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Airsoft Innovations at ShotShow 2011: Lots of pics 56k MDK!


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Old January 29th, 2011, 03:54   #1
Delierious Designer of Dastardly Detonations
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Airsoft Innovations at ShotShow 2011: Lots of pics 56k MDK!

ShotShow 2011 Coverage: Updates to follow as there is A LOT of material to manage and upload.

I didn't get as much time to see the show as I would have liked. I spent most of my days helping my distributors at Spartan and Zshot. On the upside I did get to shoot some really interesting stuff at the Media day on the range. Also, RiotSC over at shared a lot of his photos with me. I met up with him in Vegas to cover the show this year.

HOME ON THE SHOOTING RANGE: video updates to follow

Big day at a beautiful range in the desert. Perfect weather for a day of firepower!

Some crazy 60 and 100 rnd M4 mags. These are quad stack mags which taper to a doublestack column. Finally I get to have a real cap mag with a hicap winding wheel!

M4 suppressor with face breaking jaws of strife. Handy for going through a window. I suggested that next years edition stamp their URL into whatever surface you bash into. Maybe I'll get a royalty

1000yd range at Barrett's table. You shoot at the little circley bits just below the horizon line here. Unfortunately the range did not have a baffle to prevent accidental high angle shots (from idiots). The Hoover Dam is only a few miles away so they couldn't shoot 50BMG for fear of poking holes in it.

Barrett's table of awesome. Friendly folks. They even let me tinker around with that very nice M240 prototype.

New M107A1 rifle. Hucks out a tremendous 50BMG round yet is 4lbs lighter than the original M107 build. That QD silencer has an integral muzzle brake to reduce recoil and keep your spotter awake.

Purdy M240 prototype made with some really interesting improvements. Rivetless receiver which is 4lbs lighter than the original M240 build. The receiver is actually a very interesting weight saving design that the designer proudly described. Since this is a prototype, I won't spill the beans on all of the improvements until his patent clears.

The MRAD. A 0.338 Lapua bolt action rifle with an adjustable foldable stock. The barrel axis is straight inline with the stock pad which results in low recoil rise and is a very ergonomic design overall. Very nice design details and careful thought put into this build. I actually got to shoot this thing equipped with a suppressor in the 1000yd range. Chris Barrett was my spotter which made for an epic day. Previously, I've never shot out past 200yd. I was completely astonished when I hit the steels two out of three shots that day. Mr. B was calling out my windage compensation by reading the mirage rolling across the range. Very nice crispy 2lb trigger pull is factory standard.

One of the nice details of the MRAD: when the stock is folded, the bolt handle is protected by the stock.

Barrett Optical Ranging System (BORS) ballistics computer. An integrated computer which hits a heap of range tables to account for inclination and range. The shooter/spotter makes a range estimate and cranks on the elevation on the scope. An encoder in BORS takes your elevation adjustment from your scope adjustment. An internal inclinometer measures the incline or decline angle (shooting uphill or downhill) and provides an elevation correction based on a pile of range table calculations. There's also a horizontal inclinometer to indicate to the shooter if they're canting the gun. If you cant your gun, you can't hit your target because you roll your trajectory to one side of your sighting axis.

Fabrique Nationale Herstal's MK13 grenade launcher on standalone rail. In case you want to CCW a grenade launcher. I can shoot my gun or I can shoot grenades, but I'm all outta gun.

Ambidextrous opening breech.

Dammit. I forgot to bring a Madbull shell...

Mateba anyone? The barrel on this Rhino revolver (Chiappi Firearms) is actually at the bottom of the carousel. This puts the recoil axis just a little above the trigger finger which significantly reduces recoil flip. Recoil on this revolver is very much like the recoil on a self loading (slide action) pistol. Unfortunately I really sucked with the heavy double action trigger pull. I was pulling my shots down a fair bit hauling on the trigger.

Shooting the Kriss! Whee!

YouTube - Kriss High Speed video

Reasonably soft smooshy recoil. Unfortunately I haven't got enough perspective to see if it's much more manageable than say a 0.45 shooting UMP, but hotdamn this thing is fun to shoot. Ergonomics are nice. Sight acquisition is fast owing to the high sight axis. I had no trouble putting 3rnd bursts into the steels at around 50yd. This video was shot at 300fps (10x speed) so time from raising the gun to plugging the last target is a mere 3s to put three rounds into four separate sight pictures (alternating between two steel plates).

Shooting the Para Ord TTR. A folding stock M4

YouTube - Para Ord TTR

Feels much like many other M4 builds except this one has a side folding telescoping stock which folds right at the back of the receiver. The recoil spring is put around the piston rod so it doesn't have to go down a stock tube. With that telescopic sight dialed in, one has no excuse for missing a torso sized steel at 100yd shooting offhand. Earlier on, I wasn't shooting with a stable sight picture. Basically I was squeezing off shots when the dot waved over the steel. I could generally fire 3-4 hits out of 5 at a fairly rapid rate.

Getting schooled by Travis Tomasi. Shooting the Para Ord LDA (light double action) 1911

YouTube - PARA LDA

By the end of the day I was all hopped up on Redbull and having waaaay too much fun. Basically like a sugar coated overamplified toddler halfway through a Halloween party. I completely bodgered a paper shooting a IPSC build Para Ord, perhaps a little starstruck by having Travis Tomasi throwing me mags. I was yanking the trigger and flinching, completely target panicked so Travis handed me a nice little double action 1911 that Para Ord makes. Not the kind of gun one would expect to fan the trigger which calmed me down. I can put 5 rounds in the chest of a parrot standing on Blackbeard's shoulder with this very nice DA pistol.

AIRSOFT STUFFS!!11 The following photos were taken by RiotSC over at Airsoft Mechanics. I was either at Spartan or ZShot supporting their sales (they're my distributors in the US) or clutching my head trying to keep down water and Advil after partying down with either Spartan or ZShot the evening before.

Echo 1

A nice Tec9. I'm guessing they're calling it a GAT to avoid some trademark issues. Somehow GAT fits just right.

SLS nylon models at Echo 1. Looks like someone is trying to not get a desist and decease order from Glock!


Oh boy, a P90!

WTFBBQ?! I think FNH should still sue them for making fun of them.


A replica of a the grease gun from DoD! Matte textures replicate the look rendered by vintage graphics cards running limited reflections. Word has it that this gun with the blaze orange tip is going to be licensed for TF2!

That's all for now. Still more updates to come.
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Last edited by MadMax; February 1st, 2011 at 03:40..
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Old January 29th, 2011, 09:56   #2
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The M240 is not exactly an achievement they just did what H&K did for the MG4...
And when the hell will barret switch the M95 to .416 ?

But love the BORS, have one the 98B and sometime on the 417. Only thing I'd like would be to have it coupled with a electronic system like the one for the M200 and have automatic tuning of the scope.
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Old January 29th, 2011, 17:34   #3
Delierious Designer of Dastardly Detonations
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It's not really like a MG4 which has stamped steel components and shoots 5.56. The M240 shoots 7.62 and is has mostly machined rec'r components with some really tricky welding. Why not get the M99? It shoots 0.416.

Wow, you've got a BORS on a M98B? That's quite an impressive setup. I think the BORS is just fine without a servo driven elevation knob. You need to input range somewhere. Instead of typing in a bunch of numbers, you might as well crank on the elevation knob. Servos would just eat up more batteries and increase complexity without adding much functionality.
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Last edited by MadMax; January 29th, 2011 at 17:48..
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Old January 29th, 2011, 17:48   #4
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The suppressor with integral brake is a thing of

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Old January 29th, 2011, 17:51   #5
Delierious Designer of Dastardly Detonations
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Originally Posted by RacingManiac View Post
The suppressor with integral brake is a thing of
It sounds kind of funny too. You hear this loud PPSSShheewwwww which sounds like a pneumatic device, a bit of a supersonic crack echoing back to you, and if you're lucky a tiny little pingggg in the distance. The muzzle brake seems to be quite effective. Recoil is quite manageable, but you still don't see where you hit thru the scope.
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Old January 29th, 2011, 18:09   #6
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SHOT is not open to public right? Man this will be awesome to plan a Vacation around for....

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Old January 29th, 2011, 23:28   #7
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It is not open to the public.

I did see a video of Carl [AI] doing an impact grenade demonstration with 2 other dudes.


KWA's new gbbr's look interesting

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Old January 31st, 2011, 21:35   #8
Delierious Designer of Dastardly Detonations
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some videos added
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Old January 31st, 2011, 21:50   #9
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The LDA is a compact right? looks a bit much recoil for .45 on a light gun...

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Old January 31st, 2011, 21:58   #10
Delierious Designer of Dastardly Detonations
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I don't exactly recall, but I think that gun was a compact. It could also be that I just suck.

I was very spazzy with the pistols that day. I was doing great with the rifles, but I was just too wound up after shooting full auto for the first time in my life that day Maybe just a touch of blood lust.
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Old January 31st, 2011, 21:59   #11
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Cool videos on YouTube Carl
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Old January 31st, 2011, 23:28   #12
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I know the 99 has .416 but I really hate having to manually put a bullet in after each shot, I like having a mag, even for 5 shots.
I don't have any of those two because the Americans are a pain in my ass. Like every grunt with an AK could pick up a .50 and it bullseye just like that.
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I can do a CTRL+ATL+DEL on your gun !

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Old February 1st, 2011, 00:00   #13
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that folding stock m4 is really neat
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Old February 1st, 2011, 00:34   #14
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Definetly not an M4, more like a copied ZM Weapons LR300 : a real AR-15 based gun absolutely needs a stock tube to operate.
Tous les jours nous nous endormons plus instruits mais pas forcément moins bêtes...
I can do a CTRL+ATL+DEL on your gun !

Gun doc in Montreal on AEG, GBB, GBBR and Bolt rifle (gaz and spring)
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Old February 1st, 2011, 00:49   #15
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Originally Posted by Ninja_En_Short View Post
Definetly not an M4, more like a copied ZM Weapons LR300 : a real AR-15 based gun absolutely needs a stock tube to operate.
Yep, Para licensed the design....

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