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Old February 8th, 2011, 21:00   #16
aka coachster
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Originally Posted by CDN_Stalker View Post
Beauty of that is it's a close range sniper platform. Love it, did the same in a building, from the dark corner of a room lying prone behind a ladder on it's side with pieces of plywood leaning up against it, and it was on the oppostions floor of all places, snuck up there and started picking them off from less than 30ft using my KSC Mk23 Gen 1 with suppressor (drop hammer, pull trigger on double action, slide barely moves, next to no noise, but had to rack the slide to chamber a new round), got at least 6 kills up there before they realized they should toss a grenade in. Funniest part, half the guys thought someone stepped on a BB and sent it flying into their ass, the other half were looking out the windows for a sniper on the nearby roof.
similar with my TM mk23 playing cqb outdoors. from the second floor, I'd sweep past these two windows. back and forth. back and forth. acquired a target from one, moved to the other window in case they saw me, and fired a single round off. repeated with success! I popped off 5 guys walking below trying to secure the area before they realized they didn't clear the room I was in. not one of them could figure out where the round came from. I had a tough time not laughing when they stormed into near by buildings expecting to find someone. lol
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Old February 8th, 2011, 21:06   #17
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Originally Posted by coachster View Post
similar with my TM mk23 playing cqb outdoors. from the second floor, I'd sweep past these two windows. back and forth. back and forth. acquired a target from one, moved to the other window in case they saw me, and fired a single round off. repeated with success! I popped off 5 guys walking below trying to secure the area before they realized they didn't clear the room I was in. not one of them could figure out where the round came from. I had a tough time not laughing when they stormed into near by buildings expecting to find someone. lol
Ive seen Mk23's with suppressors being run in outdoor games with nasty results for the other team.

Imagine a gun ON CRUTCHES wielding a Mk23 (suppressed) and getting the most kills of the game!
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Old February 8th, 2011, 21:17   #18
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Pistols only is a blast!

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I dont have any footage of me and my old socom mk23,which is to bad because that pistol gave me the skills to hunt against AEG's. My best ever run was on the old ferryboat here in mission,17 kills to 1 death.

Last edited by six4; February 8th, 2011 at 21:26..
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Old February 8th, 2011, 21:41   #19
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Originally Posted by coachster View Post
similar with my TM mk23 playing cqb outdoors. from the second floor, I'd sweep past these two windows. back and forth. back and forth. acquired a target from one, moved to the other window in case they saw me, and fired a single round off. repeated with success! I popped off 5 guys walking below trying to secure the area before they realized they didn't clear the room I was in. not one of them could figure out where the round came from. I had a tough time not laughing when they stormed into near by buildings expecting to find someone. lol
Picture me in the position I was in, trying to suppress my giggling while chambering the next round after seeing the guy jump after an ass shot and asking the guy beside him if he knew where the round came from, seeing them look around the floor with BBs there and asking if maybe a stepped on BB hit him there, and hearing "Must have been one hell of a step, I feel a welt forming!" I almost gave myself away in there, but lasted a good 20mins before they tossed the grenade.
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Old February 8th, 2011, 22:32   #20
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A friend of mine also uses a TM mk.23 with the suppressor. Thing is dead quiet, uses hardly any gas and with .30 and a red dot it can easily compete with AEGs... especially in stealthy senerios. I use a hi-cappa because I like fast accurate shots and use it solely for back up to my primary.
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Old February 8th, 2011, 22:41   #21
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We have gents who run exclusively with pistols. One of our guys has a KJW 1911 and a badass SOCOM MK23. Little to no noise pretty much. He once held a hill with a "castle" for the longest time with just that set-up during a night game.
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Old February 9th, 2011, 00:20   #22
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TM SOCOM MK23 FTW! I knew it was "the" pistol to have but since I got it there is 3 guys that are playing with me that want to get one a.s.a.p. this thing is a beast, I would even go and say that it is even better than an AEG in CQB, the range is a bout the same, you have incredible accuracy and there is nothing that can shoot as quiet as this, nobody knows from where they got shot!
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Old February 9th, 2011, 00:52   #23
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When it comes out of my Officer's hip holster, people notice.

And yes, it has low light fibre sights and that is an IR Filter on the Tac-lite/Laser Combo


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Old February 9th, 2011, 01:23   #24
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I only use pistols, they teach you how to move and conserve your ammo. Also the transition to aeg is much better since you are shooting what you see, not just full auto everything. It only takes one bb to get someone out. there is a good website dedicated to pistols only, google the POR, pistol only revolution, it's a good read.
I've had the mk23 and it's great, silent and conserves gas. Only thing to remember with nbb is that each trigger pull puts the next bb in, so 1 on 1 is ok but 2 or more is not a good idea. The TM mk23 is a different playing style IMO, it's more stealthy and you pick your shots off.
I would suggest any hi capa from TM, they are amazing stock and get even better with the right upgrades. I would choose my stock 5.1 to my old upgraded ksc g17 any day. Also owned a TM de, TM 1911 meu, and ksc g19. hi capas and meu's all the way!!
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Old February 9th, 2011, 07:02   #25
aka coachster
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Originally Posted by CDN_Stalker View Post
Picture me in the position I was in, trying to suppress my giggling while chambering the next round after seeing the guy jump after an ass shot and asking the guy beside him if he knew where the round came from, seeing them look around the floor with BBs there and asking if maybe a stepped on BB hit him there, and hearing "Must have been one hell of a step, I feel a welt forming!" I almost gave myself away in there, but lasted a good 20mins before they tossed the grenade.
lol! Nice.
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Old February 9th, 2011, 08:20   #26
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In CQB, I've been running dual 1911's, (and may be transitioning to dual desert eagles) and I tell you, what it lacks in reload ability, it more than makes up for it when I have to head into a T halway. Just crossing my arms covers both ends of the halway.
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Old February 9th, 2011, 09:03   #27
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+ 1 on that dude

ALL of my best kills were done with a pistol PERIOD.

The ability to move alot faster is the game changer ...hell in the summer I dual wield my hicapa extreme + 4.3 and there is nothing like it....

Originally Posted by CDN_Stalker View Post
Hell ya, and it'll make you a lighter, faster and more strategic player too. More steathy too, which is borne out of survival. Load it up with heavy BBs (0.28g minimum) and go have fun.
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Old February 9th, 2011, 10:27   #28
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Pistols rock, especially when going against guys with AEG's. It's a totally different mind set, and will hone your skills.

Ask some of the guys I played against at the LZ when my AEG went down. One guy even refered to me as "The Big Ninja".....gotta love it!
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Old February 9th, 2011, 11:22   #29
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Originally Posted by Dirty Deeds View Post
Pistols rock, especially when going against guys with AEG's. It's a totally different mind set, and will hone your skills.

Ask some of the guys I played against at the LZ when my AEG went down. One guy even refered to me as "The Big Ninja".....gotta love it!
Likely the 'Big Ninja' reference is about your full metal Desert Eagle. Mind you, your size isn't exactly small either.
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Old February 9th, 2011, 22:36   #30
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"(though don't get into a pissing contest against an M249)"

I watched a buddy of mine wielding his pistol, pop out of cover, directly in front of a guy with an M249 about 15 feet away, and pegged him twice in the chest without getting hit. So it can be done, I just wouldn't recommend it ;-)
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