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KABLE: You have still not shipped my gun out. (Trade issues; Seeking help)



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Old August 4th, 2011, 00:50   #1
mmmken's Avatar
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Exclamation KABLE: You have still not shipped my gun out. (Trade issues; Seeking help)


I am having problems getting a hold of Karl St. Louis (ASC Username: Kable) lately after a trade between us was blotched and we agreed that we would simply trade back our guns to reverse the trade. Basically Kable contacted me in an attempt to trade his Tanaka M700 with my Magpul MK18 MOD1 on June 25th. Kable had obtained the M700 from Fireboy - who he too was having trade issues with since the gun was defective. When I questioned him about it, he told me that the problem was fixed completely when he bought a new bolt for the gun. Since I was looking for a sniper rifle anyway to replace my MK18, I agreed to the trade. On the same day (around 5AM), he drove all the way to Toronto from Montreal so that we could perform the trade. Now, this should have rang alarm bells instantly, but the immediate satisfaction of having a new gun overwhelmed me that day.

Fast forward to the first time I tried gaming with the rifle and it failed to shoot several times. I eventually brought it to Illusion and he diagnosed that the sear was heavily worn along with several other major problems. Most of the communication in regards to the gun was relayed between Kable, Illusion, Fireboy and myself. Illusion knows of all the problems with the M700 in detail. Finally, Kable had agreed to simply shipping my gun back by the end of the week and reversing the trade completely since there were so many issues. This was on July 20th and the agreement was sent out to all three parties involved in this matter (Illusion, Fireboy and myself). Over the week after, I tried contacting him on both ASC PM and MSN in regards to shipping confirmation but he had yet to ship anything. He suddenly stopped appearing online on MSN and had stopped responding to my PM's on ASC.

I contacted him on Tuesday, giving him an ultimatum of Thursday (today) to respond before I proceed with seeking other forms of problem resolution (ASC Staff, Police, etc). I can confirm that he has indeed read the message as I had received a read confirmation receipt. He also has logged on the forums several times since I sent him the PM.

Can an administrator try contacting him and possibly suspend his AV privileges until this matter is resolved?

ASC User in Question: Kable
The Original Trade Dispute: Here
Age Verifier - Unionville and Markham.

Last edited by mmmken; August 4th, 2011 at 00:56..
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Old August 4th, 2011, 10:02   #2
Wanna buy some Nod's? #StolenValour
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Stay out of it unless you have PERTINENT Info or are DIRECTLY involved.
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Old August 4th, 2011, 21:28   #3
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Originally Posted by ex View Post
Stay out of it unless you have PERTINENT Info or are DIRECTLY involved.
Hi ex,

Can I assume that you have attempted contacting Kable on my behalf?
Age Verifier - Unionville and Markham.
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Old August 5th, 2011, 00:55   #4
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Kable has contacted me today and will be shipping the gun out tomorrow. I will keep this thread updated until the matter is completely resolved. Thanks.
Age Verifier - Unionville and Markham.
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Old August 7th, 2011, 01:10   #5
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I have asked for a tracking number but he has not responded nor provided one yet.

Is there an administrator that can assist in contacting him for me?
Age Verifier - Unionville and Markham.
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Old August 11th, 2011, 19:16   #6
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A tracking number was provided a few days ago. I'm just currently waiting for the package since Canada Post is dicking around as today was the expected date. I've confirmed with Canada Post that the package is roughly 7KG as recorded in their systems which makes sense.

Once I have it back in my hands, I'll post an update and have this issue cleared.
Age Verifier - Unionville and Markham.
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Old August 16th, 2011, 18:49   #7
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The package has been received with most of the parts returned - but enough to satisfy closing this trade issue with Kable. Thanks to THE BOSS, Illusion, and Kable himself for resolving or helping us resolve this matter swiftly.

I will be leaving appropriate (neutral) feedback for Kable when I have the time.
Age Verifier - Unionville and Markham.
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Old August 17th, 2011, 14:21   #8
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Originally Posted by mmmken View Post

I am having problems getting a hold of Karl St. Louis (ASC Username: Kable) lately after a trade between us was blotched and we agreed that we would simply trade back our guns to reverse the trade. Basically Kable contacted me in an attempt to trade his Tanaka M700 with my Magpul MK18 MOD1 on June 25th. Kable had obtained the M700 from Fireboy - who he too was having trade issues with since the gun was defective. When I questioned him about it, he told me that the problem was fixed completely when he bought a new bolt for the gun. Since I was looking for a sniper rifle anyway to replace my MK18, I agreed to the trade. On the same day (around 5AM), he drove all the way to Toronto from Montreal so that we could perform the trade. Now, this should have rang alarm bells instantly, but the immediate satisfaction of having a new gun overwhelmed me that day.

Fast forward to the first time I tried gaming with the rifle and it failed to shoot several times. I eventually brought it to Illusion and he diagnosed that the sear was heavily worn along with several other major problems. Most of the communication in regards to the gun was relayed between Kable, Illusion, Fireboy and myself. Illusion knows of all the problems with the M700 in detail. Finally, Kable had agreed to simply shipping my gun back by the end of the week and reversing the trade completely since there were so many issues. This was on July 20th and the agreement was sent out to all three parties involved in this matter (Illusion, Fireboy and myself). Over the week after, I tried contacting him on both ASC PM and MSN in regards to shipping confirmation but he had yet to ship anything. He suddenly stopped appearing online on MSN and had stopped responding to my PM's on ASC.

I contacted him on Tuesday, giving him an ultimatum of Thursday (today) to respond before I proceed with seeking other forms of problem resolution (ASC Staff, Police, etc). I can confirm that he has indeed read the message as I had received a read confirmation receipt. He also has logged on the forums several times since I sent him the PM.

Can an administrator try contacting him and possibly suspend his AV privileges until this matter is resolved?

ASC User in Question: Kable
The Original Trade Dispute: Here
I had the same kind of issue with another user a few months back... bought a gun for a reasonable price, was told it worked great and had a few nice upgrades, got the gun without even thinking of trying it out.. till I gamed it to find it shot nothing more then 100 fps, the gears were stripped and the piston head had a crack in it. After trying to contact him for months, I gave up. Seems these issues are popping up more and more.... I even told him I was going to involve the law, and he still didn't reply. I'm becoming less and less confident in the ASC classifieds. I think some kind of buyer security should be addressed...
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Old August 17th, 2011, 15:48   #9
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What kind of buyer security do you suggest? And who do you suggest takes responsibility for it?
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Old August 17th, 2011, 16:02   #10
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Their are ways to go about this guys. RECOL is always there. Civil actions. Fraud is fraud. Theft is theft.

Asc staff and volunteers to not need to police your transactions. They try to help the best they can because they are those type of people.

It is up to the buyer to do his research and question the seller. If they dont its there problem. I see alot of people complain when a gun is sold "as is" and they whine its busted up inside.....

Ask the sellers questions folks. Get pictures. Full details and alot of this will not happen.

For the times it will, well the law is the law and breaking it deserves punishment.

Only thing ASC should do is pull the AV status and other privileges from the user.
They are not a police for. Oddly enough we already have one of those...
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Old August 17th, 2011, 20:24   #11
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Humble ANV request.

Please Grandmaster Drake - could you be so kind and put the ongoing postings on this item after MMMKEN confirmed that everything was satisfactory resolved in another thread.

I think it gives the wrong Image because everytime somebody replies the Head Line: KABLE : you have still not shipped my gun out lights up in the quick link site.

I think it gives the wrong image for both partners.

This issue is resolved and both parties are resting in peace and unity.

This discussion however is a good one and should continue - but I think it earns its own thread.

thanks Drake.
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Old August 17th, 2011, 21:30   #12
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If anyone wishes to continue discussion trade issues in general, there is a thread recently started up by another user to discuss exactly this:

Continue general commentary there.

Because this specific case is resolved, I am locking the thread. If any of the involved parties wish to add anything, report the thread and request that it be unlocked.
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