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Your first AEG and your opinions about it?


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Old May 22nd, 2011, 00:28   #46
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First AEG - TM Sig 552
looked unique so i got it, however it was annoying getting upgrade parts for it and i played it stock for like a whole year playing like nearly 3 times a month.

ended up buying a TM M4A1 RIS that became a full metal troy m4 12Inch DMR lol

THen i bought a KA Troy M4 CQBA3 and on it went
Current Lineup:
VFC HK416 Custom
Custom Bowie Tactical x SAI Glock 17 (TM Base),
Custom SAI BLU Glock Build (Timberwolf Base)
Custom Zev Noveske Shooting Team Glock 34
Project Guns
Custom Zev Dragonfly G17 (Project) (In progress)
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Old May 22nd, 2011, 10:02   #47
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My first gun that was electric was a Yonezawa Walther MPL - although it is really not an AEG because it is a gas/electric hybrid. I bought it while TDY at Kadena prior to Desert Shield. I don't use it at all (never did other than to test it) so it just sits in the collection.

My first actual "AEG" was a Tokyo Marui MP5A4 Navy I bought in the mid-1990's, although the box labeled it as a "Navy" model due to the Navy style lower it is just a Tokyo Marui MP5A4. It has seen lots of use over the years and most recently was used by my friend's son who came out airsofting for the first time this spring.

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Old May 22nd, 2011, 10:35   #48
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My first AEG was a TM MP5 RAS. Bought it from my bro about 6-7 years ago. I still have it and would never let it go. Moved on to a CA M4 which is now a Noveske M4. But now use multiple:
-A&K M60E4
-Custom MK18 Mod 0 Block 2 (primary)
-Noveske M4
-Cyma AK74SU
-Kraken AK47
-Sig 226
And right now currently building a Navy EOD rifle.
But whatever gun you first buy never let her go....memories...haha
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Old May 22nd, 2011, 10:58   #49
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My first AEG was TM AK47. And frankly, it was that much of a win. Fixed stock and long magazine can suck. But I still love it.
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Old May 22nd, 2011, 12:50   #50
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i just bought my first a AKS74U from 007airsoft a month ago dont really know if its reliable but it is sexy but its too strong for games 430 fps
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Old May 23rd, 2011, 15:33   #51
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SRC AK47, Gen III.

Solid internals, had to get a weaker spring put in to play indoors, but it's a decent outdoor gun right out of the box...

...except for the plastic lower that's already starting to crack in certain points, and almost all the metal is rusted after just 2 outdoor games.

Got an ICS AKS-74u used a couple weeks ago, FPS doesn't seem too consistent, and it's shooting about 455 FPS so it'll need a bit of work before it's game-able, but good god it's a beast. Full metal, folding stock, and the shape of the flash hider makes such a satisfying pop sound every time it fires.

I'd highly recommend the ICS, but if you're on a budget, don't mind swapping a plastic lower for metal, and like your AKs looking a bit older, the SRC has solid enough Internals to see you through.
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Old May 24th, 2011, 02:16   #52
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My first AEG I really used VFC SCAR-L

And this is the best AEG I've had, precise shot, long shot, very reliable ... The only problems I had with it the wire in the stock that were cut. But it is a problem that all the VFC SCAR have.

I recommend it to anyone!
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Old May 24th, 2011, 17:38   #53
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my first aeg was the gr16 carbine from g&g awesome gun and still running it 3 years later
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Old May 24th, 2011, 18:12   #54
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My first AEG was and still is the Classic Army M15a4 tactical carbine licensed by Armalite. Has never given me any problems. It's been very reliable out of the box. I would highly recommend it.


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Last edited by tygr701; May 24th, 2011 at 18:15..
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Old June 4th, 2011, 12:33   #55
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My first AEG is the classic army G36c and I love the damn thing. I was looking for an M4a but they didn't have any in stock. I came across the G36C for about the same price and went with that. I would highly suggest getting a TM or CA gun for your first airsoft. I haven't had any problems with it as of yet. Something I really like about the G36C is that not everyone on the field has one. Almost every time I see someone with an airsoft gun it's a M4a, m16 or the AK47. It's good to have something you don't see everyday and still works extremely well.

PS. Just be carefully when buying a new airsoft gun. Mine DID NOT come with a battery or charger. Read the box or talk to the sales staff before buying to make sure you get everything you need (BB's, Batteries,charger,quick loader ect ect)

Last edited by Sinder; June 4th, 2011 at 12:36..
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Old June 4th, 2011, 12:54   #56
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Clearsoft Colt M4 On Duty Kit.
For what it was, I would say it was actually pretty decent, it did the job back then.
(I painted the black parts btw, with acrylic paint.)
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Old June 4th, 2011, 22:43   #57
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My first AEG was the Aftermath MP5. Solid stock which I love on MP5s and it was shooting pretty good out of the box. Despite what most people say, pretty damn accurate as well. Been going strong with it for a little over six months and I play with a few friends at his farm every week.
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Old June 4th, 2011, 23:59   #58
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First Gun I've personally purchased, *Used others before lent from my older brother* Well L96 Warrior, well it shot alright, I wouldn't recommend hitting a human size target further than 125 feet. That it being stock. I just love cocking the thing. And that it did it's job well. Hop up rubber sucks and breaks after the first couple hundred shots. As well my cheek rest broke, no idea how that happened but just cheap plastic parts in general :P Still love the thing, but I wouldn't recommend this. Unless you like a project gun, which I do.

Second Gun, G&G M4 CQB Rec. Lower end of the G&G Series, Still use it to this day. Only issues after about 4000 rounds was the plastic receiver cracked and the shimming job had to be readjusted. Replaced the receiver with a G&P Metal Body, Mad bull Tight Bore Barrel and guarder hop up unit. For the price I paid I'm very happy what this thing can do. Still going strong 10,000 rounds later.

Third Gun, KJW M4 GBBR, It's mean, It's lean, It's my propane hogging machine. By far of any gun I've ever felt or held this thing packs the biggest punch. Love it, Love IT, LOVE IT! Only issue is the hop up unit. Very finicky! With a stock hop up with no modifications you be lucky to hop up .2 gram bb's :P But with a TDC Hop up mod and tighter inner barrel I've read they can shoot as straight and as far as some high end aeg and sniper platforms. Or as well the stock piston cup, gets mashed up after the first few hundred shots. Get Cradle replacement parts! T_Hum Arnies Airsoft. Travis is the man to talk to about all your KJW M4 Needs!
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Last edited by Olisharpeye; June 5th, 2011 at 00:02..
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Old June 5th, 2011, 12:44   #59
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G&G GR16 Carbine.....worked good until the piston head broke...and the lower started cracking...:rocket:
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Old June 5th, 2011, 13:21   #60
Join Date: Nov 2010
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My first and only AEG is a SRC HK416, the piston conk'ed out in less then 50 shots (misaligned gears). Gunwisewarrior, my local gunsmith, suggested I get a new gear box, so I now have King Arms one. I'm also on my third mag release, looking at a fourth.
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