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Apology to the Canadian Airborne Regiment!


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Old May 29th, 2011, 19:27   #1
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Apology to the Canadian Airborne Regiment!

Finally someone speaks up and ask for and apology and the reinstatement of the Canadian Airborne Regiment!

Any other country in the world they would have punished the people who did wrong! In Canada the politicians punished the whole unit and dragged its name into the mud forever! Go on the Internet and lookup the unit who represented Canada's elite since the second world war and read what they say! Tell me Canada is better off this way and find me another country who acted so despicably towards those that give the most in its name!

Look at the USA, any special unit, you will find people who did as badly or worse, did they shame the whole unit for it! No! Did they disband it, No!
Thats what court martial are for! Imagine all those young men who died for freedom in WW2, Korea, with the United Nations, they died for this nation and for freedom!

I hope everyone on this forum will write their MP to support this, an apology is the least that can be asked. Rebuilding the regiment would be the right thing to do!

Thank you!
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Old May 29th, 2011, 19:40   #2
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I just read the article and agree 100%
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Old May 29th, 2011, 20:17   #3
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Another "smart" move by the "fantastic" liberal government. I also agree with this thread 100%
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Old May 29th, 2011, 20:26   #4
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I never understood that move by the liberal sissy gov...
How the actions of so few can tarnish and lead to disbanding that fine unit?
If i keep the same minding; almost every police forces in the country; especially the RCMP should be disbanded...

Yeah... i know... Liberals pussies...
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Old May 29th, 2011, 21:20   #5
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I have to pipe in on this one , on one hand we we told to ,before we hit Trenton this mission was aid to civil power, as soon as we hit the Herk we were told that all codes of war were to be followed, we were following all codes of conduct. When martial law is in effect, you get caught out of curfew,your up to no good , they the locals ,were warned the British,US,and Pakistanis knew this we were just following orders. Also if it was Aid to civil power why send the Airbourne for this task ,the media set us up and we payed the price of loosing our regiment nuff said ,I would like to see my Airbourne Regiment back and with honor amongst our forces ,and have this stain removed from our history books,I myself was proud to wear that maroon baret
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Last edited by Mobbs; May 29th, 2011 at 21:28..
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Old May 29th, 2011, 21:31   #6
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I suggest all of you read a bit more into the issue. The event that caused the inquiry opened a floodgate of wrongdoings that went from the pte/cpl level all the way to the top.

Also, this article isn't exactly partial. Of course someone implicated in something disgracing would want an apology from the people who indicated that disgrace.

Anyway, the regiment lives on in spirit through CSOR, so there's no need for an Airborne regiment.
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Old May 29th, 2011, 21:50   #7
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They should never have punished the whole Regiment and labelled them a disgrace for acts of a few. Not to mention a unit who's sole purpose for being is combat should never have been sent to do a peacekeeping role.
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Old May 29th, 2011, 21:58   #8
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an apology and re-instatement of the regiment's honour is the least that needs to happen
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Old May 30th, 2011, 20:06   #9
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Originally Posted by Ballcancer View Post
Another "smart" move by the "fantastic" liberal government. I also agree with this thread 100%
Yes indeed ,and where is the "wonderful" Liberal today? HAHA, their next to dead last in the poles and without a leader for their party. Payback......

But here's my question, with everything going on in today's world, is there a need to bring back the Airborne regiment and can us Tax payers afford more military spending with the upcoming HUGE bill with 65 CF-35A's that keep climbing in price!

That's what you said last time, Then look what happened!

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Old May 30th, 2011, 20:21   #10
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Originally Posted by Airmax View Post
But here's my question, with everything going on in today's world, is there a need to bring back the Airborne regiment and can us Tax payers afford more military spending with the upcoming HUGE bill with 65 CF-35A's that keep climbing in price!

My understanding was that deal hasn't been inked...YET. No firm commitment so theres still a chance that deal would fall through.

But I could be wrong.
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Old May 30th, 2011, 21:05   #11
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Canada currently has 3x Airborne Companies, 1 in each Regiment. Right now we do not have the main power to support a new regiment, be it understrength or not. So raising a new regiment is not possible at this time. I would say give restore the honour to CAR, possibly give CSOR its Colours, or added onto its colours.

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Old May 30th, 2011, 21:37   #12
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What Commando?

Originally Posted by Mobbs View Post
I have to pipe in on this one , on one hand we we told to ,before we hit Trenton this mission was aid to civil power, as soon as we hit the Herk we were told that all codes of war were to be followed, we were following all codes of conduct. When martial law is in effect, you get caught out of curfew,your up to no good , they the locals ,were warned the British,US,and Pakistanis knew this we were just following orders. Also if it was Aid to civil power why send the Airbourne for this task ,the media set us up and we payed the price of loosing our regiment nuff said ,I would like to see my Airbourne Regiment back and with honor amongst our forces ,and have this stain removed from our history books,I myself was proud to wear that maroon baret
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Old May 30th, 2011, 21:39   #13
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Chretien swept it under the rug, is all he did. Liberal governments always considered the military as the thorn in their side, is why they always fucked them over since Trudeau. Am happy to see the military thriving, and the Liberals on life support now, it looks good on them both respectively.

Originally Posted by Airmax View Post
and can us Tax payers afford more military spending with the upcoming HUGE bill with 65 CF-35A's that keep climbing in price!

Tough question to answer, but can anyone in our military afford to risk their lives further by continuing to fly in 1960s Sea Kings? If the Liberals had it their way they'd buy 20 year old Hornets to replace our 30 year old Hornets, and face replacing them in 10 years. The government's F-35 plan is based over a 30 year life span, starting in 2016. So how is that more expensive than constantly retrofitting 50 year old helicopters and upgrading/repairing 30 year old jets?

Last edited by CDN_Stalker; May 30th, 2011 at 21:46..
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Old May 30th, 2011, 21:53   #14
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Originally Posted by Mobbs View Post
I have to pipe in on this one , on one hand we we told to ,before we hit Trenton this mission was aid to civil power, as soon as we hit the Herk we were told that all codes of war were to be followed, we were following all codes of conduct. When martial law is in effect, you get caught out of curfew,your up to no good , they the locals ,were warned the British,US,and Pakistanis knew this we were just following orders. Also if it was Aid to civil power why send the Airbourne for this task ,the media set us up and we payed the price of loosing our regiment nuff said ,I would like to see my Airbourne Regiment back and with honor amongst our forces ,and have this stain removed from our history books,I myself was proud to wear that maroon baret

Is it not spelled "Airborne"?
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Old May 30th, 2011, 22:09   #15
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Only if you're American.
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