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Help! I can't go to work anymore because of my youtube videos



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Old January 11th, 2011, 16:11   #46
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Originally Posted by AoiShikaku View Post
A lot of Canadian and US based companies always are careful of their employees. Generally it is of no concern to them about what you do outside of work, but many larger companies and government based sectors, such as hospitals in this case, believe that you should be representing the company while on the job and outside of the job.

As I have had years of experience as a manager, lead, senior, etc. role, I too have had to have talks with people about similar situations like these. Sure I have more of an open mind about things because of the way I was raised and where I grew up, but I can't speak for any other manager out there.

Looking at the video as a person who doesn't know anything about airsoft, I can see how people may become concerned about your situation, because a lot of people I know don't know what the sound of a gun really sounds like. They probably are thinking it is real because of the suppressor and from all the movies they've watched I bet they think it's real.

The best thing to do is have a sit down discussion about this with your manager/director with HR present. Explain to them what airsoft is all about and what your video is displaying. Keep it up for them to reference, but be advised that you may have to take it down because you technically are a representative of the company you work for even off work hours (some companies are pretty relaxed about it). Sure you might have to go see someone about it, but you can simply explain it to the doctor what airsoft is and he'll probably have a good laugh about it because he won't have to say a word to you. He/she will be happy enough to get paid by your company and not have to even talk to you.

If all goes well you'll be fine and will pave the way for everyone else in the company. I myself work with four other people who are airsoft players and they paved the way for me so now I can have my airsoft guns shipped to work and my CEO just has a chuckle about it every time it comes in for me. Sure he is a little bit more cautious, but when you see a 50" hardshell rifle case in my office who wouldn't be.... but we have a lot of weapons in the office out in the open... bow and arrows, airsoft rifles and pistols, swords, daggers, and a bunch of other goodies. =)
WTF? Where do u work? Lol... Sounds like a fun(if not a bit dangerous) place!
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Old January 11th, 2011, 16:11   #47
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What an absolute retarded situation after everything is said and done and you have everything on paper and your boss's realize they have made a grave mistake take all your copys of everything and contact a lawyer.

This sounds like it could be some spill over bs from the Arizona incident and some concerned soccer mom with more emotions than good sense or someone addicted to drama that just likes to stir up the pot because there own life is lacking something.

The fact that rumors are being spread about you because of this is again something I would mention to the lawyer and possibly even the shrink.

I'm generally upset this happened to a fellow airsofter and I wish you the best of luck and this is just my take but I encourage you to seek legal counsel immediately!
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Old January 11th, 2011, 16:34   #48
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God help the people you work with.

You might show up one day and mow everyone down with BB's!

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Old January 11th, 2011, 17:18   #49
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I've had a very similar thing happen to me at school. Not with a airsoft gun but with a raglan. It was a week after the school shooting in the us, mom and dad had just got home from shopping in the us and they got me a dark green long coat. I being a teenager and not really paying much attention to the news, wore the coat to school the next day. I got pulled out of class to talk to a shrink. He asked me about everything you would think you would, plus some more. After he figured out I was just a computer geek and a magic nerd, he kinda got sheepish. Still Dad got everything on paper and the school got a call from the folks. I made sure I knew the difference between a trench coat and a raglan, and the school learned the difference from playing it safe and discrimination.
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Old January 11th, 2011, 17:37   #50
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Didn't KnD get kicked out of school because he had a spool of wire in his bag and after seeing his facebook pics they thought he was making a bomb?
Originally Posted by Pinard View Post
eeyore, the more I look at your avatar, the more I find it looks like a vagina...
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Old January 11th, 2011, 17:48   #51
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Originally Posted by Eeyore View Post
Didn't KnD get kicked out of school because he had a spool of wire in his bag and after seeing his facebook pics they thought he was making a bomb?
Probably had more to do with being SE Asian and being profiled. If it was some gangly white kid with taped up glasses and a pocket protector with a spool of wire I don't think anyone would have taken a second look.

PS: Those were separate incidents, I think one had to do with facebook, another some BS with his dean/director, and then the wire thing not long after that which aroused so much suspicion....
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Old January 11th, 2011, 17:49   #52
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Originally Posted by Eeyore View Post
Didn't KnD get kicked out of school because he had a spool of wire in his bag and after seeing his facebook pics they thought he was making a bomb?
yet another reason to add to my list of why i hate facebook. shunn me if you will but ive seen it screw over many people.

and good luck to you my freind.
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Old January 11th, 2011, 17:57   #53
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Originally Posted by Styrak View Post
God help the people you work with.

You might show up one day and mow everyone down with BB's!
lmfao oh no the terror! that gave me a good chuckle
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Old January 11th, 2011, 18:02   #54
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Originally Posted by onemenace View Post
lmfao oh no the terror! that gave me a good chuckle
yeah lol. share the guns and make it an office party lol
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Old January 11th, 2011, 18:08   #55
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Everyone should have a desk pop..

no matter where you work

"Weakness of attitude becomes weakness of character."

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Old January 11th, 2011, 18:09   #56
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OMG... this is ridiculous... People nowadays are F***ing retarded. I can't believe this is happening.
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Old January 11th, 2011, 18:19   #57
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Asking for legal advice from this forum is a sure sign your crazy.

Want legal advice? Call a lawyer.

If your tight on money and cannot afford a lawyer call legal aid, they might be able to assist you.

Last edited by Rugger_can; January 11th, 2011 at 18:25..
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Old January 11th, 2011, 18:20   #58
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Originally Posted by Enjoi View Post
Can I work for you? lol
EDIT: Waiiiiit a sec... Your the dude who paid for my MCdeez after Splatters right?!
Yup.. that's me. We'll talk more about it at a game one day.

Originally Posted by teriases View Post
WTF? Where do u work? Lol... Sounds like a fun(if not a bit dangerous) place!
I work for a video game development studio. We use all of the weapons as props for our animation team so they understand the working mechanics of the weapons as well as the characters animations while having the weapon in what ever position they would like.

Originally Posted by Sim123456 View Post
Ok thanks! For rumors you can't imagine how bad it is where I work. A friend told me that I was absent of work because I was licensed after charge of stealing meds in the meal plate etc. It's a rumors working mill. Mostly old ladies that work there for way too long. Ok for the copies, I'll make them. My doc is not aware of this. I think I'll let the psy talk and see where he want to go with his questions. I'm not very rich to see a lawer and not very use too. I'll look what I can do
Most importantly just play it cool. No need to get upset with them or anything about it. Outside looking in is hard to determine if it is real or not because many people cannot distinguish the difference between real and fake guns and rifles.

However if the people you work for end up making such a stink about it such as rumors, or they end up laying you off (worst case scenario) it will be necessary for you to keep that video up on YouTube as well as the photocopied documents you receive. In an instance like this they are just playing it safe for you and everyone else in the company.

Sure you as well as many other on here may not agree, but remember it's a precaution thinking that you could potentially go postal in the company.
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Old January 11th, 2011, 18:42   #59
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You might show up one day and mow everyone down with BB's!
No offense but it's actualy the last I'll ever do now

If thing guet worst I'll contact a lawyer. I'm at full salary until this is over so if it end well I'll end up with a 2 weeks vacations free (well, nothing as real one). 2 weeks being the time this psy need to conclude and give his final thought. They even told me it was a great psychiatrist. I think they wanted to impress me. I'll keep you update for sure, thx for the support, very appreciated! Cheers! ASC rulez!
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Old January 11th, 2011, 20:00   #60
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I went looking expecting to see agressively staged vid and probly in appropriate remarks and behaviour at the workplace. But I'm not seeing that, and infact the opposite. Sorry you have to work with those people that have called you onto the carpet based on their own fears and unbased suspisions. But I guess there are those who don't know you personally and rumour mills are alway producing in a work enviornment. The nice part of that is in a few weeks your fame will be covered by the next layer of bullshit spread around. (I always thought that nurse was a tranny, big feet)
I don't spend much time crawling on youtube for AS but the new GBBR stuff looks nice with the Blow backs and thanks for posting them.
Change the field of view for the next set of Vids eh? The CCCP poster was ok but the pink car gotta go.

Last edited by Armyissue; January 11th, 2011 at 20:05..
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