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Help! I can't go to work anymore because of my youtube videos



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Old January 11th, 2011, 11:29   #16
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Here is my channel

I do look very serious in some videos but it's the way I look, I can't really change that. I look serious. Maybe should I smile and wear a poster around my neck saying that these are airsofts guns. And how could I, with logic, be firing real prohibited automatics weapons in my appartment without cops comming to get me. There are no explosion, no sound of firing.

But at least they are paying me the days I will miss because it's them that decided to refused me coming back to work.
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Old January 11th, 2011, 11:31   #17
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subscribed to your channel, and man that is a nice sniper for the cover pic of that vidio
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Old January 11th, 2011, 11:38   #18
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Are you dry firing that? Safety first! You should probably wear eyepro even if you've got a BB trap just in case there's the off chance that a BB hits a wall and ricochets back into your eye.

Other than that, MAKE SURE YOU DO NOT TAKE THE VIDEOS DOWN JUST YET. Remember what I said about doing wrong vs. the appearance of doing wrong. If you take them down now you'll just arouse even more suspicion. You didn't do anything wrong so don't take down the videos until this "investigation" is concluded with and you're back under the radar.
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Old January 11th, 2011, 11:53   #19
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Well yes dry firing mostly. I didn't take down any windows and the only window I can get close is because I'm at the last floor of a building with absolutly no neighbor that could actualy see me. I'm taking all the precautions so that nobodies see something that look like a gun etc.
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Old January 11th, 2011, 12:07   #20
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Explain that Airsoft is similar to paintball, but with different equipment. The whole concept is to play soldier. Be nice, explain the situation fully and everything should be good. If not get a lawyer!
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Old January 11th, 2011, 12:12   #21
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I already did the comparaison of arisoft/paintball. I asked what was the difference if I was filming myself with paintball markers instead of airsofts. But they are not professionnals, they don't know airsofts, not much about paintball, can't understand that it's not like USA here and that you can't just go to Wallmart and buy a gun. And more than that, how could someone would put video of himself with military weapons in his appartment. That make no sens, I can't be hidding completly prohibited devices and on the other side putting them on youtube... there's no logics. In Canada, when someone see something that could look like a weapon, they get so terrorized that they panics and cause all those troubles, without taking time to try to understand.
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Old January 11th, 2011, 12:20   #22
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My work is very aware of what I do. They seem to have no problem and my profession is highly regulated. I don't see the problem.

If you feel like pissing off your employer, get everything in writing, what, why, ...everything. Have them state specific policy section and verse and refuse to do anything until you get their request in writing. Anything they want you to do you should be a written request. If they want you to see a psychiatrist to justify a legal activity, get it in writing. When you do see the shrink, first thing out of your mouth should be "why am I here?".
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"Did someone lose a condom, I found it in my shit"
Lightfighter can suck my cock. Fuckin' thieves!

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Old January 11th, 2011, 12:37   #23
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Where is lawdog, I smell a case of wrongfull dismissal in the works.

My heart says sueing a hospital is very wrong....on the other hand, maybe they deserve it.
Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
you are going to die..

maybe not from this .. and probably not today... but I assure you, you will die
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Old January 11th, 2011, 12:51   #24
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This is kinda ridiculous if they actually watched all the vid's they would see on the first
M14 vid a BB came rolling by the camera at around 0:18. Seems to me a lot of accusation before all the "evidence" is reviewed.

Personally what Ive been thinking for my you tube vids is put a disclaimer on them. Like The "weapons" shown are air guns that fire 6mm BB's the are incapable of accepting real bullets.
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Old January 11th, 2011, 13:14   #25
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Originally Posted by teriases View Post
Oh shit.

I posted videos of me playing COD Black Ops...

Should I be worrying..? It's a game where you shoot at other people... Like airsoft....
You do realize that he's video taping himself shooting with airsoft guns... and your behind a bloody TV screen playing video games? Both are completely different things.

Honestly, this is pretty ridiculous. Hope you get it sort it out Sim. Best of luck.
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Old January 11th, 2011, 13:21   #26
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Ok this might not be on topic completely but for instance:

If u are plinking in ur own home, say in an apartment. Someone from another building was doing some leisure "spying" with a set of binoculars and happens to see you by chance thru a small opening between blinds, putting away a gun(not shooting it, but just putting it away in a case).

They call the cops on u. Could u sue that person for invasion of privacy?

Just thinking because of what was mention that ur careful not to be noisy and attract panic while working on airsoft. Even if ur careful, if someone is spying on u on purpose, they can see the airsoft guns.

Same thing for houses. If ur plinking or working on airsoft in the basement, ur neighbor walks by the basement window and took a peek because he was "curious" and saw the shit load of airsoft, panics and calls the cops... U get the jive...

*add* u can kinda think of the YouTube videos like "windows" to ur private life. Those videos are for Sim's own enjoyment and his friends. Like a windows in real life anyone can walk up and look and just "assume".

But then taping the windows etc might not be a good idea? It's like what's said sometimes if u hide something people panic more...

*ps* didn't someone in US got charged for indecent exposure for being naked in his own home because someone was spying and walked passed his house...?
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Old January 11th, 2011, 13:22   #27
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Originally Posted by Eien View Post
You do realize that he's video taping himself shooting with airsoft guns... and your behind a bloody TV screen playing video games? Both are completely different things.

Honestly, this is pretty ridiculous. Hope you get it sort it out Sim. Best of luck.
Of course I know, it was a joke. cuz u know. People panic on the sight of guns, and guns shooting(sarcasm).

That being said I support you all the way bro. Don't back down u didn't break the law or anything. It's wrong for people to "assume" things about u.
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Old January 11th, 2011, 13:38   #28
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Man, all I wanna say is that YOU ARE NOT WRONG, it's them (hospital), who panic about this, they shouldn't, but this is the new "Wave", the fear of guns, in Canada, which I don't know why :O

But why is there an "investigation" about a guy with airsoft guns and not with a guy with real weapons ? I mean that there is probably someone in the hospital with real guns !
Anyways, I support you and you shouldn't have had problems with this at first, but hey, you probably won't have problems after you explain the situation !

Last edited by Padkiller; January 11th, 2011 at 13:42..
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Old January 11th, 2011, 13:51   #29
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Originally Posted by Sim123456 View Post
Hi guys, I was sick and I was supposed to go working back tomorrow from a week of hillness brake. I'm working at Hopital Jean-Talon in Montréal but I was informed that now I'm not allowed by law to enter this Hopital without being escorted by security and that my presence is now consider dangerous. I'm must go see a psychiatrist tomorrow that will declare if I represent a danger to my coworkers.

That is happenning because of my youtube videos where I show my arisoftguns. I thought that it was legal to show those kind of video where I always explain that these are not real rifles, that they are hobbies etc.

Wht do you think?
Je pense que tu drevais faire un grief. C'est de la discrimination, sans comper de ton image publique qui est salit. Escorter pas la securité...ça va partir la machine a rumeur c sur.

Faut ben que ca serve a quelque chose un syndicat. Qu'ils te defendent sti!
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Old January 11th, 2011, 14:05   #30
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Originally Posted by Barf View Post
get everything in writing, what, why, ...everything. Have them state specific policy section and verse and refuse to do anything until you get their request in writing. Anything they want you to do you should be a written request. If they want you to see a psychiatrist to justify a legal activity, get it in writing. When you do see the shrink, first thing out of your mouth should be "why am I here?".
I think this is one of the best pieces of advise!
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