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Would you Buy the Socom Gear Cheytec M200?


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Old January 14th, 2011, 16:39   #1
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Would you Buy the Socom Gear Cheytec M200?

So, was just checking out Redwolfs Vids and saw their new vid of the Socom Gear m200 Intervention, would anyone actually go buy one? its hell of a lot of money and its hugeee which in my opinion, not exactly feasible for skirmishes but maybe for milsims? even milsim wise, its not like your gun can shoot 1.6km =.=

what do ya think guys? would you guys buy it to actually go play it in a game?
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Old January 14th, 2011, 17:00   #2
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Anyone who buys this would not be gaming it, it'd be for collection purposes.
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Old January 14th, 2011, 17:21   #3
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Originally Posted by phloudernow View Post
So, was just checking out Redwolfs Vids and saw their new vid of the Socom Gear m200 Intervention, would anyone actually go buy one? its hell of a lot of money and its hugeee which in my opinion, not exactly feasible for skirmishes but maybe for milsims? even milsim wise, its not like your gun can shoot 1.6km =.=

what do ya think guys? would you guys buy it to actually go play it in a game?
My Opinion,

Oh yes, I would... I'm large built, this would be almost perfect for milsim... There are only a few BIG caveats to it..

One: The operation of a rifle like this will ALMOST certainly require a good support team, this is a heavy rifle, a sniper switching positions after squeezing off a couple of kills needs cover fire or a co-ordinated defensive stance, from ALL members of the team. Which means under all circumstances, the sniper becomes the main team asset, and any strike or defense team members are likely going to have to have their shit together, this is a rarity, however, well planned teams are out there.

Two: People will not understand the value of this, so people will bitch and complain and berate it because they are not using it right. But! People can be ignored.

Three: The bolt's capacity, the gas is loaded into the bolt itself, and it uses the cartridge as an apparent expansion chamber. This means, shots are limited to the capacity of a bolt, not the individual shells. This can be remedied with a quick reload on the field by carrying a reinforced shell around your RED/TOP/GREEN/whatever gas can.

Four: AND I save this one for last: Price: at Redwolf's prices, oh HELL YEAH! but sadly, by the time this hits the store shelves here, its going to cost as much as a used car, or an engagement ring, or that trip that you've been wanting to take to that nice 5 star beach resort, this will make you go crazy, and then you'll end up getting your PAL and RPAL and getting yourself a real gun becaaaaause... its just smarter to get your rocks off that way.... This, unfortunately, we cannot stop or change so lets not get all happy and in a tizzy about this...
"This is my rifle. There are many like it, but this one is mine..." - Maj. Gen. W.H. Rupertus, USMC
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Old January 14th, 2011, 18:08   #4
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one of our guys just got one. wicked gun
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Old January 14th, 2011, 18:12   #5
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I think its mostly a COD fanboy gun. As awesome as it is, its really expensive and quite large. Only people who have the money and the extreme interest in one will play with it. I think its awesome, but ill never own one. Mostly due to cost.
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Old January 15th, 2011, 22:11   #6
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Originally Posted by sarosh View Post

one of our guys just got one. wicked gun
you sure thats the socom gear one? cuz ares makes one as well cept its not shell ejecting
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Old February 28th, 2012, 20:15   #7
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I feel like it should be used by a team of two. I'm strong enough to lug it around for hours, but that's not gonna cut it. It should be strictly milsim. Have the admin set them up somewhere, and consider them an obstacle to the objective. I'd love the challenge of delicately selecting cover while pressing the objective. Keep your f***ing head down and your squad tight. That's a good time in Airsoft. Make counter sniper operations a priority, and make those 14 year olds with their m700's feel useful. Those 8mm's reach, carry and hurt.
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Old February 28th, 2012, 20:25   #8
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I'd happily pay the cost to be the sniper/spotter in an objective based milsim. 'course you could do that with any Airsoft rifle. But somehow, this one's special. I feel like manning a 50 cal rifle and going for soft targets should be a big deal, as well as a treat for both teams. But that's just me. I'd happily pass up my m200 to an experienced player or vet to make some rounds count with me while I spotted and suprressed.
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Old February 28th, 2012, 21:15   #9
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Originally Posted by aZn_triXta07 View Post
Anyone who buys this would not be gaming it, it'd be for collection purposes.
+1 but I would have included a few swears and made a crack about someone having a small dick lol
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Old February 29th, 2012, 01:16   #10
Canadian Psycho
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A good friend has an ARES I believe, weights over 20lbs with scope. not to mention long as heck even with the stock couldn't pay me to carry it around a sim when I can use my VSR-10 with better range and accuracy.
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Old February 29th, 2012, 06:03   #11
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its shell ejecting is it not?

so before you move you have to pick up all your empty shells.

Even if its for the realism for a milsim, its kinda not that real if your picking up empty shells every time you want to move location.

Weight shouldnt be an issue, it just means you need to do more pushups, which just adds to your badassery! lol
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Old February 29th, 2012, 11:33   #12
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If it won't range out to at least 300' it may be a bit impractical. At 53" long it's going to be hard to creep around with.
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Old February 29th, 2012, 11:46   #13
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Originally Posted by Canadian Psycho View Post
you couldn't pay me to carry it around a sim when I can use my VSR-10 with better range and accuracy.
Exactly. I don't get it how many of the above posts talk about the guy with this gun being an asset; I don't think they are considering this gun actually shoots like crap. I doubt it can even go over the 200ft. mark with any kind of accuracy.

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Old February 29th, 2012, 16:40   #14
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Maybe not. But still, if you can be imaginative enough to make an objective for milsim, there's nothing wrong with setting two guys up in a convenient location to shoot from and considering them an obstical to the offensive team(s). Or just let them use vsr's. W.e. I just feel like because it's large, it may aswell be an emplacement weapon, and used as such. I'm not saying make them a team asset, I'm saying let em take shots at the offending team with mild accuracy at a slightly greater range. To add to the difficulty at the very least. I probably don't need to tell you how much more careful people are when they're told there's an asshole with a fifty poking around.
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Old February 29th, 2012, 16:46   #15
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Yea... I get what you're saying though. Not much of an asset if you can't hit a body out past 200ft. I'm sure with practice and repetition, you might tag a few stragglers. But outside that window you'd be useless. I'd like to be able to consider myself a collector one day, and owning a fifty (real steel and Airsoft) is on my bucket list. That's honestly my motive behind defending it's use. It'd be fun to say the least. There's no denying that.
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