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Your first AEG and your opinions about it?


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Old April 18th, 2011, 10:38   #16
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TM M4A1 (New Type). It worked great right out of the box. Played a season and a half before my second fall on it broke the receiver. Then the madness of metal bodies and upgrading stuff started in earnest.

Knowing what I know now....I honestly wouldn't start with one now. I'd start with a Classic Army or G& the stock mechbox until it dies (which might be very quick)...then just buy a drop in G&P or King Arms complete mechbox. I'd buy the drop in mechbox right away, with an extra grip and motor....then practice shimming and fiddling with the internals.

I have 3-5 favourites now...each with their own charms. Not in priority order, because I really do like each of them for their own things:
1. SystemA PTW M4A1...this thing is a beast, shoots incredibly far/accurate, it is now reliable and a solid go to gun.
2. King Arms Galil SAR (carbine length)'s a great/gorgeous build right out of the box, the "blow back" system is solid and long lasting, it's handy/pointy and is different from a lot of the other guns out on the field. Just too much fun not to use.
3. WE M4A1 GBBR...gas blow back rifle. Tons of fun and great action. Solid weapons manipulation and "replication" of the real thing. Perhaps not the most accurate or long distance shooting of the bunch....but again, too much fun not to use.
4. WE KAC PDW, short barrel...gas blow back personal defense weapon. Much like a cross between and M4 with the compact bolt system of the's a pointy, compact weapon that shoots just as long and far as my WE M4 (sort of ). Folded's about as small as a MP5A3 (or any of the collapsible stock versions). As with the WE's just a fun, full of action platform to shoot.
5. Hurricane SHRIKE...basically a M4 AEG converted to a SAW/LMG. Honestly it's not much more than a regular M4 AEG...but heavier/bulkier. But you don't see many of them around...and it's not a common SAW like the 249 or Mk43 which everyone and their brother has. I've had a bitch of a time getting this to work it's more a labour of love than anything else at the moment. It's spitting plastic death as of last all is right with the world once again.

Have fun.
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Old April 18th, 2011, 10:55   #17
A Total Bastard
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ICS M4. When it worked, it was great... But this particular ICS was possessed by evil and it literally broke every game I fielded it. While that was a headache, it helped teach me how to take them apart and work on them, yes once you take a gun apart a million times to replace everything, you get to be pretty damn good at how to replace parts, and how to adjust pieces to get the best performance out of your gun.

Now I have a custom M4 that I built, tuned, adjusted, customized myself, and I wouldn't have any other gun. But I wouldn't have this one if it wasn't for my first.

Lesson here? Do alot of research and talk to people before you purchase, also remember you get what you paid for. In my case, I payed alot, some told me this brand was OK, some said avoid it. Do the same, and spend your money wisely, spend it the first time correctly, or you will be re buying before you should.
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Old April 18th, 2011, 10:58   #18
a.k.a. Phoneguy
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First gun was an ECHO 1 SCAR. Love it. Was a bit on the heavy side and a bit awkward at first but got used to it. Nice that it took the M4 mags. The mech box is a bit of a pain to take apart because of the ambidextrous mag release and fire selector.
Bought it used, upgraded the ho-up and that's it. Folding stock has a tendency to break, as well as the check riser.

Currently using a ICS M4 CQB sportline. Very nice. Easy to change out upper receivers. It's a Cansoft version but I don't mind.
Originally Posted by CDN_Stalker View Post
When you are limited, your mind takes over. When you are in abundance, your mind goes blank.
Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
Long story short:
If your gun is in Canada, leave it in Canada.
If your gun is not in Canada, leave it outside of Canada.
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Old April 18th, 2011, 13:00   #19
formerly Adam M
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My first AEG was a TM G36C, and it was a tank! Never had any problems with it in the 4 years I had it. It had a First Factory large handgaurd on it which made it front heavy, but with a 8.4V 3800 mAh battery in there, I had a great rof and my battery, never, ever, died on me. In the last year I had it (sold it last summer), I put in a systema spring (M120) and oiless metal bushings for some more power.

It was a great gun, very reliable. I haven't bought another an AEG since then (have to pay for school, car, girlfriend, life), the games that I did go to after I sold it I used rentals (Galaxy MP5K, hate that gun!). When I have the money to justify it, I want to pick up a Classic Army AUG A2.

Last edited by Off-Kilter; April 18th, 2011 at 15:16..
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Old April 18th, 2011, 13:28   #20
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My first AEG was a full metal custom... DBoy's body with TM/Modify/G&P internals...

Worked great while I had it...
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Old April 18th, 2011, 13:30   #21
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Used custom built AEG off the classifieds.

Ran awesome if you used the right BB's. Low quality BB's would just not feed and cause jams. I'm still on my first AEG but just haven't used it in a while though (since I'm out of country and doing the co-op portion of my degree starting in the fall semester).
ಠ_ಠLess QQ more Pew Pew
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Old April 18th, 2011, 14:05   #22
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First two aegs (bought at same time) was a cyma ak 47, and a wels g3 sas. The ak lasted for a year before i tore it open, the g3 has lasted 8 years with nothing done to it plus has a plastic gb and gears, only issue is a bagged spring.

Nowadays have multiple aks, m4, G3s. Anything mild too wild.
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Old April 18th, 2011, 14:41   #23
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Originally Posted by Slow View Post
First AEG was a G&G MP5A5 and it was a lemon right out the box
me too!
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Old April 18th, 2011, 15:01   #24
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Get whatever gun you like the most. Perhaps try to shoulder a few first to see which one is the most ergonomic for you to use. My first gun was a tm sig 552, really really regretted selling that gun.
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Old April 18th, 2011, 15:39   #25
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I just got a kwa m4a1 last season and have been using it since, got a lemon hop up but replace that mid winter and it's been shooting great since. Little on the heavy side though, looking to re wire it for a crane stock.
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Old April 18th, 2011, 16:02   #26
formerly steyr
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My first AEG was a Kraken. Out of all the guns I've had in the last 3 years, which is quickly approaching 15, and out of all the guns I've worked on I recommend a KWA M4. The cansoft version won't break the bank, but its easy enough to find a full metal one if you want.
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Old April 18th, 2011, 17:07   #27
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JG HK416. worked like a charm for 2 years, sold it and i think its still going
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Old April 24th, 2011, 13:26   #28
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a good old tm M4 that slowly over the course of 1 year when from stock to this monster:

From there the list goes like:

tm based rpk
tm base dragunow
TM sig 550
tm sig 552 ( 2 of them)
tm tompsons ( 2 of them)
TM base m4 ( 8 of them )
Tm based g3a3
tm g36
TM base m14
TM augs
tm famas
tops m60
tops m60e4
tops m249
VFC scar H
Tm hicapas 5.1 ( 3 of them)
TM sig 226

and probably a few others that I'm forgetting about.

If your asking about the best in the lot I would say the RPK leads the pack (the damn things is over 10 years old with aroun 500k bbs down the pipe. I sold her 4 years ago only to buy it again a few weeks ago and she still kicksass the same old way)
Vondnik, team Bad Karma, PQAC

Murphy's second rule: Nothing is impossible for the man who does not have to do it himself.

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Old April 24th, 2011, 13:48   #29
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ICS M4 Cansoft (Tinted lower). One of the few good M4's if your on a smaller budget or just want to get some experience before spending a lot of money. Worked flawlessly for two seasons, changed the piston and sold it, still going strong. Came with a charger and battery. Works great with Pmags. I'm thinking of buying a new one as a loaner.

Custom M4 Systema KingArms
Kingarms Thompson M1a1
Custom M4 CQB Magpull Systema
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Old April 24th, 2011, 14:01   #30
Stephen Tomlinson
Join Date: Apr 2011
Originally Posted by vondnik View Post
a good old tm M4 that slowly over the course of 1 year when from stock to this monster:

From there the list goes like:

tm based rpk
tm base dragunow
TM sig 550
tm sig 552 ( 2 of them)
tm tompsons ( 2 of them)
TM base m4 ( 8 of them )
Tm based g3a3
tm g36
TM base m14
TM augs
tm famas
tops m60
tops m60e4
tops m249
VFC scar H
Tm hicapas 5.1 ( 3 of them)
TM sig 226

and probably a few others that I'm forgetting about.

If your asking about the best in the lot I would say the RPK leads the pack (the damn things is over 10 years old with aroun 500k bbs down the pipe. I sold her 4 years ago only to buy it again a few weeks ago and she still kicksass the same old way)
holy shit!
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