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Panther Arms DPMS A17 RIS (clearsoft wal-mart gun)



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Old January 19th, 2011, 01:45   #1
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Panther Arms DPMS A17 RIS (clearsoft wal-mart gun)

After seeing how terrible other peoples reviews for there guns are (on youtube-not here) I made this one. I believe I cover the important issues with it but am not so serious that it bores you to death and that was my goal. So I can imagine about 99.9% of the people who are now reading this are expecting to see a review and laugh the whole time. But I'm happy to say you will be except in a good way. The kit comes from wal-mart so most if not all of you should know how good the product will be.

YouTube - Part 1- Panther Arms DPMS A17 RIS Review HD

Please note that although Russian Roulette was not the best idea its still funny so long as people stay safe.
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Old January 19th, 2011, 01:52   #2
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Old January 19th, 2011, 01:59   #3
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That was... interesting. Your best gun is Crosman? As well, if you end up collecting ten mags, which you list a possibility, you might as well buy a full metal M14 EBR. My guess, is that would be just a little better Have fun with your LPEG though.
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Old January 19th, 2011, 02:05   #4
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My best gun would be my KWA M4 S System #2-Aftermath Kraken AK47 #3 TSD VSR 10
then 2 of these and 1 crosman which i rent out...which I make $50 off of per game since I have many friends without guns
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Old January 19th, 2011, 05:33   #5
uMadd, Padd?
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I wish I'd filmed it when I snapped the gun over my knee and the gun shattered.

As far as your film goes, shooting in the house? Dumb. Russian Roulette?! REALLY FUCKING DUMB.
Originally Posted by pusangani View Post
Did he not pay his ASC bill this month?
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Old January 19th, 2011, 08:34   #6
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I hate replying to every comment but I feel like I should explain my side here. Yes, the gun sucks however until I have the money to buy better rental guns or G&G starts making $100 guns then theres no other way for me to get enough rental guns needed for my games. At least I explain gun safety to new players no matter what age they are because I believe so long as people show maturity then I would play airsoft with them.

Why is filming inside a house bad? Would you rather have it be done outside where it's illegal to fire or even show the gun? Not interested in another incident that hurts the sport. THere's no way I'd drive outside the city just to make a review of a clearsoft gun. And as for Russian Roulette that's more of an opinion. It's so funny and so long as people stay safe while playing and realize whats going to happen to them I don't see a problem. May not be the best view of airsoft but were having fun, nobody else is in danger and people would only be involved if they wanted to be. If we shot each other without goggles or even just randomly shooting other people that would obviously ruin the sport hence why we were safe about it.
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Old January 19th, 2011, 08:56   #7
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Originally Posted by shawngordo View Post
My best gun would be my KWA M4 S System #2-Aftermath Kraken AK47 #3 TSD VSR 10
then 2 of these and 1 crosman which i rent out...which I make $50 off of per game since I have many friends without guns
Mr. money-bags: (sorry that was too easy and you brought it on yourself ) If you're making $50/game, my good man, you will be into better guns, ohhh, say, ALREADY!!!!

Really, props on your bravery in, first making, and secondly posting this here. As you considerable commercial profits accumulate, I'll be interested to see what your new fleet of rental airsoft guns will look like.

Oh yeah! After $30K you have to start charging tax, so watch you numbers...
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Old January 19th, 2011, 09:04   #8
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Just incase more people realize how much money I'm really making I have to pay off $330 first (for buying the 2 and then gun repairs for the Kraken). I'm not sure what sort of guns I will eventually get but it will definitely be an AEG. Here's what I've been thinking of (I'm thinking about getting something besides an M4 so theres more variety on the field. M4's are amazing and I love them since there cheap but I think if I give new players or people that just rent the guns more of a choice.
SRC M933 $270+
G&G M16 A3 $335+
Any suggestions would be helpful though. Preferably under $350.
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Old January 19th, 2011, 09:09   #9
uMadd, Padd?
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I'm not going to go on about how shitty the gun is, I've owned one myself and it served it's purpose for plinking on my acreage. Instead of buying a shit load of poor quality guns, go buy a shit load of Krakens(they are the same price in some places) and at least have something worthwhile that is upgradeable.

I have no problem with filming in the house, I do it too. However, I don't shoot my gun indoors. When I film, I use empty magazines and I don't film with a battery inserted into the gun. Not just for safety reasons, but to insure that I don't accidentally shoot anyone/anything while indoors.

As for your Russian Roulette, we have a member here that is on the verge of losing his job and had his home raided simply for showing off his guns on YouTube. If the media/soccer moms/liberals/anti-gun fanatics got a hold of that, it would be put on the news and it would be another case displaying that airsofters are nothing more than retarded kidiots that need our toys taken away/banned. I've also learned from personal experience what happens when you "screw around" with airsoft guns. I had a friend that thought it was funny to shoot a shitsoft wal-mart special springer at me, and I'm now out my left eye(TRUE STORY). If you want to screw around like that it's your choice, but don't film it and show it to a community that's having a tough enough time keeping things looking professional as it is.

Just saying.
Originally Posted by pusangani View Post
Did he not pay his ASC bill this month?
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Old January 19th, 2011, 09:16   #10
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Get your fucking head screwed on right junior and take that shit down. It's hard enough as it is in Canada with all the soccer moms and liberal gun hating bs we have to deal with. Your little (Russian Roulette) games do nothing but put a negative spin on the sport and only strengthen their attacks on it. This sport is supposed to be fun but the people playing it have to be responsible. No one gives two shits if you guys wear eye pro's still childish and quite frankly bone fucking stupid. Take that shit down.
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Old January 19th, 2011, 09:31   #11
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Calm down (ex)- Most of us are Type A players but lets talk about this for a second before just saying take it down and remove it... I do realize it may be hurting the sport and thats why I was pondering if I should have put it in the video when I was editing... I could remove it but would a disclaimer help at all? For example if I said to be safe about doing russian roulette, make sure everyone understands the risk, is doing it safely, had a proper location and understand how serious the game could be taken from others?

See the only reason I still included it in the video was for it to be a bit more informal instead of taking the review seriously and boring everyone to death. I can definitely so the side you guys are bringing up. I mean we also did this in a safe manner so maybe this could be an example of how to do it right so if I touch on safety so other people do this properly it wouldn't be too bad? I do want to hear what people have to hear about that ^^

But ex as you rephrased what you said after I posted this...we were having fun, being responsible and we knew it was stupid. But it was funny and so worth it.

P.S-I'd buy Krakens to use as rental guns but I can't find them in stock anywhere

Last edited by shawngordo; January 19th, 2011 at 09:38..
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Old January 19th, 2011, 09:36   #12
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People watch/read reviews to be informed...not entertained. If you even had a second of knew it was a bad idea then...and you know it now. SO, do the right thing.
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Old January 19th, 2011, 09:47   #13
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Just because you have a certain opinion on something doesn't mean other people do. You might think it's funny to do Russian Roullette in your video, but that doesn't mean that some soccer mom/anti-gun organization will think the same. Even if you put down a disclaimer, it's not going to negate the potential for this video to be used against our hobby/sport. It's the same as thinking whether or not a cup is half full or half empty, you might pick one of the options, someone else could pick the other option just as easily.
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Old January 19th, 2011, 10:41   #14
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Originally Posted by Juke16 View Post
Just because you have a certain opinion on something doesn't mean other people do. You might think it's funny to do Russian Roullette in your video, but that doesn't mean that some soccer mom/anti-gun organization will think the same. Even if you put down a disclaimer, it's not going to negate the potential for this video to be used against our hobby/sport. It's the same as thinking whether or not a cup is half full or half empty, you might pick one of the options, someone else could pick the other option just as easily.
I agree. Type "airsoft" into Google and this is usually one of the first sites that pops up. Lets prevent people from seeing stuff like this if they dont need to.

I searched Airsoft on Facebook once, and i found like 10 pages for "my mom wont buy me an airsoft gun" or "if i get 100 likes my mom will buy me an airsoft gun". They were pretty much all 12. If their mom's looked up airsoft on Google and saw that video they would think that the entire airsoft community is a bunch of retarded idiots with clearsoft shooting in the house.
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Old January 19th, 2011, 13:24   #15
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I laugh..............then i Cry ........... ;(

playing russian roulette with clearsoft isnt just stupid its very immature, you dont want little 5 year old kids going on youtube watching videos like that going into their brothers room taking their airsoft guns and shooting themselves in the head for the fun of it
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