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In regards to "banana" bumping sales threads.


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Old February 28th, 2011, 18:54   #1
Red Wine & Adderall
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Location: Saskatoon, SK
In regards to "banana" bumping sales threads.

It has come to my attention that as of late users have been bumping their threads with "banana" when their items have been sold. Please refrain from doing this. What has also been noted is that users have been removing their pricing once their items have been sold as well. Please stop doing this.

The rules in regards to sales are posted clearly at the top of each sales section. Please review them from time to time to remind yourself how the process goes.

I will post the rules again simply because I know some of you are to lazy to go look. Please consider this your only warning and do not come complaining if you are issued an infraction for a banana bump.

1) Price must be listed in a sales thread;

2) If it's Sale/Trade then a price and/or specific items you want in trade must be listed;

3) Do not replace prices with "SPF" or "SOLD" when an item is sold. Instead, put “SOLD” next to the price and add the word "BANANA" to your original post. Do not delete or edit out the content of sold listings. Sold items are moved to a searchable archive for potential buyers and sellers to see how much items were last sold for.

If your listing contains multiple items, mark items as "SOLD" and only add "BANANA" after ALL items in the thread have been sold: threads containing the word "BANANA" will get moved to the archive!

4) One bump per week, i.e., wait until the 8th day to bump;

5) Do not bump with "BANANA", "SPF" or "SOLD": just edit it into one of your existing posts;

6) Creating a new post just to add information or pictures IS CONSIDERED A BUMP! If you have new information to add, and the time period has not yet expired since your last valid post, then just add this new information in to the last post or in to the original post!

Bumping early does result in an infraction, and repeated abuse can and does lead to a temporary ban (starting at 1 week for a first offense). Continued abuse after this can lead to loss of age verification and/or banning from the site;

7) Firearms - There will be no sales of real firearms on Airsoft Canada: this includes blank firing guns, plug fire guns and dewats. Use a site like Canadian Gun Nutz instead. Posting up wanted ads or sales ads for firearms will result in an infraction. Firearms parts and accessories that can be used with an airsoft gun are allowed;

8) Pre-Orders - only those with Retailer status will be able to offer them and they will be subject to addtional specific rules;

9) Fraud - Those that try to defraud our members risk having their AV status revoked, banning from the site and /or having their information turned over to the authorities. Refer to the “Fraud and Online Sales” thread for details on how to protect yourself;

10) Retailing - the distribution/resale of new items is limited to Retailers only and is not allowed in the classifieds: please refer to our supporting retailer program for more information. This includes services, promoting businesses (advertising) and self-produced goods.

We understand that occasionally certain people may have a new item to sell, or collectors may have "like new" items they wish to sell off: these are okay. However the sale of items obtained or produced specifically for resale, volume sales, soliciting, etc, is considered retailing.

1) Un prix doit être indiqué dans le message de vente;

2) Si c'est un annonce À Vendre/À Échanger le prix et/ou les items désirés en échange doivent être listés.

3) Quand un article est vendu ne remplacez pas le prix par "SPF", "SOLD", ou "VENDU"; plutôt rajoutez "SOLD" (ou "VENDU") * côté du prix et insérez le mot "BANANA" dans le message original. N'effacez pas et ne modifiez pas le contenu de l'annonce lorsque celle-ci est vendu. Les items vendus sont archivés comme référence pour les autres vendeurs et acheteurs.

Si votre annonce contient plusieurs articles, marqué les comme "VENDU" et rajoutez "BANANA" seulement après avoir vendu TOUT les items dans votre annonce: les annonces contenant le mot "BANANA" sont automatiquement déplacées vers les archives!

4) Un seul "BUMP" (poster une réplique afin de faire remonter le thread au haut de la page) par semaine, c-*-d attendez au 8ieme jour pour bumper;

5) Ne bumpez pas avec "BANANA", "SPF" ou "VENDU": éditez plutôt un de vos messages existants;

6) Poster un nouveau message pour rajouter des informations ou des photos EST CONSIDERÉ COMME UN BUMP! Si vous avez de nouvelles informations * rajouter et que la période depuis votre dernier message est moins d'une semaine, ajouter l'information * un de vos messages existants!

Les bumps excessifs résulteront en une infraction. Les abus excessifs résulteront en un bannissement temporaire (* partir d'une semaine pour une première offense). Les abus subséquents peuvent mener * la perte du statut Age Verified et/ou un bannissement permanent site;

7) Armes * feu - Il n'y aura aucune vente d'armes * feu sur Airsoft Canada: ceci inclus les fusils * blanc, les fusils de type "plug fire" et les armes * feu désactivées. Utilisez plutôt un site comme Canadian Gun Nutz pour ces ventes. Offrir ou demander ce type d'arme sur ASC résultera en une infraction. Les pièces et accessoires qui peuvent être utilisées sur un fusil airsoft sont permises;

8) Commandes différées ("Pre-Orders") - seulement les détaillants (statut "Retailer") pourront en offrir et celles-ci seront sujet * des règles spécifiques;

9) Fraude - Quiconque tentera de frauder nos membres risque de perdre leur statut Age Verified, un bannissement du site et/ou voir leurs informations livrées aux autorités. Consultez le thread "Fraud and Online Sales" pour plus d'informations sur comment vous protéger;

10) Vente en détail ("Retailing") - la distribution/revente d'articles neufs est limité aux détaillants (statut "Retailer") et n'est pas permise dans la rubrique des petites annonces: veuillez consulter notre programme de détaillants pour plus de renseignements. Cette limitation inclut les services, la promotion de commerces (annonces) et les produits artisanaux.

Nous comprenons qu'occasionnellement certains membres auront un article neuf * vendre, ou que les collectionneurs voudront vendre des articles "comme neuf": ces articles sont permis. Cependant, la vente d'items acquis ou produits spécifiquement dans le but d'être revendu, la vente en volume, la sollicitation, etc. sera considéré comme une vente en détail.

"Its only a little bit on fire"
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Old February 28th, 2011, 19:22   #2
Join Date: Nov 2010
Location: Calgary,AB
Thank you! It seriously bothers me sooo much, Just say "SOLD" ffs
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Old February 28th, 2011, 19:46   #3
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Originally Posted by D-BOMB View Post
Thank you! It seriously bothers me sooo much, Just say "SOLD" ffs
i 2nd this
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Old February 28th, 2011, 20:08   #4
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Actually what bothers me more is when a bunch of sold items is kept in the OP. Many FS (For Sale) threads, includng recently bumped ones, may show up upon a search in the classifieds. That means what I wanted is available right? No, because more than often it's marked as sold somewhere in the thread...
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Old February 28th, 2011, 20:24   #5
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Originally Posted by StrikeFreedom View Post
Actually what bothers me more is when a bunch of sold items is kept in the OP. Many FS (For Sale) threads, includng recently bumped ones, may show up upon a search in the classifieds. That means what I wanted is available right? No, because more than often it's marked as sold somewhere in the thread...
Thank you. I guess I'm not the only one who finds it annoying to do a search only to find out that an item is already sold.
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Old March 1st, 2011, 00:46   #6
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Whoops, I am guilty of premature bump-action.
Rules re-read and adhered to.
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Old March 1st, 2011, 07:20   #7
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Yes !
Finally, thanks T7 !
Seriously, that was annoying me !
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Old March 1st, 2011, 07:28   #8
a.k.a. Phoneguy
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It's like the FAQ section TS. Nobody reads it and everyone wants a spoon feed.

BTW, if you're trying to edit your original post so as to include SOLD in the title, after you click on "edit" also click on "go advanced" to allow you to edit the title. Just putting it out there for people that don't know how to do that either.

P.S. you're my new hero TokyoSeven.
Originally Posted by CDN_Stalker View Post
When you are limited, your mind takes over. When you are in abundance, your mind goes blank.
Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
Long story short:
If your gun is in Canada, leave it in Canada.
If your gun is not in Canada, leave it outside of Canada.
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Old March 1st, 2011, 08:37   #9
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my apologies... I am guilty of the latest banana bump

I did edit the title correctly though... but that is no excuse
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Old March 1st, 2011, 14:42   #10
Red Wine & Adderall
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Please also note that the staff would request that all users post their threads in the correct sections. If you wish to purchase an item please post in the wanted section not the for sale section.

At this time the staff slowly combing through and archiving what sales threads we can at this time. We appreciate your patience and understanding, keeping this website clean and shiny is not as easy as it would appear to be but we are doing our best.

"Its only a little bit on fire"
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Old March 1st, 2011, 15:35   #11
a.k.a. Phoneguy
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Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
Please also note that the staff would request that all users post their threads in the correct sections. If you wish to purchase an item please post in the wanted section not the for sale section.

At this time the staff slowly combing through and archiving what sales threads we can at this time. We appreciate your patience and understanding, keeping this website clean and shiny is not as easy as it would appear to be but we are doing our best.
We appreciate all yours and the rest of the staffs hard work in doing this TS. It definitely DOES NOT go unnoticed here and I sure do hope people take the necessary steps in reading each rule as it is laid out in each thread.

The staff at ASC have done an incredible job with all the threads. I toast a nice tall glass of my home made red wine to all moderators. And if you were all a little bit closer I definitely have enough to go around.

Originally Posted by CDN_Stalker View Post
When you are limited, your mind takes over. When you are in abundance, your mind goes blank.
Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
Long story short:
If your gun is in Canada, leave it in Canada.
If your gun is not in Canada, leave it outside of Canada.
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Old March 2nd, 2011, 14:11   #12
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Originally Posted by FACE View Post
We appreciate all yours and the rest of the staffs hard work in doing this TS. It definitely DOES NOT go unnoticed here and I sure do hope people take the necessary steps in reading each rule as it is laid out in each thread.

The staff at ASC have done an incredible job with all the threads. I toast a nice tall glass of my home made red wine to all moderators. And if you were all a little bit closer I definitely have enough to go around.

Here here, I'd drink to that....
The Man with the Plan
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Old March 2nd, 2011, 15:09   #13
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Originally Posted by FACE View Post
I toast a nice tall glass of my home made red wine to all moderators. And if you were all a little bit closer I definitely have enough to go around.

I accept shipments of wine.
Saskatchewan Age Verifier! Contact for more Info.
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Old March 3rd, 2011, 16:26   #14
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before this warning was posted, 5 out of 10 sold threads has their price replaced. 2 out of 10 has their thread bumped with banana.
No guns.
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Old March 3rd, 2011, 17:51   #15
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still happening
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