifles. Thousands for support guns. Honestly, I'm having way more fun with my high-kicking 20 GBBR shots, despite not having the aforementioned advantage of silent shots as sniper platforms. Wasn't the whole point of the PTW for it to be realistic? Doesn't the mag hold like 200 rounds?

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Old November 15th, 2011, 18:10   #39
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I haven't owned mine in years but I am sure it was 120

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Old November 15th, 2011, 18:16   #40
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Apparently they come in different capacities... I could have sworn they were all 30.
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Old November 15th, 2011, 18:35   #41
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Originally Posted by Fox62 View Post
This Mcguyver fella, I don't doubt he's worked with AEGs, PTWs and whatever, but if I'm not wrong he's the same guy that said he needs to bring 4 AEGs to a game to make sure he can reliably play; and that right there shows how exaggerated his views are. I'm betting it's the same with distance, since there's not a single youtube video showing the incredible range of these guns.
You should probably start cuddling that gas powered barbie doll you call a DMR. We play in weather that makes gas guns totally useless.
We view -15 weather and a foot of snow on the ground as bonus field material. If you haven't been hit at 200+ft distances by a tweaked M4 or PTW its because the guys doing the work on them are doing it wrong.

You're quite right to wonder why there are no PTW vids of guys shooting huge distances with them. The simple answer, they don't need to. Anyone who knows anything about what a PTW is capable of doing doesn't really question it or show it off.

The better question, why does someone need to make a video of them doing it and post it on youtube? Don't people have better things to do than watch a bit of plastic get lobbed at some paper.

You're pretty much saying that if it isn't on youtube then it doesn't exist/isn't happening/ain't real.

Perhaps you should play more and bitch less.
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Old November 15th, 2011, 18:45   #42
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Originally Posted by Fox62 View Post
Hey, I'm not a native english speaker so I might be wrong here, but dontcha mean "principles", "hindrance" and "consistency"?

My point exactly.
Call Sign Fox62 you are coming through broken and stupid.
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Old November 15th, 2011, 18:48   #43
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What is the best effective barrel length to achieve the max range and accuracy for a BB provided a quality barrel and hopup is used?

Last edited by SuperHog; November 15th, 2011 at 18:54..
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Old November 15th, 2011, 18:50   #44
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Originally Posted by SuperHog View Post
What is the effective length of barrel to achieve the max range and accuracy for a BB provided a quality barrel and hopup is used?
It depends on the gun, compression, and the cylinder volume. I don't see any benefits of going more than 450mm or so, from what I've seen...
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Old November 15th, 2011, 18:52   #45
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....This fight will never end,
PTW functionally will be better than GBBR, AEG, and Bolt-action in general. However,
It is far more satisfying to kill with an GBBR or Bolt-Action.
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