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Whats a good sniper? with good UG's?


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Old January 17th, 2011, 23:57   #1
Sarge127's Avatar
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Smile Whats a good sniper? with good UG's?

Hey guys I'm sarge, I'm new on these forums.

Anyways I'm a sniper for my team ODIN.
I've been using a basic see through Airsoft rifle. the little cheap kinds, now I'm looking for a bit of a punch.
I'm looking for a good Sniper Rifle, With decent upgrades. I've been debating if i should go with a VSR but then the L96 competes with it... my friends say the SVD has decent FPS, and little UG's. But from there experiences with other players the L96 is common in today's field.. I want something MORE!

So im gonna need help from fellow Snipers. This is after all my first real airsoft gun! I need to take my time on it, as it requires a lot of Money

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Last edited by Sarge127; January 17th, 2011 at 23:58.. Reason: gppd.
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Old January 18th, 2011, 00:14   #2
DEATH2000's Avatar
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If this is your first real Airsoft sniper rifle, id recomend a TM VSR. Ive never owned one myself, but i have used them in the past and have heard good things about them. Their a good gun for a beginner as they have a nice ease of use. They have a good potential for upgrades (search the forums).

For your first sniper rifle, forget the term "Go big or go home". Start with something simple.
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Old January 18th, 2011, 02:29   #3
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The Real Sword SVD is a really good sniper platform. Although it would cost you quite a bit.
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Old January 18th, 2011, 02:45   #4
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I run a fully upgraded PDI based L96. I've got the chance to try out an upgraded vsr 10 and I wasn't as impressed with it in comparison to mine. I think the benefit of the vsr 10 is the weight difference and size difference between my gun.

I recently saw a person show up to a game with a svd. Not upgraded at all, but the overall look and bolt action sound was just pure sexy.

It really comes down to personal preference and how much upgrades exist to get the rifle where you want it to be. I say go to a game where someone will be using one in a game and watch them use it in the game.
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Old January 18th, 2011, 07:21   #5
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how much you looking to spend? you may be better off building a DMR platform from an AEG. get age verified. there are lots of stuff like that in the classifieds.
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Old January 18th, 2011, 07:30   #6
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Real Sword SVD would be the best option IMHO just because it will be ready to use out of the box for your needs and they are very high performing

They are just really expensive so just be ready to drop some serious dough

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Old January 18th, 2011, 09:38   #7
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From what I understand, this is probably going to be your first real investment in airsoft.

While the RS SVD is a great gun, its quite expensive, and i'm sure you're under the illusion that a 'sniper rifle' will be accurate out of the box, and require few upgrades... Normally, thats simply not the case.

The RS SVD is an AEG, but a sniper rifle is a sniper rifle. As a first gun they're not really recommended. And compared to an AEG there is very little difference between the two in stock form, and sometimes even in upgraded standards. With two stock guns side by side, a sniper rifle and an AEG, the only difference really is that the AEG can volley many more rounds down range, there is no difference in accuracy or much else... (And in the case of clone sniper rifles, which I suspect you're looking to buy. They will easily begin to break and fail, there is a thread in the doctors corner about some kid complaining about his buggered TSD VSR.)

Seeing how you've been using clearsoft (Probably some Walmart gun) you haven't been able to experience what a real AEG can acheive.

Start off slow and get an AEG, there are many options to choose from through verification, and through more experience you can pick up a sniper rifle further down the road. A lot of people aren't comfortable with a newbie running around with a hot firing rifle as it can be potentially dangerous. Feeling out for MED (Minimum engagement ranges) and the such are pretty important.

Now, you can either ignore this and buy your rifle or buy the AEG, just a suggestion overall.
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Old January 18th, 2011, 10:35   #8
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Well like everyone's saying, stay away from clones, you might find a gem like i did, or you might get a lemon like a lot of other users ive seen on this site. parts compatible, yes; quality? debatable
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Old January 18th, 2011, 13:33   #9
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Originally Posted by SniperSam View Post
Well like everyone's saying, stay away from clones, you might find a gem like i did, or you might get a lemon like a lot of other users ive seen on this site. parts compatible, yes; quality? debatable
I'd second this also, but clones are good if you are going to drop the money in replacing all the internals. If you want out of the box awesomeness it would require you to drop a pretty penny as an investment.

I put about $1200-$1300 into building my own PDI based L96 with a bunch of extras on it simply because I like building up my guns than buying them ready to go out of the box.
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Old January 18th, 2011, 13:50   #10
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to answer your title question. A good sniper is someone not something so a gun doesn't matter, I have "sniped" with my PPSH-41 before .

Onto what you ment lol.

the VSR VS the L96. The trigger set up in the VSR is just... horrible. Terrble terrble terrble. A lot of pressure on something not much thicker than your little finger.

The l96 trigger system is basically the zero trigger already installed.

When and where are you using the gun? Gas could be an option HOW EVER it is limited to warmer weather use. Now if you wanted versatility you could always consider a DSR-1 as they do come with a spring and gas bolt. Thats going to run you more than the SVD though.

Also were you wanting a single shot sniper or have you looked at AEG based sniper platforms? IMHO the mechbox is a bit easier and cheaper to upgrade especially if you get a v3 platform. Also you don't need to reposition after every shot. You can get a Mosfet unit to force 1 second intervals between shots. A SVD is a good option here, ... ar based one... frick can't remember the # at the moment. Or if you want a PSG1 how ever upgrades can get expensive for that as its a version 4 and the only gun that uses that mechbox set up.
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Old January 18th, 2011, 14:52   #11
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I'm thinking a DMR might be a good idea instead of a Bolt-action rifle. Bolt-action requires alot of work and money. Since your said it's your first real airsoft. I suggest something like a M16 platform and change it to a DMR.
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Old January 18th, 2011, 14:56   #12
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DMR or Sniper rifle, to get something working to a level where you have a range and accuracy advantage over another will take a 'lot' of money, And to be honest I find it silly that a newbie fresh out of clearsoft use would need such a rifle.

I made the mistake when I first got into the sport, its just easier to ease into airsoft gun use rather than aspiring for a hot shooting sniper rifle/DMR.

Its expensive no matter what you do, AEG, Bolt or Gas.
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Old January 18th, 2011, 15:22   #13
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One AEG that no one has mentioned yet,but has alot of potential is the TM M14. Very solid platform,easily upgraded and maintained. It can be set up as a standard rifle or DMR in no time at all.
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Old January 18th, 2011, 15:28   #14
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Originally Posted by B.C.Hawk View Post
One AEG that no one has mentioned yet,but has alot of potential is the TM M14. Very solid platform,easily upgraded and maintained. It can be set up as a standard rifle or DMR in no time at all.
QFT. I have seen m14's out range VSR's and again if you miss you got another round coming right after it.

On a side note make sure you have a good side arm if you do run a BA. Depends on your field set up you may find you use it more than your BA. When I have my VSR I have a mac 11 with 3 mags as a side arm..... and people are more scared of that than the vsr lol.
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Old January 18th, 2011, 16:16   #15
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Its simple!

Accuracy through volume!
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