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KWA KMP9 comments?


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Old January 21st, 2011, 12:11   #46
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Yeah but are upgraded or alternatively reinforced components available. This sounds like the RX7. The gas is good, check the oil... Sorry about the obscure car reference, best example I have.
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Old January 21st, 2011, 12:16   #47
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Originally Posted by Styrak View Post
So the loading nozzle broke?
That should be a pretty cheap part to replace.
But I get the impression that it will be cheap to replace multiple times. Which is still not as good as not breaking in the first place.

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Old January 21st, 2011, 12:16   #48
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You could contact KWA USA directly?

Originally Posted by Disco_Dante View Post
Which is still not as good as not breaking in the first place.
This is true. However, replaceable parts that break are better than ones that are not replaceable.

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Old January 21st, 2011, 14:42   #49
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Originally Posted by Styrak View Post
You could contact KWA USA directly?

This is true. However, replaceable parts that break are better than ones that are not replaceable.
I will contact them directly to get a replacement cylinder/nozzle.

It may be a replaceable part, but having to pay for replacement part after an unknown duration of normal use can be annoying.

If i replace it, who can tell me how long it will last after the replacement? would I have to do it again after a few mags of use or would it take 20 mags of use before it gives again?

Fortunately it happened in the comfort of my own home. It seems it would be inevitable for it to happen during a game.

Anyway... Just thought I'd share my MP9 story

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Old January 21st, 2011, 16:17   #50
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Very hard to say mine went after i'd say 30 mags in plus a bit of plinking and dry firing which I know didn't help at all. mine wasnt as bad as yours. Instead mine had a 2.5 cm crack in along the bottom and im having a really hard time getting the pins out to take a better look. Replacement parts are on their way from KWA.
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Old January 21st, 2011, 16:59   #51
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Again with the durability issue... This is a huge factor for me in making purchases.

Does anyone have a KSC TP9...? I heard it's more durable. Please verify....? Thanks
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Old January 21st, 2011, 17:10   #52
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Originally Posted by teriases View Post
Again with the durability issue... This is a huge factor for me in making purchases.

Does anyone have a KSC TP9...? I heard it's more durable. Please verify....? Thanks
It's the same gun. The pre system 7 is a TMP with a rubber pad in it, and the system 7 is identical to the KWA. They usually shoot at Japanese velocities though, so less than 1 joule of energy.

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Old January 21st, 2011, 17:15   #53
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Originally Posted by Disco_Dante View Post
It's the same gun. The pre system 7 is a TMP with a rubber pad in it, and the system 7 is identical to the KWA. They usually shoot at Japanese velocities though, so less than 1 joule of energy.
Will there be a differentiation with a "Japan version" and a "Taiwan version" like there was with the MP7s? In that instance, there was a difference between the KWA product and the KSC product. And within the KSC product, there were the two versions which were also different (the Taiwan version shoots 400fps, and fully reinforced right out of the box.)
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Old January 21st, 2011, 17:38   #54
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I see KSC Taiwan version and japan version as well, and am curious too. So if anyone has one please let us know
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Old January 21st, 2011, 17:51   #55
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Originally Posted by ILLusion View Post
Will there be a differentiation with a "Japan version" and a "Taiwan version" like there was with the MP7s? In that instance, there was a difference between the KWA product and the KSC product. And within the KSC product, there were the two versions which were also different (the Taiwan version shoots 400fps, and fully reinforced right out of the box.)
The differences between Japanese and Taiwanese KSC models is pretty commonly known, and if they do stick to that pattern then people really shouldn't be too confused. Although I wasn't aware that the Taiwanese versions were better reinforced, I thought the only difference was the higher FPS.

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Old January 21st, 2011, 19:51   #56
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I can't recall the specific details of each version, but I remember deciding to go with the KSC Taiwan version MP7 for a specific reason... I just can't remember what that reason was. :P I'd have to look it all up again.

But there were four distinctly different products that all came from the same root source:

KSC Japan Version
KSC Taiwan Version
Umarex (it was a rebranded KWA with no trademarks or something along those lines.)

Anyways, the "difference between MP7" threads can clear all this up, and if you're saying that's the trend we should look at, then we can use that historical data to decide which MP9 to get.

If you're talking about longer range historical data, then I wouldn't touch KWA with a 10 foot pole. I distinctly recall when they first purchased the rights to use KSC's design for their Glock 19 moulds, and out of the box, these G19's shot distinctly worse (flyers, crap groupings), had an extremely cheap feeling grip, had very loose build tolerances (rattled like a maraca), and there were a lot of lemons right out of the box. Granted, you got what you paid for... in Canada, I believe these were selling for as little as $200. This was back in the days of APEC and Tru-Mart. Sure, they came with a metal slide (KSC G19's came with plastic slides back then), but if you couldn't hit the side of a barn, then what was the point?

Last edited by ILLusion; January 21st, 2011 at 19:56..
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Old January 21st, 2011, 20:49   #57
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The Taiwan KSC MP7 had all the nice markings and was ready to run on green. The Japan version had the nice trades but needed a lot of "greenwashing" (ha ha that word is mine now) to run without breaking to bits on propane. The KWA had some of the HK markings but the mags weren't fully marked and some of the parts on the body had the 6mm Umarex and other not so pretty text.

For KWA as a company I've read the old reviews and definately been creeped out. But I have also talked to one of their honchos a few times by mail. I've talked to their help desk, and had them phone me when an order was ready to ship just to confrim details. I found they were very proffesional to deal with and responded quickly.

They were also clued in about what can and can not come into Canada. I had a DOA MP7, they said normally they would have taken it back in, even outside of it's warranty and worked it over but for Canada they don't like to do so because it won't get back across the border. Instead we trouble shot it over the help desk text and then they got me the new parts to bring it back into action.

I would do a couple things if I was in this situation right now. I'd sign up on their forums, and read through the posts that relate. Then I'd put in a help desk ticket to get hands on help.
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Old January 21st, 2011, 21:13   #58
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I'll definitely give KWA a nod in their favor for their much improved customer service. Since KWAUSA purchased them a couple years back, they've made huge strides in getting communication and customer service standards up to North American par. This goes a long way in improving their products, particularly if they are open to user suggestion.

The only restriction that I can see with the KWA USA side of things, is the restrictive nature of US trademark/copyright laws. This is part of the reason why the markings on their guns will never be replicas of real steels, and some trademarks will have to be dropped. Some products will also drop as well (like their Glock series.)
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Old January 21st, 2011, 23:34   #59
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They annouced that they've got the greenlight from Umarex to put Heckler & Koch trades back on pistols

It's a crying shame those HK trades are usually cartoonish NASCAR style ones instead fo the proper ones.
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