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Game variations



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Old June 6th, 2011, 00:39   #1
Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: Brooks Alberta Canada
Game variations

although i'm new to the game the guys i play with are extreme vetrens of the sport. we do our very best to play every sunday and something that was mentioned at todays game was that we only have 6ish different games we play, such as the virus game, vip game, pilot game ect ect. so as we were talking as a team we decided that it would be nice to find different styles of games to play that would increase the fun we have on the field.

So i ask that everyone drop in a post of the different games they play. with descriptionsof how your game is played, number of players "required", any special rules ect ect. Hoping this becomes a helpful post for all teams. so be specific as possible and ask questions if something isn't clear
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Old June 6th, 2011, 00:57   #2
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JOC has a thread dedicated to this very subject.
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Old June 6th, 2011, 01:09   #3
Ktown Militia
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Originally Posted by J-Man19 View Post
JOC has a thread dedicated to this very subject.
got some great ideas in there! Think I might use a couple of em for our upcoming gameday.
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Old June 6th, 2011, 01:41   #4
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Bring a timer out and use it as a bomb, that's brought all sorts of fun into our games.
We've tried such things as:
Attackers having to push to a position and plant the bomb, then defend it until it detonates.
Defenders holding a bomb position until it detonates
Blackhawk down where one force starts in a vehicle and once engaged has to plant a bomb in the vehicle and hold it until detonation.
In all 3 game types the non-bombing force ends the game by disarming the bomb or removing it from the target zone. I love these for an end of the day wrap up as you can set the bomb timer to the time you have left and you know the game won't go over.
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Old June 6th, 2011, 02:01   #5
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Originally Posted by Ktown Militia View Post
got some great ideas in there! Think I might use a couple of em for our upcoming gameday.
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Old June 6th, 2011, 05:44   #6
Jayne Finch
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good old fall back is traitor games.

-line up the two teams back to back.
-the game host walks between the lines and picks a person from each team to be a traitor.
-if using respawns the traitor can be activated after spawn # whatever. otherwise use a whistle, airhorn, etc to activate the traitor.
-watch the chaos and suspicion ensue
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Old June 6th, 2011, 14:15   #7
I always enjoyed scavenger hunt games. Essentially, there are three or four components that are scattered around the area of play. One team must be in posession of all components for a predetermined amount of time in order to complete a specified sequence and reach victory conditions.

Often, some pieces can be moved, while others can't.

Since the pieces can change hands many times, it requires a careful ballance of offensive and defensive strategy and allocation of resources.
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Old June 6th, 2011, 18:15   #8
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In a built up area with lots of hiding places, scatter an uneven number (about a dozen) heavy objects (not so big or heavy a person cant drag it alone with one hand) like big ammo boxes or barrels with a handle. Scatter them in a 15 meter area. They must be in the open and easy to see.

Both sides try to salvage the boxes and get them back into their base. The enemy can raid your base and steal your boxes. When all the boxes are salvaged the game is over. The side with the most boxes wins. Keep the respawns short, we usually respawn whenever theirs two dead players in the respawn to keep the adrenalin flowing.

It's a lot of fun because everyones trying to retrieve the boxes without getting killed. You really need to work as a team towards the goal. You must be agressive to push back the enemy long enough for someone to grab a box and bring it back or at least bring it closer.

If you dont have any ammo boxes you can use 2 liter softdrink bottles, fill them up with water to make them heavier and harder to carry or tie two of them together. Dont hide them, they must be easy to see. It's not a treasure hunt, it's more of a grab and dash.

When one side as won, remix the teams and start over.

Last edited by 5kull; June 6th, 2011 at 18:19..
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Old June 7th, 2011, 03:56   #9
Jayne Finch
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Location: my field mostly. seems that way at least.
remembered another one. its basically a safe cracker game.

-get one of those changeable combo locks or combo lock boxes and set your combo.(get a changeable one so you can repeat without everyone knowing the combo)
-put a bright flag or item in the box
-write the digits of the combo on pieces of paper (we used bright coloured card stock cut in 1/4)
-do not tell anyone the order of the combo. this is why its called safe cracker.
- one digit per card one colour for each set of digits. ie all the #3 cards are blue all the #4 cards are yellow etc.
-scatter the cards randomly around the field.
-place the box/case/whatever the lock is on in the center of the field.
-once a team has collected all the digits (one card of each colour) they can try to unscramble the numbers and unlock the box.
-the box must remain where it is and can not me moved.
-players can be shot trying to unlock the box
-if you kill a member of the other team and ask for any cards he has he must surrender them to you.
-when the box is unlocked the item must be returned to that teams spawn.
-if the carrier is shot he must drop the item exactly where he was hit. his team can try to retrieve the item or the other team can try and capture it.
-whichever team successfully returns the item to their spawn wins.

this can get pretty heated. as everyone is trying to find cards all over the field while killing/avoiding being killed by the opposing team and still trying to secure the area around the box long enough to crack the combo and extract the item back to their spawn.
"bitches don't know 'bout my killing zombies!"

"Be polite. Be professional. But, have a plan to kill everyone you meet."

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Old June 21st, 2011, 20:59   #10
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Originally Posted by Lumi View Post
Bring a timer out and use it as a bomb, that's brought all sorts of fun into our games.
We've tried such things as:
Attackers having to push to a position and plant the bomb, then defend it until it detonates.
Defenders holding a bomb position until it detonates
Blackhawk down where one force starts in a vehicle and once engaged has to plant a bomb in the vehicle and hold it until detonation.
In all 3 game types the non-bombing force ends the game by disarming the bomb or removing it from the target zone. I love these for an end of the day wrap up as you can set the bomb timer to the time you have left and you know the game won't go over.
One of the better game types the NL community ever came up with was a sort of neutral bomb scenario. First plant a bomb in the middle of the field, preferably in a defensable structure. Then, the first team to get to it activates the timer to arm it, then defends it until it goes off. If the other team manages to overrun the position, they must restart the timer and in turn defend the bomb until it detonates.

It was a great way to rack up trigger time (especially if the teams were evenly matched), and it also concentrated the action quite well. Resulted in lots of bloody bbs, though...
Originally Posted by PhattyTatty666 View Post
I havent shot anyone in so long so today i shot myself... it's not the same.
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