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Help! I can't go to work anymore because of my youtube videos



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Old January 17th, 2011, 08:44   #166
ArcticFox1984's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Sim123456 View Post
2 drys bread slice with a kraft slice of cheese....
They offer the same menu in Toronto; 2 slices of wonder bread and a slice of gov'y cheese.

Seems cruel and unusual.

They could at least fry it up with some butter and serve it with Ketchup
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Old January 17th, 2011, 15:29   #167
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The meeting is over. My uninon told me that sueing was a very bad idea, that it would cost me a lot and will make this case go on forever because, for my union, my workplace has a responsability vs their workers to assure their protection in that kind of case. They told me that Dawson school was blamed not to take seriously the rumors a first and doing nothing about it. My workplace did the contrary.

The meetin was very neutral. They said that the psy said that I was not a danger to anyone so that I could go back to work wensday (my next schedule). I ask them what they were doing about all the stress I was under since my arrestation. They told me that they did informed the cops but what the cops did after was their responsability, not the one of the hospital so they suggest to go see a doc. I will, post traumic stress.

So this is it. I can do all the videos I want again. I wont, but it's my personnal choice now. They told that for my own well being to be discret and not to trust everyone that I talk with. So thanks all for your support, it was very appreciated!
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Old January 17th, 2011, 15:48   #168
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Originally Posted by Sim123456 View Post
The meeting is over. My uninon told me that sueing was a very bad idea, that it would cost me a lot and will make this case go on forever because, for my union, my workplace has a responsability vs their workers to assure their protection in that kind of case. They told me that Dawson school was blamed not to take seriously the rumors a first and doing nothing about it. My workplace did the contrary.
Fair enough. Cool heads always prevail although I was telling you not to sue them because you don't want to be "that asshole" that breaks into someones house and because you fall down the stairs sue the homeowners for lack of a better analogy (I know you didn't do anything wrong though...).

I guess the climatic nature of relatively recent events could affect others decisions but that's more of a reactive response than a proactive response. (ie. soccer mom knee jerk reaction or "crossing the bridge once you get to it" vs. proactively seeking out problems and responding to them immediately). Good on your boss to "proactively" do things but he probably could have dealt with it more discreetly and ask you to go to a qualified shrink and after that make a decision to involve the police.

In the end if you really think about it this is a totally different response to being passive and not doing anything then having a bunch of dead people on your hands a week later, at least hopefully your superiors have learned something and can modify their SOP's when dealing with people they suspect of being "depressed".
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Old January 17th, 2011, 16:02   #169
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Originally Posted by Sim123456 View Post

The meeting is over. My uninon told me that sueing was a very bad idea, that it would cost me a lot and will make this case go on forever because, for my union, my workplace has a responsability vs their workers to assure their protection in that kind of case. They told me that Dawson school was blamed not to take seriously the rumors a first and doing nothing about it. My workplace did the contrary.

The meetin was very neutral. They said that the psy said that I was not a danger to anyone so that I could go back to work wensday (my next schedule). I ask them what they were doing about all the stress I was under since my arrestation. They told me that they did informed the cops but what the cops did after was their responsability, not the one of the hospital so they suggest to go see a doc. I will, post traumic stress.

So this is it. I can do all the videos I want again. I wont, but it's my personnal choice now. They told that for my own well being to be discret and not to trust everyone that I talk with. So thanks all for your support, it was very appreciated!
Before you decide not to litigate I seriously suggest contacting free legal council outside of your union. Its sounds like your union rep thinks this is more trouble than it is worth, but they could just be lazy. You can get free legal advice and then decide what to do, don't let the union dictake what you should do. You owe it to yourself to consider all your options even if you decide not to sue. This does not have to be an overnight decision.

Take your time and get informed, then make the choice that's best for you.
Originally Posted by Pinard View Post
eeyore, the more I look at your avatar, the more I find it looks like a vagina...
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Old January 17th, 2011, 16:11   #170
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Originally Posted by Sim123456 View Post

The meeting is over. My uninon told me that sueing was a very bad idea, that it would cost me a lot and will make this case go on forever because, for my union, my workplace has a responsability vs their workers to assure their protection in that kind of case. They told me that Dawson school was blamed not to take seriously the rumors a first and doing nothing about it. My workplace did the contrary.

The meetin was very neutral. They said that the psy said that I was not a danger to anyone so that I could go back to work wensday (my next schedule). I ask them what they were doing about all the stress I was under since my arrestation. They told me that they did informed the cops but what the cops did after was their responsability, not the one of the hospital so they suggest to go see a doc. I will, post traumic stress.

So this is it. I can do all the videos I want again. I wont, but it's my personnal choice now. They told that for my own well being to be discret and not to trust everyone that I talk with. So thanks all for your support, it was very appreciated!

So it wasn't the hospital's fault after all...

I don't get the part about trusting people.. Doesn't that include the person who was talking to u that day as well? Lol...

I am happy for u that life is returning back to normal.
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Old January 17th, 2011, 17:50   #171
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Trusting people in my departement. It's some coworkers that call a hit on me so they told me to think twice before talking about personnal subjects, such as my hobbies, to coworkers, because they did use it againt's me.

Yes I'll sleep on things today. I'm not even sure if I want to go to see a doctor to get 2 weeks of rest again or just start my life back. My GF and parents want me to go to work wensday. But honestly it's mostly to pisses them off because they pisses me off that I want to see a doctor.

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Old January 17th, 2011, 17:52   #172
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Originally Posted by Sim123456 View Post

The meeting is over. My uninon told me that sueing was a very bad idea, that it would cost me a lot and will make this case go on forever because, for my union, my workplace has a responsability vs their workers to assure their protection in that kind of case. They told me that Dawson school was blamed not to take seriously the rumors a first and doing nothing about it. My workplace did the contrary.

The meetin was very neutral. They said that the psy said that I was not a danger to anyone so that I could go back to work wensday (my next schedule). I ask them what they were doing about all the stress I was under since my arrestation. They told me that they did informed the cops but what the cops did after was their responsability, not the one of the hospital so they suggest to go see a doc. I will, post traumic stress.

So this is it. I can do all the videos I want again. I wont, but it's my personnal choice now. They told that for my own well being to be discret and not to trust everyone that I talk with. So thanks all for your support, it was very appreciated!
As I said before, get independant council on the matter. A case like your would probably only take a few hours to assess, so you're down only a bit more than a hundred dollars for an attorney's review.

This can have long reaching effects on your reputation, especially if you plan to stay in the same field.

Also, as far as a time frame goes, matters heard in a CNT court usually resolve withing 4 months, so don't think this will drag out for years.

If I were you, I go after any kind of compensation, because a favorable court case means more than any money you make out of it.
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Old January 21st, 2011, 10:00   #173
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Next thursday, I have a rendez-vous with the "Sergent détective-enquêteur" of my last case to get back my WE M14. He is supposed to bring it back himself. I hope I can trust him!
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Old January 21st, 2011, 10:45   #174
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Originally Posted by Sim123456 View Post
So this is it. I can do all the videos I want again. I wont, but it's my personnal choice now.
I hope you're not doing that BECAUSE of these events. Do whatever the hell you want. Make more videos.

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Old January 21st, 2011, 12:24   #175
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Originally Posted by Styrak View Post
I hope you're not doing that BECAUSE of these events. Do whatever the hell you want. Make more videos.
hell yeah...I didn't had time to look at them :/
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Old January 21st, 2011, 17:00   #176
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Like I said before,

Some union members are corrupt. You need to go to your local reprensentative. This guy is a lazy ass that does'nt want to bother with you.

I've seen it done before in another job I had. Eyeore talked about it too, it's not uncommon.

I cant' beleive that your employer did'nt offer to restitute your lost pay. For me that is un acceptable, ''so euh...we tested your psy and concluded that you are not a threath. sorry, have a nice day''.

Proper attitude would have been to just have a conversation with you about a potential problem BEFORE going bonkers on you.

Sit back tonight before you go to sleep, grab a peice of paper and a pen and ask this to yourself and write down :

What do I need to do right now that I feel will not make me regret later on that I did'nt do.

If you can live with that then all I can add is : I'll say see you on the field.

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Old May 3rd, 2011, 20:17   #177
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Originally Posted by ArcticFox1984 View Post
They offer the same menu in Toronto; 2 slices of wonder bread and a slice of gov'y cheese.

Seems cruel and unusual.

They could at least fry it up with some butter and serve it with Ketchup
I've eaten alot of government cheese in my lifetime, and not once have I been able too get it too melt, I've tryed taking a lighter too it, and it will not melt, ive tryed leaving it in the sun, its get hard, but it does not melt, what the hell is it made out of ?
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Old May 3rd, 2011, 20:20   #178
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you necroed this thread for government sponsored cheese?
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Old May 3rd, 2011, 21:13   #179
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Man, your fellow employees/employer REALLY don't like you eh? Being forced to see a psychiatrist by your boss is really serious. That's why I always try to have the fewest amount of people hate me when I'm at a workplace.

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