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Cybergun Famas Inner Barrel


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Old June 1st, 2011, 14:57   #1
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Cybergun Famas Inner Barrel

hey everyone

i have a friend who just bought a cybergun famas f1 and he is currently trying to turn this into a sniping platform.

we were just wondering if anyone knows if the inner barrel and hop-up set up are roughly the same as every other. ( would he be able to drop a tightbore for an m16 into it) or does it need specific famas barrels. i've never taken one apart as well as this is the first one he's ever owned so we're both kind of iffy on taking it apart without knowing for sure.

also, anyone know where to get a scope mount for these things fairly cheap?
thanks for your help everyone who replies, hopefully we can get this sorted out.
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Old June 1st, 2011, 15:31   #2
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careful with the fa-mas and a DMR platform *not sniper thats you not the gun*

The prob with the fa-mas is it uses a version 1 mech box and a funny type of motor, trying to get this motor to pull a heavy spring is almost impossible and upgrading the motor takes alot of modifying.

This being said a 472 MM inner barrel for an AEG will work in the gun. Hop bucking for aeg will work as well. Just compare to make 100% though.
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Old June 2nd, 2011, 17:13   #3
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I am not from Canada and don`t know which regions speak french, but here is the link:
This is a guide, but not absolute 100% since those guys tune their guns to 300fps My fps rates will be like M110 is 360-370 (.20 of course) fps with Xcortech (and Xcortech reads 10% more than regular fps). Adjust to that since there are people which can get 450 with M110 (major )

Barrel length is as it says in link, but I wouldn`t concentrate "DMR build" on that. DMR is consistency (+/- 3-5fps, not power itself). Here is a wery good guide Disregard all BS Famas talk since most of the forums know only TM Famas which is by today standards complete crap (at least). Jin Peng is somewhat better, but also crap, but Cybergun, which is at stock still child AEG can be modded to playable AEG or even DMR. TM can be top shit, but not with FAMAS, here is exactly opposite.

Parts as I personally tried an guarantee to fit: (Cybergun only, not TM, not JP)
-Clinder a bit longer, NOT stock V2/V3
-Cylinder head V7
-Piston regular V2/V3
-Piston head also anything that fits V2/V3
-Spring guide V3
-Motor V3, but with a few mm shorter axis, if DIY shortening find motor with D shaped gear
-AR latch stock V2/V3
-Normal springs, but expect a bit lower fps with higher rate springs due to longer cylinder space

By my experience most problems with stock gun is with airseal. If you have 350+fps with stock gun it is probably OK. If not most problems can be solved with filing tappet plate to seat closer to GB wall, and with that of course closer with hop-up unit. Next problem is cast 6mm bushing holes. If going nuts get them CNC-ed to 7mm, if not superglue metal new 6mm metal ones in too loose cast holes. That is the next problem. Stock XYZ (or something) gears will bind with closer tolerance, at least I had problems with 2 GB`s, so get yourself good V7 gear set. Up to M120 only bushing and shim job is enough. Anything other.....go nuts. Shell will hold anything, but don`t expect stock motor to run M140 long or stock cylinder head to seal perfectly.....etc..etc...

Again, DMR is in consistency and with that accuracy and that can be achieved on CG FAMAS with basic AEG knowledge. TB barrels are mostly BS, and if you don`t have knowledge to tweak existing platform to be better, than it is better to leave it to expert than buy TB barrel or any other "performace" part.

Hop-up unit is FAMAS specific but good enough. Add something in bucking since stock (with hole) is too soft. Cheapest rail is TM, anything else is DIY.

If you will go into details I can help. This post is already too long
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Old June 23rd, 2011, 19:17   #4
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^That is some good info. The cybergun/cyma famas has a re-designed v1 mechbox that uses easier to find parts.
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Old June 23rd, 2011, 19:24   #5
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Originally Posted by Godzila View Post
Disregard all BS Famas talk since most of the forums know only TM Famas which is by today standards complete crap (at least). Jin Peng is somewhat better, but also crap, but Cybergun, which is at stock still child AEG can be modded to playable AEG or even DMR.
Parts as I personally tried an guarantee to fit: (Cybergun only, not TM, not JP)
The Cybergun FAMAS IS a JP.

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Old June 27th, 2011, 05:23   #6
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JP has metal lower receiver and different gearbox. Other not so important stuff is also completely different so it is safe to say that it is completely different model and probably also company that makes it.
I heard a rumor that JP did preproduction for Cybergun and it was rejected. Maybe because of that some people think they are the same, since JP sold those guns as Cybergun.

Gerbox of cybergun and below JP

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Old June 27th, 2011, 21:29   #7
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I'm working on an old v1 mechbox. Almost all the parts are the same as any other. I'm gonna mod the front of my mechbox to support a different cylinder head. I've had no problem using a different hop up rubber, and any barrel will work with the hop up, as far as i know.

i just wish i could get my hands on one of those mechbox. I'd be a happy camper.
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Old June 28th, 2011, 06:28   #8
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I doubt that you can fit different GB shells into different guns. Clone shells are only based on Marui V1 and shouldn`t be referred as V1 or V1 compatible. They aren`t even clones. There is DIY mod for Marui Famas somewhere on internet to fit standard short motor, but it is not easy. If you have patience go for it, but it would be a lot easier to get complete JP or Cybergun gun as a start.
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Old June 28th, 2011, 08:07   #9
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im fairly sure the jp famas has the same gearbox mounts + 2 little pegs. easy enough to file down and fit into a tm famas. I have also seen many of the gearbox mods but I'm not sure if i should or not :P I don't have extra shells lying around.
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Old June 28th, 2011, 18:24   #10
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I wish you luck if you find JP gearbox, it looks similar to Marui. Report back if you succeed. About modding Marui shell I can`t be smart, I just mentioned it in case you didn`t know, but I wouldn`t try without spare shell.
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Old June 28th, 2011, 20:08   #11
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the only mod i plan on doing to my gearbox would be drilling and tapping 2 holes for bolts to support a v2 cylinder head.

as for a jp gearbox, i think im sol until someone on the forums decides to sell a whole gun. Either way my famas shoots like a dream since this morning
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Old July 6th, 2011, 17:02   #12
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Originally Posted by Godzila View Post
JP has metal lower receiver and different gearbox. Other not so important stuff is also completely different so it is safe to say that it is completely different model and probably also company that makes it.
I heard a rumor that JP did preproduction for Cybergun and it was rejected. Maybe because of that some people think they are the same, since JP sold those guns as Cybergun.

Gerbox of cybergun and below JP

Jin Peng review - Filipino Airsoft (FAS) - Forum
How many versions of this gearbox is there? I just opened up mine last night to see some tiny differences. The bushings are metal, the motor is a different color and the nozzle(although i cant see yours in the pic) seems to be a g36 nozzle. It has the same flat spot on it. Can you confirm this? Also, is this gearbox compatible with any other tappet plate?

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Old July 6th, 2011, 19:47   #13
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What one do you have? TM? Cybergun?

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Old July 6th, 2011, 20:30   #14
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^Oh sorry, I have the cybergun.
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Old July 8th, 2011, 08:04   #15
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that is picture from the french link, not mine.
Nozzle has flat spot, but probably isn't same as g36.
I saw on the french link that some have metal bushings, probably newer models or different markets. Mine looked exactly the same as on the picture.
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