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Help! I can't go to work anymore because of my youtube videos



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Old January 12th, 2011, 16:20   #76
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One of my first questions to myself would be "Who knows about or who have I told about my Youtube channel?"

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Old January 12th, 2011, 20:30   #77
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Hi, I'm back. It went very good with the psy, but it's not wath is important. You probably won't trust me but went I walked back to go home, there was 6 Montreal Police officers and two polices cars, a guy told me if I was "Simon" and they arrested me for charge of owning prohibited weapons. I was handcuffed and they put me in jail in an Ahuntsic detention center the time they went to search threw my appartement. They had what they call in french a "mandat", a paper from the judge to allow them to seize my WE M14 and look for other "guns". My girlfriend was there and answered their question. After their is an inspector that took me out of jail and we talk and he told me that the charge was dropped because it was an airgun. Nobody their knew what an airsoft was, I had to explain all about it, saying it was a sport like paintball. So I'm home now but they will conduct test on my WE M14 to see if it's under 500fps. It is, but I told the inspector that I thought the law was that it must also go over 5.7j but he didn't know that at all. Let me tell you that the first thing I did was to, on a complete voluntary bases, remove all the videos.
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Old January 12th, 2011, 20:38   #78
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Thats retarded! I would contact a lawyer. The evidence they had to arrest you was not sufficient. A video of you with the gun when their clearly shooting BB's, or nothing "appears" to be coming out of the barrel is not probable cause.
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Old January 12th, 2011, 20:48   #79
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wow man that sucks i hope you sue the tits out of someone and make dirty cash lol.

good luck.
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Old January 12th, 2011, 20:50   #80
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That sucks sorry to hear about your troubles... I would definately contact your union rep and tell them what happened since it was likely your employer that called the police... Also I would push for that stress leave now.... And tell the union you want to talk to a lawyer. Based on what grounds did the police obtain their warrant? Did you get a copy of it? Tell your union you want a lawyer and tell your employer that you are taking time off!! Get to your doctor and explain what has been happening... It sounds like someone you work for is doing everything they can to make your life difficult... Remember to stress that everything has been sorted out, that you've broken no laws and that if you look for a new job and ANY of this is brought up you will sue the hospital and your manager will be named PERSONALLY in the suit along with the hospital!

Again sorry for your troubles and I hope that everything works out for the best and that you get your stuff back...
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Old January 12th, 2011, 21:28   #81
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If you are lucky, it was your employer who called the police.
You can live the American dream.
Litigate and never work again.
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Old January 12th, 2011, 21:38   #82
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Originally Posted by jamuke View Post
If you are lucky, it was your employer who called the police.
You can live the American dream.
Litigate and never work again.

Of course it was the employer who called who else had knowledge if this incident?? Even if it wasn't the employer these are personelle issues and are to be kept confidential no matter what, so again your employer has violated your rights and acted inappropriately even if it was a third party who actually called the police, if they got the info from your employer. Also sounds like a coworker may be gunning for you, probably whoever had prior knowledge of your YouTube videos. And when you didn't get shit after the psych exam tried a different angle to get you.

My advice is do not let this slide and the first thing you should do when you go in is talk to your union rep. If you work a day or two then your whole stress angle could be blown. So talk to your rep, then go home sick, see your doctor and get legal representation.

Last edited by dirtdiver; January 12th, 2011 at 21:42..
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Old January 12th, 2011, 22:02   #83
Matt 'Maverick' Watts
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I was targeted like this at a former workplace 4 years ago. Take the advice, contact your union, get a lawyer, it'll be worth it.
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Old January 13th, 2011, 02:59   #84
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OK.... At first I was like, I'll give your workplace the benefit of the doubt (and not be a dick and litigate, ie. if you twist your ankle at someones private airsoft field you don't sue them, you just say tough luck I should have been more careful (unless the field was super unsafe with gopher holes everywhere to begin with)) but they've proven over and over again that they're really gunning for you and you've pretty much got cross hairs trained on you.

How are you as an employee though? Are you someone who has to shoulder the deadweight of the hospital? Someone who does their job no more no less? or what? If you're gone then they might really be screwed, sure you can be replaced but experience is experienced and some fresh kid coming out of school or whatever probably doesn't have the same built up expertise as you.

But I digress. What you probably need to do now is litigate, litigate, litigate. There is no other way really. You need to fight fire with fire and show them you're not going to be stepped on like a door mat. Draft up a professional complaint letter and send it via registered mail and make sure that it's received by the ADDRESSEE ONLY, include things like these matters are to be kept confidential and not leaked to personnel who have nothing to do with this or third parties unless there is a GOOD reason as is your right to confidentiality and once this is done and over with you don't want anything detrimental placed on your employment records or you WILL litigate for slander/libel/perjury (false statements placed on your employment record). Also since there is a record of the letter being accepted this is their final warning to cut the bullshit and do things properly or you will involve the courts/human rights commission (or whoever deals with workplace stuff like this).

Also from the sounds of the case, the police were involved prematurely so someone is definitely trying to get rid of you any way possible. I'm sure that they keep a record of these calls and such and you should see if you can get to the bottom of who's trying to ruin your life.

PS: Maybe you could get a "green card" from your doctor if you're stressed out enough.
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Last edited by L473ncy; January 13th, 2011 at 03:02..
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Old January 13th, 2011, 03:17   #85
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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See the psychiatrist, explain that it's like paintball, get evaluated as a normally functioning human being, go back to work.
It's an annoying problem, but it's not an issue unless your ACTUALLY a psycho gun nut lol
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Old January 13th, 2011, 04:29   #86
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Originally Posted by Sim123456 View Post
So I'm home now but they will conduct test on my WE M14 to see if it's under 500fps. It is, but I told the inspector that I thought the law was that it must also go over 5.7j but he didn't know that at all.
It's > 500 FPS AND 5.7J and you can reference the Canadian Firearms Programme website (and the Firearms Act for backup). However.... that said the police can come to whatever conclusion they "want" to but you just need to reference these things as written in Canadian law and not what the officers "think" the law is. BUT, what kind of spring do you have in there anyways? It sounds like you're more of a collector and plinker than someone who actually games (someone said you have some pretty strong springs in those rifles?). Just hope that it was an M120 maybe an M130 at max since there can be errors introduced from hop-up, ambient temperature/climatic conditions and machine accuracy/precision errors that may make your gun read higher than what it actually is..... And if you're shooting >500 FPS then the police may (wrongly) screw you over until you can show them the law is 500 FPS AND 5.7J. (Did you give them some BB's to test with? Cause if they got some .28's (or even .25's) to test with then you'll definitely be fine since they seem to think it's only FPS and muzzle energy doesn't count).

Emphasis is verbatim from the CFC:

These are air guns with both a high muzzle velocity (greater than 152.4 meters or 500 feet per second) and a high muzzle energy (greater than 5.7 joules or 4.2 foot-pounds). The “muzzle velocity” is the speed of a projectile at the instant it leaves the muzzle of a gun, normally expressed in metres per second or feet per second. The “muzzle energy” is the energy of a projectile at the instant it leaves the muzzle of a gun, expressed in joules or foot-pounds. Air guns need to meet both standards to be classified as firearms for purposes of the Firearms Act.
Source: Canadian Firearms Programme air gun fact sheet:

EDIT: I know lower down there's the whole "prohibited device" thing if the FPS is too low but again, hopefully you're running an M120 or M130 there.
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Last edited by L473ncy; January 13th, 2011 at 04:32..
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Old January 13th, 2011, 04:36   #87
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Originally Posted by Sim123456 View Post
Here is my channel

I do look very serious in some videos but it's the way I look, I can't really change that. I look serious. Maybe should I smile and wear a poster around my neck saying that these are airsofts guns. And how could I, with logic, be firing real prohibited automatics weapons in my appartment without cops comming to get me. There are no explosion, no sound of firing.

But at least they are paying me the days I will miss because it's them that decided to refused me coming back to work.

you deleted all your videos? damn man, that sucks hopefully you can go back to work soon without anyone thinking your a threat.
how can you help someone else if they're not willing to help themselves.
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Old January 13th, 2011, 04:55   #88
A-56 aka Mr.Hitman
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L473ncy, WE M14. Gas. lol

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Old January 13th, 2011, 04:57   #89
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Originally Posted by L473ncy View Post
It's > 500 FPS AND 5.7J and you can reference the Canadian Firearms Programme website (and the Firearms Act for backup). However.... that said the police can come to whatever conclusion they "want" to but you just need to reference these things as written in Canadian law and not what the officers "think" the law is. BUT, what kind of spring do you have in there anyways? It sounds like you're more of a collector and plinker than someone who actually games (someone said you have some pretty strong springs in those rifles?). Just hope that it was an M120 maybe an M130 at max since there can be errors introduced from hop-up, ambient temperature/climatic conditions and machine accuracy/precision errors that may make your gun read higher than what it actually is..... And if you're shooting >500 FPS then the police may (wrongly) screw you over until you can show them the law is 500 FPS AND 5.7J. (Did you give them some BB's to test with? Cause if they got some .28's (or even .25's) to test with then you'll definitely be fine since they seem to think it's only FPS and muzzle energy doesn't count).

Emphasis is verbatim from the CFC:

Source: Canadian Firearms Programme air gun fact sheet:

EDIT: I know lower down there's the whole "prohibited device" thing if the FPS is too low but again, hopefully you're running an M120 or M130 there.
He's referring to his "WE M14 GBBR" converted to an EBR version.
Just the intimidating looks of it would be enough for them to take it for a test, or maybe an excuse to play with it!
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Old January 13th, 2011, 06:49   #90
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To echo what has already been said,

Challenge both your employer and the police. Most importantly, DO NOT DO IT ALONE. Get a good attorney. Check to see if your union will provide one for you free of charge if not call around to different lawyers. Some will take the case and will only accept payment if you win and they take a certain percentage of the take.

Of course always remember that you did nothing wrong.

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In modern time this includes the internet.
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