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City police ask public force to register replica firearms



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Old February 2nd, 2011, 10:31   #16
AoiShikaku's Avatar
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What a bunch of horse shit...

1. Registering an airsoft gun will put you on a list so that if someone robs a store with a similar gun... you're a likily candidate.

2. As Shelled Pants had mentioned, if your neighbor spots you tinkering away at your gun, do you really think that the police will call off the issue because you are registered?

3. Do you really want to see your registration fee go to waste by letting the police know you have airsoft guns, AND our tax dollars going to waste on a system that will take up space AND put you on a list of people to visit in the event of a local robbery?

I think it's bad enough that we've got all these damn restrictions from importing, this is one extra piece of shit that people may have to deal with. I'd be a lot more compliant if the import laws were thrown out and Airsoft was welcomed to Canada with open arms as a sport/hobby. This would mean that they would have a huge pile of papers to rifle through making it almost useless to even continue the registration... AND what really gets my blood boiling is that I've spent hard earned money into the sport of airsoft, but they'd have the nerve to add this into that article, "The legislation further allows police to seize a spring or air gun and gives the chief the authority to cancel permits and destroy seized guns." That makes it totally fucked up right there... ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME~?!?!?!?!
... Just call me Blue ...
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Old February 2nd, 2011, 10:34   #17
so far out of here, Nasa started tracking
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The worst about this is that the wooden ak on the picture is not an airsoft it's an effing painball marker.Look at the gas hose coming out the back of the mag.
okey dokey lokey
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Old February 2nd, 2011, 10:40   #18
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Originally Posted by REX FERAL View Post
PS: Windows and blinds should be closed when handling airsoft guns but I don't think many people are as paranoid about that as I am.
Make sure there is no back lighting that can make a shadow on the blinds if you are ' Inside your house shooting or fondling your gun"
And yes I am paranoid as you are about these gunz and my next door peepers seeing them.
Even having them inside your house but in plan sight and not put away might get you busted buy just someone passing by, a Mailman, Hydro reader,or a Mormon wanting to read the bible.




Am I supposed to close all my blinds and live like a fucking hermit when I take my guns out of my safe? FUCK THAT.

If I have a gun in my house and walk by a window and some fucking retard calls the cops, I'd fucking sue him in civil court.

I'd tell the cops to politely FUCK RIGHT OFF when they showed up. This is another prefect example of sheep-like behavior that is running rampant, especially in the younger generation represented here on this board.

The cops should never have been fucking called. End of discussion.
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Old February 2nd, 2011, 10:43   #19
a.k.a. flamethis
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It's not like the police chief can just pull names from a hat on a whim and decide "I'm gonna piss this fucker off today!", go get his toys and lets break em.

The point of that is that if you fuck up with airsoft guns, they have the right revoke your registration and seize your guns. I see no problem there myself. It's no different than a car, if you drive like an idiot you'll lose the license and possibly the car depending on what you did.

Handle yourself and your guns properly, and you have nothing to worry about. Just don't go out on your lawn waving them at the Black Helicoptors circling your house.
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Old February 2nd, 2011, 10:46   #20
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Originally Posted by Blackthorne View Post


Am I supposed to close all my blinds and live like a fucking hermit when I take my guns out of my safe? FUCK THAT.

If I have a gun in my house and walk by a window and some fucking retard calls the cops, I'd fucking sue him in civil court.

I'd tell the cops to politely FUCK RIGHT OFF when they showed up. This is another prefect example of sheep-like behavior that is running rampant, especially in the younger generation represented here on this board.

The cops should never have been fucking called. End of discussion.

People need to wake up and start using there heads.

Registration is the first step to confiscation. Why do you think the gun lobby is fighting so hard to get rid of the Long Gun Registry?
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Old February 2nd, 2011, 10:48   #21
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Originally Posted by Rooster View Post
It's not like the police chief can just pull names from a hat on a whim and decide "I'm gonna piss this fucker off today!", go get his toys and lets break em.

The point of that is that if you fuck up with airsoft guns, they have the right revoke your registration and seize your guns. I see no problem there myself. It's no different than a car, if you drive like an idiot you'll lose the license and possibly the car depending on what you did.

Handle yourself and your guns properly, and you have nothing to worry about. Just don't go out on your lawn waving them at the Black Helicoptors circling your house.
It is not for that, it is a double edged sword.....The chiefs did that back in the 90's to firearm owners, they will use you for the slightest example to the local media. They will sacrifice the sheep when ever it is necessary.
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Old February 2nd, 2011, 10:50   #22
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Originally Posted by Rooster View Post
It's not like the police chief can just pull names from a hat on a whim and decide "I'm gonna piss this fucker off today!", go get his toys and lets break em.

The point of that is that if you fuck up with airsoft guns, they have the right revoke your registration and seize your guns. I see no problem there myself. It's no different than a car, if you drive like an idiot you'll lose the license and possibly the car depending on what you did.

Handle yourself and your guns properly, and you have nothing to worry about. Just don't go out on your lawn waving them at the Black Helicoptors circling your house.
Perhaps you should read the article a little more clearly there...
"The legislation further allows police to seize a spring or air gun and gives the chief the authority to cancel permits and destroy seized guns."

Police = Any police officer
Chief = Very few, but still has the power to rip up your peice of paper

I know a fair amount of police officers where I live and some of them exactly aren't as fair and open minded as you may think the majority of people are like. They've done some pretty horrible shit and to give those guys one extra easy reason to rain on a persons parade... well that's pretty big in my books

I'd be fucking furious to have my Systema alone be seized let alone destroyed.
... Just call me Blue ...

Last edited by AoiShikaku; February 2nd, 2011 at 10:54..
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Old February 2nd, 2011, 11:12   #23
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I still prefer closing my blinds that having to register them.
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Old February 2nd, 2011, 11:14   #24
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Originally Posted by Conker View Post
I still prefer closing my blinds that having to register them.
Thats a lose/lose man. Hiding anything away make it easier for them to make go away.
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Old February 2nd, 2011, 11:16   #25
a.k.a. flamethis
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I can read just fine, it's not martial fucking law here guys. Don't do stupid shit with your guns and they have no reason to come and sieze your items.

What it says is that an officer has the right to sieze guns, while the Chief has to make the call on destroying siezed goods and revoked registrations. Nothing more nothing less..

And what seems to being missed is that it's not a suggestion, it's a By-Law, meaning that if you don't do it you are BREAKING THE LAW. And I don't get (no matter how you twist it) how that would be helping our cause..
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Old February 2nd, 2011, 11:19   #26
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Meh. Doesn't take much away from me... if I'm testing my gear (which I do often^^) or just do some quick shoots, I close them. When I'm finished, I open them. Yes that sucks, but meh... Not a big deal. And considering I'm in student appartements, there's so many people passing by that it'd be just asking for it.

Now living in my house, in a suburb, would be a different story.
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Old February 2nd, 2011, 11:42   #27
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I'll never register my toy guns.

Their fucken TOYS.

If you are stupid enough to commit a crime with said toy you deserve what you get.

If you are in the privacy of your own home, like BT said FUCK OFF POLICE, but politely.
Enjoy the true freedom that comes from being completely free of the shackles of reality.
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Old February 2nd, 2011, 11:49   #28
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First Post, I just got into this sport.
Ex millitary and a sport shooter for 5 years.
Rant On.
The long gun registry works too. That's a real winner.
Who is going to pay for this?
Say "Hello" to the Daddy State.
Brainless morons legislating and banning everything. This is just another example of gun grabbers stiring up fear.
Just enforce the existing laws and expect personal responsibility.
I know many many cops and very few really understand the firearms laws as they are a total hodge podge of legistalion and implied laws:
Example My neigbor claimed he could inspect my firearms anytime. Not true he requires a warrant. That would be an illegal search.
He argued with me until my father in law (a really good guy and a lawyer) showed him the actual legislation and he had to eat crow.
Vote conservative!
Rant off!
Have a good day. DF.

Last edited by DirtyFecker; February 2nd, 2011 at 11:54..
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Old February 2nd, 2011, 11:51   #29
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Without a search warrant, the police need your permission to come into your house.

When will this fearmongering stop? Will we need to register every knife, tire iron, screwdriver we have. People are killed by them every day, actually killed, not scared cause someone has something shaped like a gun.

Know your rights, make informed decisions, don't just follow the herd.
Nothing says loving, like a head shot!
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Old February 2nd, 2011, 11:53   #30
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From the text in the article it seems like that bylaw is already on the books. If so what year was it written in?
Airsoft, where nothing is hurt but feelings.
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