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Top Tech T4-18.


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Old August 18th, 2011, 20:26   #1
CRA Airsofting
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Top Tech T4-18.

I've heard from a few people that this weapon is full metal under the name (G&G M418 BLACK MAX) from various sights.

BuyAirsoft says it's full metal upper and lower receiver, but Imperial Airsoft is saying that the only receiver that is metal is the upper receiver. Does anyone have this gun that can say if it's full metal or just upper receiver.


It looks like the hands are pointing towards full metal VIA, but I'd still like to know from any member who has the rifle.

Last edited by CRA Airsofting; August 18th, 2011 at 20:35..
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Old August 19th, 2011, 10:14   #2
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Both the upper and lower receiver are full metal. It also has G&G's pneumatic blowback system.

Originally Posted by CDN_Stalker View Post
It's rather like asking how long it takes for a monkey with a wooden leg to kick the seeds out of a dill pickle. It depends.

Last edited by Maalkus; August 19th, 2011 at 10:18..
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Old August 19th, 2011, 12:17   #3
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yeah metal body, metal rail system... if you downgrade the spring the blow back doesnt work anymore LOL (or atleast that;s what the guy that just got one at the local group/field, I wasn't the one that opened his gun)

the the exception of grabbing rail up front it's a pretty comfy gun....and I dislike armalite variants comfort wise ... I'm slowly becoming a magpul fan boy just to make the 1 I have comfortable LOL
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Old August 19th, 2011, 15:58   #4
CRA Airsofting
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So it's full metal, good.

The M4/M16 platform is our groups weapon platform, so I'm trying to find the best one.
The HK416's stats look good, so this might be it. A bit expensive at $600, but we believe it is worth it.
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Old August 19th, 2011, 16:06   #5
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I am not entirely sure, but I do not believe that Magpul PMAGs fit. At least not easily. This is because of the shape of the mag well.

I haven't done any test fitting myself, but that is just what I heard. I don't know if you will be using PMAGs, but it is food for thought.
Originally Posted by CDN_Stalker View Post
It's rather like asking how long it takes for a monkey with a wooden leg to kick the seeds out of a dill pickle. It depends.
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Old August 19th, 2011, 16:19   #6
CRA Airsofting
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Tasty food.

It's up to the members under our name to find what works with them. Myself, I know I'll just be spending $30 per Magazine on a few G&G mid/low cap ones so I know they fit.
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Old August 19th, 2011, 20:29   #7
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shorty pmags do (atleast my green labels, tested in above mentioned local group members gun)

but yeah I beleive full size Pmags don't fit (again they didn't fit in his)
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Old August 31st, 2011, 23:19   #8
The Hunter
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ok I am a bit confused, I emailed Guay Guay USA and they told me that there is not a G&G M418 Black MAX and that only the G&G Top tech T4-18 is available.

The pictures on everyone's site show the Top tech gun but describe the M418 MAX. The rep did say that it could be a custom gun made by Canadian retailers. Can anyone expand on the subject? considering there is a $150 price difference I am confused as some people say its the same gun.

Also is top tech worth the extra cash over the MAX series?

Thanks in advance
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Old August 31st, 2011, 23:40   #9
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Dont bother with the max series. Why get a gun shooting 500fps when you cant use it anywhere until you downgrade it? All of JOC and Calgary area fields are 400 or under.
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Old September 1st, 2011, 00:10   #10
The Hunter
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That doesn't really answer the question though..

I know that the max shoots 465FPS, I know everyone's rules and limits, I am buying it for the body and upgrade capabilities, there is a spring in the box to lower the fps and if needed i'll buy another spring and put that one in, since the Max series stuff isn't made to handle that powerful of a spring anyway. Also doesn't everyone say buy a good body because you are just going to change everything inside it anyway? on a side note I think I am buying the M4 MAX Commando. The T4-18 question is for my friend.

I have to buy a gun eventually and all I have read from ACS about AEG's is if i listen to every single persons opinion, there is no good airsoft gun out there, there all crap in one way or another, so buy one you like and are happy with from a name brand company and upgrade it when it breaks. :banghead:

if you want to please feel free to recommend another gun just like the Commando(RIS style) AEG and I will gladly do research on it.
so far this is what im told
ARES- Meh, don't bother
VFC - Great outer, blah internals
CA - Good outer, blah internals
G&G max - great outer, change the spring
systema(out of my price range)

everything seems blah.. lol


Last edited by The Hunter; September 1st, 2011 at 00:15.. Reason: wanted to rant more
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Old September 1st, 2011, 01:00   #11
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I work on G&G Max's quite a bit. The 418 for Canada shoots +440 fps and has the pneumatic blowback feature. Usually downgrading the gun, the blowback feature is negated, not because the downgrade spring can't operate the blowback, but because the faux bolt has to be bent out of shape to remove it from the mechbox so it can be disassembled to swap the spring. The faux bolt has to be removed to remove the shroud over the blowback piston assembly to get it off as it helps hold the upper part of the mechbox together. I've never been able to get it back into shape like it came from the factory. IMO, feature is next to useless. Even when operating properly from the factory, it only moves maybe 1/2". And, as it uses air from the compression stage, your FPS suffers (not much but it does) and there's more places for leaks to occur.

When the mechbox breaks (notice I didn't say if. the mechbox is weaker than a normal Version 2 due to the blowback feature), it can be replaced with a normal Version 2 mechbox but the charging handle has to be replaced as well as the original is proprietary to the blowback mechbox. I have not seen a replacement blowback mechbox or other replacement parts for it available for sale, not that any of my clients want it.

Edit, yes, they are full metal upper and lower.
ASC Age Verifier for Red Deer & Area Alberta

Last edited by Darklen; September 1st, 2011 at 01:11..
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Old September 1st, 2011, 09:45   #12
The Hunter
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Thank-you Darklen, that was some very useful information,
Would you happen to know the difference between the top tech T4-18 and the MAX M418? aside from the M418 not having blowback and it is about 10mm longer.

thanks again
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Old September 1st, 2011, 11:25   #13
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max series is a canadian only line. You need to know where they are coming from, g&g directly or if they are making a stop somewhere else to get upgraded before coming into canada.

emailing g&g usa may not get you the proper info you need. AFAIK they're all pre upgraded with springs and internals over standard g&g guns in order to import full metal bodies, whether or not it's true I don't know, since my m14 max is my first gun, I can't tell you if the gears are in fact torque upgraded gears, or if it's an upgraded piston or low resistance wiring. I can use my caliper to measure the barrel to see if its a 6.03 tightbore but that's about it. Confirming one doesn't necessarily confirm claims on the others.

I can tell you though, the gun was shooting 430 with .25s when it was predowngraded. The ads claim the spring is a m150, and the included spring in the box is m100.
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Old September 1st, 2011, 11:39   #14
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Don't bother with the G&G pneumatic blowback guns. The gearbox is a pain to work with and the blowback feature is a really useless gimmick.

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Old September 1st, 2011, 14:35   #15
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Originally Posted by The Hunter View Post
Thank-you Darklen, that was some very useful information,
Would you happen to know the difference between the top tech T4-18 and the MAX M418? aside from the M418 not having blowback and it is about 10mm longer.

thanks again
Technically there is no difference other than FPS. The 418 has the blowback feature. There are two Canadian models, the shorter M418 LGT MAX and the longer 418 MAX. The only difference is the barrel. The Top Tech version wouldn't be legal for import due to the lower fps. The MAX series are made specifically for Canada. Asking US based companies about the difference is useless as they are not involved with Canadian sales. All Canadian market guns come to the Canadian distributors directly from the manufacturer, not a secondary US distributor. In my experience American companies know the American market, period. They do not know, much less care about the Canadian market. We are much too small and our laws are too quirky for most of them.
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