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Official I hate Canada postal service thread!!!



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Old March 25th, 2011, 17:46   #541
DoctorBadVibez's Avatar
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Waiting for updates on my parcel, nothing updated since being posted yesterday, I know its too soon, but my local postie is about as useless as tits on a bull, I track like a bastard and I'm a weary man who's been let down by their service one time too many. It still says item accepted at Post Office, its been 24 hrs are you shitting me postie?

Mail comes anytime from midday to 5, some days at 10 (I'm watching you postie, every day, I see you) and sometimes NOBODY gets mail in this bloody building. People have bitched and whined about this, Canada Post has said, they're doing all they can, no longer good enough for me. I've waited too long too many times and I'm going to heckle the living daylights out of the postie if I get anything that says "We missed you" since I'm home for the next week. He's going to feel my wrath if its so invoked.

Based on this outcome, this will probably be my last dealing with Canada post when it comes to parcels. Got my wife a Coach bag from Coach themselves in Jacksonville FLA, it took less than >>>>3<<<< days with DHL with no less than 2 updates per day AND the ability to ask for a re-attempt. They originally didn't have our number anywhere on the package, couldn't find the entry code, but they LOOKED for our number in the DIRECTORY based on last name and address and FOUND the number, called us and even set up a convenient time. AND THEY WERE POLITE! O-M-G-Z! The current package I'm expecting, HAS the entry code on it, will they call? I actually have better chances of winning the lottery.

Also, what is stated on the tracking page, that they have absolutely no different information when you call them, raise a stink and watch that story change. As much as I would love to go Elephant Butte on them with a toybox, I will simply revert to calling Canada Post pathetic, worthless nimrods who should wash DHL's feet and drink that water.

C'mon useless, prove me wrong... you got til Monday, its Xpresspost!
"This is my rifle. There are many like it, but this one is mine..." - Maj. Gen. W.H. Rupertus, USMC

Last edited by DoctorBadVibez; March 25th, 2011 at 17:52.. Reason: less wrath, more whimsy
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Old March 25th, 2011, 20:11   #542
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I ordered a stock once from HK, got nabbed at customs. After a few weeks I call Post Canada for an explanation and they basically told me the only way to get an update was to deal straight with the CBSA. Ok, I ask for a number and they basically told me they didn't take calls. It took me all of 10 seconds on Google to find it, so at least I got to make fun of the CP employee before hanging up.


After some detective work and a lot of going to and forth between CP and the CBSA I figure out that the package was lost/destroyed/stolen about when the package was transfered between CP or whoever handles the unloading of the mail at the docks and the CBSA.


It even took more call to sort through some bullshit about getting the info to make a claim in HK. Both parties were complete dicks about accepting responsibility and refused to assist the retailer. I don't like EB much for various reasons, but to their credit they took the hit and gave me a reimbursement since I had to source the item locally.

Now the really fucked up part is that many, many months later, I get a package at the office. Yeah, the stock. The box was beat to shit and almost had more tape than cardboard on it at that point. No evidence of CBSA inspection. Oh, and it was supposed to be delivered at my parent's house since I was still living there at the time I made the order.

Bricks were shat.

So what I understand of the situation is that the package spent it's first months in Canada lost in a closet or something, only to be found like 3 months later, processed and cleared then sent on it's way. The tracking confirms this, but that was still months ago. Also, the whole farking office deal.

The next update comes around 5 months later, where it was processed, sent out for delivery, failed delivery, sent out for delivery, failed delivery, held, transfered to the CP office near my own office, sent out, signed for by the receptionist and indicated as delivered to a befuddled recipient.

We are slowly moving into bat country at this point. From my understanding, since the item was marked as sent out from the west coast CBSA office but not marked as processed until much later, the chain of custody indicates that the CBSA did their job, at least to a certain extent, and delivered the item. So what I figure is that the box was used as a paper weight or something for a season or two at my then local post office. At some point, someone must have tripped on it or something, flipping it over and finally revealing it's destination label or whatever. Realizing that the package shaped object was in fact a package, they leaped into action and tried to deliver it two times before the transfer order I placed the same week kicked in. Since the mailman didn't leave the delivery notices as usual, I was completely oblivious to the fact that the box still existed.

Since making the order, I had moved out of my parent's house and because the postal logistics at my apartment were spotty, instead of setting my mail forward to my new address I made the destination my office. Apart from web orders, I received almost no mail. Most of my bills are electronic. I didn't check my mail all summer and didn't miss anything important. To this day, I probably take a peak at my box perhaps once a month and that's only because I take pity on the mail man so I throw out the absurd amount of flyers and offers the previous residents received. It must be annoying to have to jam more and more crap in a box without the courtesy of me making the effort to pick it up.

So it finally got to me and over the way it got molested my every pair of hands that touched it. It was scratched, dinged, filthy and generally distressed. The item was ok though, so the damage was more bizarre than anything else.

I'm just glad I managed to sneak out the box without anyone asking what I bought. The people I worked with were a curious lot and I regularly had to deal with the more unusual mail I got. Jesus, if I got an unmarked envelope, or worst, something obviously hand-written I would be hounded all day.

Seriously though, the fucked happened? I can't complain about Canada Post most of the time, but this was kind of like staring into Cthulhu's gaze.
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Old March 26th, 2011, 04:28   #543
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Expected Delivery : 2011/03/23

2011/03/19 04:07 MISSISSAUGA Item processed at postal facility
2011/03/18 20:08 MISSISSAUGA Item processed at postal facility
15:44 OAKVILLE Item accepted at the Post Office

Package was supposed to go to Etobicoke, its been on vacation for a week in Mississauga. Now my customer is concerned and i am wondering WTF.
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Old March 26th, 2011, 04:45   #544
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So I bought some blank 5.56 rnds on links from another member here. Shipped from TO on Feb 28. with Tracking

Supposed to be with me my Mar 4
Item arrives in WPG Mar 11
Out for Delivery on Mar 14

Still have not gotten it...... still out for delivery...
Sill.. Yep


Called CP... wont deal with me only the sender
FU I say FU

so contact sender get name etc.
call back say I'm them file complaint and etc
tell them to deal with receiver now they say OK
CP calls me a day later

"DUH do you have your package... " F... No....
Are you sure... WTF... am I sure F.... Yes....

Duh whats in the package.... Prop Rounds... they freak BULLETS...

NO I say Deactivated non firing bullets (PROPS) I say..
spend half an hour explaining that (DUMB F...ERS..)

Still no package....

Apparently Shipper sent Email...

F... Am I Pissed

If I ever see any A.. Hole from CP I will pour cement down their throat and toss em in the river Stupid Bastards

Moral is

if you send it with CP... MAKE SURE someone has to Sign for it.. this way they CANT leave it at the door....

even that may not help
make sure to Declare well over what the value is... Min is 100.00 for Tracked, signed for packages...

when I buy shit from now on It will have to be signed for and state the full value x10 this way if those shit eaters at CP loose my property at least I can get some cash from them

I hate CP.... They Suck.....

Flog, Draw, Quarter, all of em.....

Rhino Living
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Old March 26th, 2011, 05:20   #545
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Originally Posted by DoctorBadVibez View Post
Got my wife a Coach bag from Coach themselves in Jacksonville FLA, it took less than >>>>3<<<< days with DHL
Lol, enjoy the delayed invoice for brokerage fees.

Originally Posted by DoctorBadVibez View Post
C'mon useless, prove me wrong... you got til Monday, its Xpresspost!
XpressPost is a guaranteed service. Get your postage back. I just got a cheque for a late package.

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Old March 28th, 2011, 14:18   #546
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Originally Posted by Styrak View Post
Lol, enjoy the delayed invoice for brokerage fees.


XpressPost is a guaranteed service. Get your postage back. I just got a cheque for a late package.
Oh the Coach rep took care of that ahead of time. Betty Bad Vibez gets what she wants because she earns it...

Oh I'm going to be nice for now but I will flip if I miss that bloody package today because I'm home. Any ideas to the latest times they deliver parcels till? I trust the sender, he's a great guy on here.

Bloody heck, I really wish it was not like this, I really don't understand how CP keeps going. Heavily doubt they're 6 Sigma or anything standard wise trained because they claim a 5% error rate but this and other sites that I'm a member of show an error margin higher than 5%.
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Old March 28th, 2011, 15:53   #547
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1547h useless postie leaving building no call, no knock, grrrrrrreat!!! Hopefully he stuck it in the box and I'm not getting a DNC card. Maybe there's a parcel guy coming later...
"This is my rifle. There are many like it, but this one is mine..." - Maj. Gen. W.H. Rupertus, USMC
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Old March 28th, 2011, 16:22   #548
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I got a package of $125 worth of clothing from the US shipped overnight via DHL and just got the brokerage bill in today $24.15. Much better than Fedex or UPS. GST + $7.00 processing fee.

And yeah fuck CP, they just lost a package of mine I sent from Brampton to Milton or a few computer cables.
If I was banging all of them, I'd be a manwhore. At the moment, I'm just an opportunist.

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Old March 28th, 2011, 17:19   #549
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yup, stuffed the mailbox, thank goodness part is metal and VERY well packaged!
"This is my rifle. There are many like it, but this one is mine..." - Maj. Gen. W.H. Rupertus, USMC
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Old March 28th, 2011, 18:15   #550
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Originally Posted by DoctorBadVibez View Post
Oh I'm going to be nice for now
Don't. If everyone gets their refunds for late packages on a guaranteed service (which I doubt most people do, it's probably a very small percentage), maybe they'll smarten the fuck up.

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Old March 28th, 2011, 18:45   #551
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28th today

Date Time Location Description Retail Location Signatory Name
2011/03/23 21:23 WINNIPEG Item processed at postal facility
21:10 WINNIPEG Item processed at postal facility
20:44 WINNIPEG Item processed at local delivery facility
2011/03/22 18:59 WINNIPEG Item processed at postal facility
18:24 WINNIPEG Item processed at local delivery facility
2011/03/21 21:12 WINNIPEG Item processed at postal facility
20:10 WINNIPEG Item processed at local delivery facility
19:21 WINNIPEG Item processed at postal facility
2011/03/20 09:48 WINNIPEG Item processed at postal facility
09:21 WINNIPEG Item processed at local delivery facility
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Old March 28th, 2011, 19:07   #552
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I sent a 'letter' containing a cylinder head and a spring to a friend 2 weeks ago he live at a 1hour drive from me so I was expecting him to get it the day after i shipped it. It is now 3 weeks since I sent the package and he didnt received anything.... I hate CP
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Old March 28th, 2011, 19:28   #553
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Originally Posted by Zk08 View Post
I sent a 'letter' containing a cylinder head and a spring to a friend 2 weeks ago he live at a 1hour drive from me so I was expecting him to get it the day after i shipped it. It is now 3 weeks since I sent the package and he didnt received anything.... I hate CP
Why would you ship something an hour away? The entire ordeal could of been over with in 2 hours, while shipping it would of taken a day, and in your case, 3 weeks. Canada Post probably laughed at you and threw it away.
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Old March 29th, 2011, 13:48   #554
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Thanks for the help... It would have cost more in gas then the parts worth....
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Old March 31st, 2011, 15:23   #555
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CP does not fuck up on me a lot, never had a package late..... until today.

3 boxes, due today, its 1623 now, they have 35 mins until they stop delivering.

according to tracking,all 3 shipments have not even left the postal office where they were dropped off >_>
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