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A&K Masada questions;


Airsoft Guns Discussion

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Old August 20th, 2011, 20:13   #1
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Laval, your mothers house.
A&K Masada questions;

I've done some research thanks to the web and I stumbled across lot of mixed views on this Airsoft rifle
Now, I've heard some positive feedback on this gun regarding the externals, barrel assembly and butt-stock - but I've also heard that the internals aren't that great, and for 450$ brand new - I want to get my money's worth.

I've read up that the stock motor on the gun should be replaced.
The gearbox is crap, the shimmings aren't the greatest and the accuracy is below average.

Any A&K Masada users out there or people who have seen the internals of this gun/tried it out - let me know your opinions.
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Old August 20th, 2011, 20:57   #2
Suburban Gun Runner
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Location: St Lambert, Quebec
I love my Masada. FPS out of the box was a disappointing 280
That's because the airseal is not too great, fix that and you are good for compression.
Also the hop up unit is plastic an proprietary, so if it breaks good luck getting a new one.

The externals are by far the best part of this gun, very solidly build and suprisingly good finish.

I purchased a metal hop up from Evike but the unit is not complete, you still need to use some of the parts from the stock hop up, so its not a great solution.

I was pleased with the stock accuracy, but it wasn't anything to get excited about.

If you have the money to buy the Magpul version I would suggest it over the A&K for no other reason than you can actually find replacement parts for it. But the Magpul version has its own set of issues as well.

If you have any more specific questions ask away or shoot me a pm.
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eeyore, the more I look at your avatar, the more I find it looks like a vagina...
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Old August 20th, 2011, 22:14   #3
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got one and i field it once and it broke right in my hand so personally get a magpul one they are really more reliable
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Old August 20th, 2011, 22:16   #4
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Location: Laval, your mothers house.
Originally Posted by Aedan798 View Post
got one and i field it once and it broke right in my hand so personally get a magpul one they are really more reliable
Sorry to be a douche, but - you didn't even provide any reliable proof upon your statement. If the gun breaks, there can be multiple reason why. Explaining why/where it broke would prove to be a much more valid response.

And to respond to Eeyore; an extra 350$ - 400$ for a Magpul version isn't my cup of tea. I'm aiming for 450$ - 500$, not 800$ :P.
My CA SCAR-L was 500$, flat. Full metal internals, great finish and great quality externals. For 50$ more, I would save myself the trouble, but I like Masada's.

Last edited by Caspian; August 20th, 2011 at 22:23..
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Old August 23rd, 2011, 19:46   #5
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Winnipeg
Hey caspian, i just picked one up about a month ago, and absolutely love it. The externals are definately the nicest part about it. Before even gaming mine, i did take it to my guntech however and get him to overhaul the internals.

So about 450 for the masada, and another 150 into internals (not totally neccessary, but i was pretty picky about what i wanted)

It feels great, shoulders great, I like the balance of it. We now have 3 of them on the team. One of my guys got it in tan, and i got mine in black, we swapped some parts to make them a bit more unique.

Personally Im really happy with it, with the money i saved in the purchase cost, i was able to upgrade the internals to outperform the PTS version, and buy some nice shiny optics for it.
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Old August 23rd, 2011, 20:00   #6
Join Date: Sep 2007
Personally have worked on mutiples of both versions, save the money buy the a&k, spend 100-150 for a gundoc too clean reshim upgrade piston and piston head atleast. Or buy a used one im sure classifieds have a cpl.
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