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Low FPS, miss feeding, and electrical smell


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Old February 17th, 2011, 22:31   #1
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Low FPS, miss feeding, and electrical smell

I went to go play today, and my AEG was shooting at 120 fps when a shot actually made it out. One out of every 5 shots or so would actually shoot other then that it was just alot of noise. it even sounded excessively loud compared to other aeg's that were there. It also had an electric smell like you would get from rc car. Any ideas on what could be wrong?
Keep in mind I have never taken apart an AEG befor so while posting up suggestions on problems can you also tell me ways to test some of the parts that may be the problem part. Also there is alot of topics on this site to read so if someone else has made a thread that could help me could someone post the link please.
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Old February 17th, 2011, 23:24   #2
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How long has it been since you used it last? Sounds like it's just getting poor compression
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Old February 17th, 2011, 23:26   #3
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The smell could be from the motor overheating and the low fps sounds like the piston head is damaged is it consistently low fps or it goes up and down alot
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Old February 18th, 2011, 01:24   #4
Boris the Blade
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I agree with christower, something is up with your piston head. Your piston head o-ring must have been damaged or slipped off, your motor is working extra hard because of no resistance from the airseal between the piston head and cylinder.
This means you will need to open up your gun and replace your piston head. The electrical smell might be from shards of your gears hitting exposed wire and causing interference/short circuiting. Take that shit apart and fix it., google and YouTube are your friend.
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Old February 18th, 2011, 01:25   #5
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With EYEWEAR PROTECTION on,turn the weapon over and look into the bb feed tube and fire a few shots on semi,do you see the nozzle moving when you fire? If no then you may have a broken tappet plate accounting for the low fps and shot inconsistency.
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Old February 18th, 2011, 06:28   #6
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They are all correct, your mechbox needs a major overhaul/tune-up.

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Old February 18th, 2011, 07:11   #7
aka coachster
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Originally Posted by Boris the Blade View Post
I agree with christower, something is up with your piston head. Your piston head o-ring must have been damaged or slipped off, your motor is working extra hard because of no resistance from the airseal between the piston head and cylinder.
This means you will need to open up your gun and replace your piston head. The electrical smell might be from shards of your gears hitting exposed wire and causing interference/short circuiting. Take that shit apart and fix it., google and YouTube are your friend.
You've got to be kidding because that sounds so stupid! If the oring came off the piston head, there'd be less resistance as there would be zero compression. Now if the oring is caught between the piston body and cylinder, then yes the motor would be working harder.

Bits of gears aren't going to suddenly cause cuts in the wiring and in turn cause shorts that arc and give off ozone (electrical smell). Cut wiring will cause a short, yes. A short will also cause the gun not to cycle. The ozone smell is from the motor.
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Old February 18th, 2011, 10:18   #8
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Originally Posted by coachster View Post
Cut wiring will cause a short, yes. A short will also cause the gun not to cycle. The ozone smell is from the motor.
agree with this 1000%. the smell is coming from the motor.

motors arc when they are under stress. an arc is stupid high voltages of electricity traveling through the air. this cuts oxygen molecules up which inturn forms ozone. (this is dummeb down a million times for easy understanding)

when you shoot, and the bb does not come out, do you hear a hiss sound like leaking air. that would be a blockage.

either way, i would take it a part, and take pictures of each stage. it should be something you will notice doesn't look right. if not, thats what the pictures are for.

there are really good step by step disassembly videos on youtube.
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Old February 18th, 2011, 12:39   #9
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Yeah that funky smell is from the motor an is generally caused by stress or an electrical short. I wouldn't worry about this as your primary problem as of yet. Try to diagnose the other problems you have because the motor issue might not be a problem anymore if the others are fixed.

The above posts have given you a lot to work with already and if you are still having issues just post up a reply if you still cannot get it up and running again
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Old February 18th, 2011, 14:28   #10
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thanks for the help guys
after a morning of sleuthing you tube, and google im gonna take it apart. I'll let you know what i find.
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Old February 18th, 2011, 18:02   #11
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may god be with you.... sounds like a mess in there

Kingston airsoft, we do it better.
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Old February 18th, 2011, 19:17   #12
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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It could be REALLY simple.
If the O-ring dried out, it could just have shrunk causing serious FPS loss....
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