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Old July 7th, 2011, 22:02   #1
Tyrael's Avatar
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Noobie sales

This is going to sound like a big noobie question, but i would like to know the correct response for this situation.

I know that there is a strong understanding that airsoft is an 18+ sport. I have responded to an ad of someone wanting to buy a rifle of mine, locally. I also found out that he is 17, and he has stated that he already owns a rifle. I am uneasy about dealing with him without an adult, so how should i tell him that he needs one. I found the thread about the legality of airsoft in canada, but i could not find a specific age (i skimmed through it and used the find function to search for words like age, eighteen, 18 etc [i really hope i didnt miss anything]). He has also stated that he knows the law, even though he owns one at 17. This made me uneasy, again, so i googled it like any good noobie. It just led me to some random websites and to the old thread at asc.

So i am going to tell him that the law is 18+, and i am looking for one of you guys to do some community work and find the direct law for me, as i can not for some reason

Maybe i was wrong on this, and im going to make myself look like a giant idiot, but i would rather the guns in the hands of people who it should belong to.

Hopefully i catch you guys on the good side tonight
I hope i did not forget to mention anything...

*After a read, it feels like im lazy. I more or less just wantt your insight...

Last edited by Tyrael; July 7th, 2011 at 22:08.. Reason: Deep thoughts
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Old July 7th, 2011, 22:07   #2
oniwagamaru's Avatar
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It is really up to you, the seller if you want to sell to a minor or not! If you feel that you should keep this sport 18+, then feel free to not sell him the rifle. As per owning an airsoft gun, I dont think there is a rule that prohibits 17 year olds from owning one, only in its purchase from stores (dont quote me on this but I think Ontario has a law that prohibits selling airguns and such to minors).
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Old July 7th, 2011, 22:09   #3
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He saw your ad on ASC? or on another site?
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Old July 7th, 2011, 22:09   #4
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Originally Posted by oniwagamaru View Post
It is really up to you, the seller if you want to sell to a minor or not! If you feel that you should keep this sport 18+, then feel free to not sell him the rifle. As per owning an airsoft gun, I dont think there is a rule that prohibits 17 year olds from owning one, only in its purchase from stores (dont quote me on this but I think Ontario has a law that prohibits selling airguns and such to minors).
You know, that makes me happy. I had a feeling thats what it was. I suppose i just hang around people who enforce it

Originally Posted by BloodSport View Post
He saw your ad on ASC? or on another site?
It was on craigslist. Me and my friend were just browsing to see if anything good actually sold on there, and i found his wanted post.
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Old July 7th, 2011, 22:10   #5
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He contacted you through ASC? or this was from Craigslist or some other site?

ASC only controls ASC nothing more only some areas have a law about 18+ most of Canada does not. Even still I would simple not sell to him you do not have to tell him it's law or anything it's your item to sell to whom ever you want and if that is 18+ then that is his problem not yours. but what you do outside of ASC is up to you.

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Old July 7th, 2011, 22:11   #6
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Originally Posted by Tex View Post
He contacted you through ASC? or this was from Craigslist or some other site?

ASC only controls ASC nothing more only some areas have a law about 18+ most of Canada does not. Even still I would simple not sell to him you do not have to tell him it's law or anything it's your item to sell to whom ever you want and if that is 18+ then that is his problem not yours. but what you do outside of ASC is up to you.
It was more or less a morality thing. I try to avoid even simple problems

If it is ok to sell it to him, then im ok with it.

PS Thanks guys, thats good to hear sofar
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Old July 7th, 2011, 22:15   #7
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Just keep in mind that in Ontario it is a provincial law that buyers must be 18+ for airguns and such. Thats not an ASC rule, but an actual provincial requirement.
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Old July 8th, 2011, 00:45   #8
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Here's one of my responses in an older thread. I've basically done the research for you.

NB: "deactivated firearm" by the definition in the document covers paintball, airsoft, and pellet guns (.177 cal and 4.5mm).

Restriction re sale of deactivated firearm

(2) No person shall sell or transfer a deactivated firearm to an individual unless the individual is at least 18 years of age and presents valid identification in accordance with section 5. 2000, c. 37, s. 3 (2).

(That's just the search box since the results are based on "sessions" so the results are unique to each person/search).

NB: Elsewhere there isn't technically any such rule however most stores in other provinces generally do follow those kinds of established rules/procedures.
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Old July 9th, 2011, 21:13   #9
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If he doesn't want to bring a parent along to do the transaction, its probably cuz he's doing it behind their backs, in which case I probably would do business with him, altogether aside from whether or not its ethical to sell a potentially lethal toy gun to a minor. It shouldn't be a big deal for a parent to be present, especially if he already owns a gun. That's how I see it.

PS: I am 18+, I just don't feel like tracking someone down to verify me when I'll probs never use the classifieds anyways.
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