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keep your batteries warm in the cold


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Old January 17th, 2011, 13:25   #1
Shell Shock
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Question keep your batteries warm in the cold

please forgive me if this has been posted, but i had an idea for winter games.

we all know that the cold saps batteries like spies to a sentry (heh heh). ive tried many options from wrapping the stock of my guns in thick fabric to hot packs...

what if the battery was not exposed to the cold?

my idea is to have a extended cable connecting the battery (which would be located around my body core) to the gun?

using simple electronics theory i took into account resistance of the cable, but in my opinion the loss in power due to resistance is microscopic compared to the loss in power from the cold.

tonight i plan to have a pull mock up done and pics to follow.

what is your thoughts? i included a paint mock up to show what i mean.
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Old January 17th, 2011, 13:51   #2
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This is a pretty smart idea my friend was just thinking of an idea like that, just to have the battery in your bdu and have the wire running out into the gun. What i do is just wrap a cloth around the battery and stick it in the stock and i guess if your playing in colder weather you can just put a hot pack in with the battery to. works for me =)
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Old January 17th, 2011, 13:59   #3
Shell Shock
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*tips hat* thankyou my friend. yah, i thought of it because when it comes to batteries, p90s cant store large ones, therefor they drain fast. so this ought to let me use bigger batteries as well ^_^

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Old January 17th, 2011, 14:14   #4
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I have a few concerns.
1) if you drop the gun, you trip or fall etc, you could yank out the wiring in your gun by accident, damaging the contacts and switch assembly in your gearbox.
2) your tethered to the gun
3) If your battery gets a short, you cannot ditch your battery/gun in the case that it catches fire or starts to combust. For example, if suddenly your battery starts to combust, you would have to rip off your gloves, rip off your jacket, all while panicing due to your body being on fire.
4) This is doubly so for lipo setups.

My suggestion is to stick with hot packs or something else. Ive seen enough batteries go up on the field to know that while the chances are fairly remote, the chances arnt THAT miniscule.

As for your P90 battery size issue, either do the JBatt mod, buttstock extender, or simply go lipo.

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Old January 17th, 2011, 15:20   #5
Shell Shock
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oh, no, i will still have the battery connector connecting the gun and battery cable in case of shorts. the thing stopping me from said suggestions is money and time. im broke and game is in a week. but all in all you raise a good point

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Old January 17th, 2011, 15:34   #6
aka coachster
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^^ no, once the battery shorts, the battery is going to get hot fast! even though you have disconnected the gun, the battery will still be hot and could get hotter. if you fall and the wires get yanked from the battery side, how are you going to ensure that the wires won't short?

much better way would be to make an insulated neoprene battery bag and throw in a hot shot or two.
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Old January 17th, 2011, 15:41   #7
Shell Shock
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hm, yah, i see your point. just to play devils advocate, im an extremely good electrician (i was born with a soldering iron). lol XP though still, i see your point. and yah, i dont want to go to a burn ward

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Old January 17th, 2011, 15:50   #8
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How good is LiPo in the cold vs Nicad or NiMH?
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Old January 17th, 2011, 15:55   #9
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Yup, Chemical combustion is pretty hard to stop, sometimes removing the current will not stop the reaction process once it has started.

Tether the battery to the outside of the gun if you dont have space for a hot pack inside the gun. That way you can always throw the gun away should it start to combust and there is little to no risk to your wiring and switch assembly should the wiring get yanked (assuming you tape the wire down to the gun stock etc rather than let it float about freely)

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Old January 17th, 2011, 16:12   #10
Shell Shock
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Originally Posted by ViR View Post
How good is LiPo in the cold vs Nicad or NiMH?

Originally Posted by DarkAngel View Post
Yup, Chemical combustion is pretty hard to stop, sometimes removing the current will not stop the reaction process once it has started.

Tether the battery to the outside of the gun if you dont have space for a hot pack inside the gun. That way you can always throw the gun away should it start to combust and there is little to no risk to your wiring and switch assembly should the wiring get yanked (assuming you tape the wire down to the gun stock etc rather than let it float about freely)
true true, liek the neo-prene idea

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Old January 17th, 2011, 17:17   #11
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Played a few times under zero, up to - 8C the battery will last. Under that I would be worried about the gearbox failing. If you want to play anyway, you can buy a stock pouch that strap to your gun stock to hold the battery and you can add hand warmers to keep it warm. GBBR guy's put these inside their mag pouch to keep them warm on cold days.

Hand warmers:

stock pouch:
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Old January 17th, 2011, 17:20   #12
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I bet this would fit in a P90

Ok, it's sucker bet.
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Old January 17th, 2011, 18:50   #13
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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Old January 17th, 2011, 19:07   #14
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hrm okay how about run a length of wire with deans connectors on both ends, one into the gun one to the battery, rather than keeping the battery inside your bdus, keep it in a small mag pouch on your vest. get a length of tubing like from an old camel back to give the wire itself a little more insulation from the cold.

keep the battery wrapped up in the mag pouch, kept centered by wadded cloth, with a couple of heat packs between the outer layer of the cloth and the inner wall of the bdu pouch. run the wire, paralel to say a sling? a 1pt sling would be best, so you can have the mag pouch high and just a bit centered on your chest, without getting in the way of shouldering your weapon.

battery stays warm, but rather than having to be inside your bdus its in an easy access pouch so you can pull it out and get rid of it if it starts shorting

might be too much of a pain but meh its an idea, likely a bit safer at least than what shellshock intended
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Old January 17th, 2011, 19:24   #15
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I just came up with this one off the top of my head, so don't flame me too bad if it's completely foolish but for those who cannot fit warmers in their stocks, and assuming the battery goes into the stock, could warmers be attached to the outside?
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